UK election

Just thinking (since EC1 made a passing reference tonight) I believe he might have been the only person (in response to Clive who'd completely dismissed the idea) that Corbyn might end up as PM one day
Can't see it but it has shown what a disgraceful press in the country we have,it's unbelievable that everyone ignored their putrid lies,who would believe that Scottish seats will give may a small majority what the hell is going on..
I edit due to poor spelling, ask the moderator for the original posts if you think there is anything untoward.

I noticed on here before I registered that there are a few paranoid posters. Once the paranoia is spread by people, its believed. As a new poster, and my experience of reading previous new posters being driven away by such paranoia, I will cease posting. There is no point in posting on a forum where people drop to this level of accusation and so remove any chance of new posters ever being accepted.

I have many angles and points of view I would like to share but if this is the way people are treated, then what is the point?

All the best to you, get help though, for the paranoia, you are poorly, recognise it and address.


Get back on the forum,you're the one being paranoid if you aren't EC which you post and write identically then maybe my mistake,if you are him why would I be bothered anyay:D
Is it my imagination but is Amber Rudd dressed like a backing dancer from Jailhouse Rock?

Theresa May is toast.

Boris Johnson already said to be making telephone calls
Canterbury :lol: I see Theresa mays just beaten Lord buckethead!!:lol:

Sure I've seen Lord Buckethead before in the early 80's in some by-election.

Canterbury and Warwick, small population university cities

It's another crazy electoral night. First Brexit, then Trump, and now this mess where we have the irony of Scotland potentially saving the Tories
Can't see it but it has shown what a disgraceful press in the country we have,it's unbelievable that everyone ignored their putrid lies,who would believe that Scottish seats will give may a small majority what the hell is going on..

They were as hard against Corbyn as they were about Foot (the last true lefty leader?) back in 83, but the country have largely ignored them - a sign that their days of influence are waning.
The phoney May has been humiliated, but the icing on the cake is the Fat Man getting bulleted too. I can barely stop laughing.

If we get a soft-Brexit on the back of this, it might be my favourite election ever.
Saved by Scottish Tories, mostly remainers and Ulster Loyalists who don't want a land border with ROI.

We are finally through the looking glass.
They were as hard against Corbyn as they were about Foot (the last true lefty leader?) back in 83, but the country have largely ignored them - a sign that their days of influence are waning.

Robert Peston was trying to make this point (and probably missing it a bit I thought). It's not so much as the people rejected the mainstream medias talking points as he suggested, but that they're increasingly using new platforms to get their information from and simply missing them out. Also these new media platforms just happen to be arenas where they can reach out to fellow voters. It's no longer about consuming what we're told, but equally being able to speak too. In the past your own sphere influence was largely limited to friends and colleagues, that's no longer the case. The internet allows you to interact with people all over the country (no wonder Theresa May wants to build her own firewall and control it)
May refusing to resign and still banging on about stability.

No hubris there then. No wonder she got chased.
A very pleasing result and another remarkable event - whither and wither pollsters, Fleet Street, hard brexit, indyref2 and 'expert' analysis here, there and everywhere:)

Fantastic to see Fatso Salmond gone, slightly sorry about Angus Robertson as he was damn good opposition, ambivalent about Clegg, glad one of the half-decent Tories Soubry clung on

May's done for I'm sure but better the devil you know...?

Come on Labour, SNP, Lib, Green etc, hold your noses and get round a table

At the very least insist that the Brexit negotiations be carried out by a multi-party 'government of national unity'; after all we have been repeatedly told that this is the biggest thing since WW2
Labour only lost by 4,000 in my hometown Shrewsbury huge turn out,did some canvassing for them on Thursday at local school couldn't believe the replys I was getting I would say even being a staunch tory seat it was probably more the working class vote here that voted tory loads of ukip nutjobs in surrounding areas...a fantastic result another election they could take this seat.Ozgood i'm a staucn labour supporter,i wanted my bet to to go down the pan thankfully it did, still laid off my massive bet on the majority;),have also donate4d 5 grand to local childrens hospice as I promised if it was hung parliament,best election ever!!!:cool:Get rid of Abbott and MC donnell and the torys will be decimated!!
Looks like the young stopped the old farts as well,can't believe these results no seats safe now...
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Only one problem with that theory, Drone - the concept that a 'unity' Government could ever be put together! :)

Whatever happens now, there is no mandate to prosecute a hard-Brexit. DUP support might be conditional on a soft-border (then again it may not), but with a majority in NI voting remain in the EU referendum, there may not be the political appetite to stand-behind a hard-Brexit approach anyway. Besides, there is still plenty of scope for scheming, and I don't think a Tory-led coalition is necessarily a certainty, at this stage. Labour have jut pitched the idea of forming a Minority administration.

Even if May does form a Government, the Tory hard-Brexit posture, is more-or-less dead-in-the-water, I reckon. From here, it's just degrees of how much better the UK posture will get. If we could somehow retain Single Market access, I would consider that a proper result - especially so, considering how utterly unattainable it looked a handful of weeks back. As a staunch Remainer, I'd probably cash-out on that.

Add to that, the Yesser muppets are also in dissaray, and the threat of a near-term IndyRef2 has probably been buried as well.

The great big cherry on the cake, is seeing the Fat Man handed his cards. An inglorious end to a career spent pitching unadulterated shite/lies. I hope oblivion welcomes him with open arms.
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