UK election

Think I could predict the exit poll to roughly be 60+ seats that's from all the predictions seen,only polls that were interesting are pre event to me especially the survation one and howe they will explain it away..

Many people thought they could predict the last exit poll, until it came out, and egg slid down face.
Wether it's 26 or 106 does it really matter last time anyone with a remotest clue knew that poll was wrong they won't be far away with tonights..
No, most people believed the last election was a hung parliament, don't really know what you are saying tbh. When the exit poll came out then most did not believe it. The exit poll tonight will give the tories a win imo, but not what they should have won by initially, which is the whole point from 7 weeks ago.

Calling a Tory win tonight is not the work of an oracle really is it? Its blatantly obvious compared to last time.
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Of course it's obvious even they can't get it wrong this time,that's why i'm questioning the survation one as that was spot on at the previous electoon the bbc exit poll was wrong survations was bang on that's why to me it's interesting as why or whether it was deliberately intended to be wrong,it's worth knowing for future refrence when looking at these things..
The exit poll was spot on last time, hence its worth watching the exit poll tonight. The other polls are nonsense imo as they are taken before people vote. I always note things for future reference myself, if you don't then then what is the point?

I think any prior poll can get it wrong, but the exit one is the best.

Personally its clear the Tories win, but my heart would love Corbyn to win and then we could expect the same media led muppets opposing Corbyn as they do Trump, just because they got it wrong. The anti Trump people make me laugh a lot, non democrats who just won't accept what has happened, just like the anti brexit non democrats.

I think after this I'd like to see a Scottish referendum,where we vote instead of them, to see if we want them as part of the UK, I know many who are sick of hearing Sturgeon. So that would be a win win, we get rid, and they get out. Most folk I know would love them to go it alone, just to watch the outcome.

I say let them free, suits all of us really. Just watching them try to get back into the corrupt EU would be worth the vote alone. Why should they have the say all the time? its time the English had a vote. The largest majority of English people would let them go imo.
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Thought it was you EC back again thus the exit poll bluff,surely you're not a trump man as well now that's some sort of character change ;) saw the time in jail comment...daily picks been flying nice 2000/1 treble oyher week plus a couple of other beautys...;)
I don't follow that Gigilo, do you mean European Community? Exit poll bluff?

You have lost me by some way.
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New to the forum,posting like a madman and editing every post this looks a bigger cert than the torys must be you EC..
New to the forum,posting like a madman and editing every post this looks a bigger cert than the torys must be you EC..

I edit due to poor spelling, ask the moderator for the original posts if you think there is anything untoward.

I noticed on here before I registered that there are a few paranoid posters. Once the paranoia is spread by people, its believed. As a new poster, and my experience of reading previous new posters being driven away by such paranoia, I will cease posting. There is no point in posting on a forum where people drop to this level of accusation and so remove any chance of new posters ever being accepted.

I have many angles and points of view I would like to share but if this is the way people are treated, then what is the point?

All the best to you, get help though, for the paranoia, you are poorly, recognise it and address.

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Surely this can't be right :lol::lol: even if its wrong must be the biggest message ever sent out to the torys ever unreal snp 34 seats wtf I presume that means the tories could be on less..
Does anyone understand the snp seats does that mean the tories have won seats from them o their projections..
Looks like main shift is SNP to labour. ******* scots messing things up, they should've just fucked off in 2014. Sorry grassy.
This crazy country keeps delivering :lol:

Personally, I remember 1992 when the BBC announced Kinnock was Prime Minister and Gordon Brown was practically in the air flying down to London and hand turn round.

This is a MORI poll though, and they do miss

I think we need to invite another country to run us. 'Vote Canada' (to run the UK)
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It just looks wrong to me,but as we've all been saying on here she is a complete duisaster the press did a hatchet job on corbyn as well and still they are only scraping over the line looks like the tides turned probably end up with majority about the same I reckon..
1.6 A majority now could still be 30-40 yet lets hope its just around 10god they must be hated the torys never expected this incredible..
Heavy rain forecast for much of Thursday for much of the country, particularly the midlands and north; which - apocryphally at least - tends to favour the Conservatives

1.1 most seats and 1.25 overall majority seem value to me, for those that like to 'buy money'. For what it's worth I've just had a bet at 8.8 them getting 400-449 seats

It was no surprise to see shortening of the Labour markets following that 'experimental' poll last week that suggested a hung parliament, but it is surprising to see it sustained, as most polls since suggest it was very much an outlier; and those polls which do suggest a significant narrowing seem to place this tightening solely on a strong surge in voting of the 18-24 demographic, which in my opinion is too much a leap of faith

Of course, when betting head must rule heart. So whilst head thinks Tory, heart hopes for a hung parliament and a non-chaotic coalition of Lab, Lib, SNP, Green with Caroline Lucas as PM

Is that a squadron of particularly large wild boars soaring across Westminster I see...?

Just seen Boris Johnson trying to catch one,does it get any better than this!!!:)