This forum not as popular?

hould we form a welcoming committee - I would suggest Clivex and Grasshopper

You had me bursting out laughing there OTB

But the idea of working with the ageing degenerate hippy that is spacehopper is enough to make anyone phone samaritans
t's no different that drinking in a pub for the first time. In my current local I was ignored for at least 6 month

Thats a long time down the boozer. You should have perhaps gone home for a bath t
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What always strikes me these days is the amount of visitors viewing the forum.

With regards to tipping competitions, what do people make of the idea of running a joint Galway/Goodwood tipping competition? Would be nice to get it nailed down with regards to format etc in plenty of time and give it a real good promotional push.
Guys - having a look in here tonight as we've got technical 'issues' which have rendered us grindingly slow for the evening.

Can I make a couple of points in the interest of balance in response to some of the points on this thread - would that be OK? Remove them if not DVDs.

We changed how we measure 'online' people a couple of years back so I doubt the measure is like for like. Our 'online count' methodology very diff than a few years back which may explain the shift some are reporting.

All our indicators on TRF reflect steady, sustained growth.

But traffic isn't necessarily the whole story and I think both forums have their own strong, regular user-base and neither site is necessarily 'better' than the other - such a call is individual and subjective depending on what people are looking for as Krizon points out (although DVDs and I will both obviously be protective of our own babies).

And can I publicly apologise for the opening comment on that 'Worst Forum' thread. To be honest I hadn't seen that thread until tonight - I'll remove it.

We're not into forum-wars (the lack of votes on that poll indicates our members feel the same way) and I'm more than happy for you to contact me directly DVDs ( if anything appears on our site relating to TH that gives you concern.

All the same - I'm pretty peeved that we were winning that fecking poll! :mad:

Cormack15 - TRF
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What always strikes me these days is the amount of visitors viewing the forum.

With regards to tipping competitions, what do people make of the idea of running a joint Galway/Goodwood tipping competition? Would be nice to get it nailed down with regards to format etc in plenty of time and give it a real good promotional push.

I took the initiative on a Galway/Goodwood comp last year, Trackside, and would be on to do it again. I would be much happier to do it, however, if it was part of an overall programme.

I would like to see a programme covering the major racing festivals, perhaps a weekend nap competition, and a best pundit of the year award for the person with the best overall record, both in these competitions and the contributions to the Today's Fancy/Horses To Lay/major race discussion threads.
Guys - having a look in here tonight as we've got technical 'issues' which have rendered us grindingly slow for the evening.

welcome to the dark side Cormack :)

Can I make a couple of points in the interest of balance in response to some of the points on this thread - would that be OK? Remove them if not DVDs.
Fine by me, but I hope you haven't taken my comments the wrong way, I was using your stats as a way of giving balance to the thread title, I wasn't being critical of you, in fact you should be happy I used your forum for the stats as it is because I consider you our closest 'rival' as it were :).

We changed how we measure 'online' people a couple of years back so I doubt the measure is like for like. Our 'online count' methodology very diff than a few years back which may explain the shift some are reporting.

All our indicators on TRF reflect steady, sustained growth.

But traffic isn't necessarily the whole story and I think both forums have their own strong, regular user-base and neither site is necessarily 'better' than the other - such a call is individual and subjective depending on what people are looking for as Krizon points out (although DVDs and I will both obviously be protective of our own babies).

And can I publicly apologise for the opening comment on that 'Worst Forum' thread. To be honest I hadn't seen that thread until tonight - I'll remove it.
Its still there? Out of interest, this comment in the last post
Please try to remember what ethos inspired this forum's creation in the first place, folks
What was it? I thought it was the same as here? CH4 was closing the forum down, and with only a few hours to do anything me and Daylight both set up forums (unknown to each other at the time) so people didn't lose touch, and both have elvolved from there. Daylight certainly never gave the impression it was anything different when we used to chat.

We're not into forum-wars (the lack of votes on that poll indicates our members feel the same way) and I'm more than happy for you to contact me directly DVDs ( if anything appears on our site relating to TH that gives you concern.

All the same - I'm pretty peeved that we were winning that fecking poll! :mad:

Cormack15 - TRF
Is talkinghorses still a censored word over there?
I'm not exactly sure about the creation of the forum(s) but from what I've read it was just as you describe it.

I've removed that thread now.

I think TH was put on our 'banned word' list after one of our members kept making repeated reference to it and, clearly, we're not in the business of routing traffic away from our site, I'll check. There are some strange words on that list however.
I think this forum is swell the way it is.

It makes me happy. I think the standard of analysis is as high now as it ever was.

Sure we have lost people like Desert Orchid, BrianH, Warbler, tdk, etc. But we have gained some very sharp minds.

The only criticism I would have is that there used to be a bit more banter here before. I think some of the sounder people have given up posting as people take things a bit too personally. I think twice before I type now, for fear of annoying some of the more mentally unstable on here.

I love everyone on here though, and would hug all of you if I were to meet you. I think some people on here could do with a hug.
I think this forum is swell the way it is.

It makes me happy. I think the standard of analysis is as high now as it ever was.

Sure we have lost people like Desert Orchid, BrianH, Warbler, tdk, etc. But we have gained some very sharp minds.

The only criticism I would have is that there used to be a bit more banter here before. I think some of the sounder people have given up posting as people take things a bit too personally. I think twice before I type now, for fear of annoying some of the more mentally unstable on here.

I love everyone on here though, and would hug all of you if I were to meet you. I think some people on here could do with a hug.
You'd need very long arms for me, these days, Bar!!! :lol: