UK election

Labour only lost by 4,000 in my hometown Shrewsbury huge turn out,did some canvassing for them on Thursday at local school couldn't believe the replys I was getting I would say even being a staunch tory seat it was probably more the working class vote here that vot:lol::lol:ed tory loads of ukip nutjobs in surrounding areas...a fantastic result another election they could take this seat.Ozgood i'm a staucn labour supporter,i wanted my bet to to go down the pan thankfully it did, still laid off my massive bet on the majority;),have also donate4d 5 grand to local childrens hospice as I promised if it was hung parliament,best election ever!!!:cool:Get rid of Abbott and MC donnell and the torys will be decimated!!
Looks like the young stopped the old farts as well,can't believe these results no seats safe now...

:lol: have heard it all now :lol:
Yes......probably accurate too.

While I'm anti-SNP, I have to acknowledge that it's a significantly brave and honest admission from Swinney. Far too many politicians are more intent in putting up a public show of "we're right and everyone else is wrong" [regardless of what they might believe in private] because they feel the media will jump on them for changing their approach.

Swinney is also the man who did the sums and privately concluded that Scotland couldn't afford to go independent. I wonder if he is considering where his future lies.

If IndyRef2 comes off the table, the SNP become even more of an irrelevance to UK politics. If another election is called this year they will be wiped out again.
Nicola Sturgeon is a massive loser in this. Whereas it was always unrealistic to expect the SNP to defend the high water mark of 2015 indefinitely, the fact that they lost so many seats to the conservatives and not labour has to be down to her myopic focus on IndyRef2. Had she been able to dial that back and say she'll wait until after the Brexit negotiations had concluded instead of trying to railroad the Scots into a blind ballot, I think its unlikely they'd have lost seats the way they did. She basically galvanised the Tory vote for them. When the dust settles they'll realise that they've created the opportunity for Theresa May to continue as PM and with Brexit. The two things that she was most set against. Her personal obsession with independence rather than the bigger picture has caused this
While I'm anti-SNP, I have to acknowledge that it's a significantly brave and honest admission from Swinney. Far too many politicians are more intent in putting up a public show of "we're right and everyone else is wrong" [regardless of what they might believe in private] because they feel the media will jump on them for changing their approach.

Swinney is also the man who did the sums and privately concluded that Scotland couldn't afford to go independent.

Whilst I have a certain sympathy for this argument, it's not much cop if Swinney does the sums, knows they don't work, but still gads about telling everyone it will all work out anyway, he's sure! He's as big a dipstick as the rest of them, though I concede this bout of candour is quite refreshing.

It's an untold disaster for Sturgeon. Still pissing myself about Salmond. :lol:
Laura Kuenssberg as TM leaves No.10, 'Is this strong and stable prime minister?' lmao !!

That's her bitterness not a wind up,kuenssberg is a tory did you see her sour face last night she was gutted another rancid biased reporter..
That's her bitterness not a wind up,kuenssberg is a tory did you see her sour face last night she was gutted another rancid biased reporter..

She was also responsible for putting out a few inaccurate rumours of Tory losses too from her sources, notably Broxtowe, Pudsey and Hastings
It looks like she is prepared to ignore the election, and use the DUP to drive-home her hard-Brexit agenda.
My household are delighted with the result.

My observations....

The problem the Tories have, is people know they will keep choking public services, regardless of the state of the economy, deficit, or whatever else, because they are ideologically opposed to strong investment in the public sector.

In short, the British public aren't turkeys voting for Christmas!

Also, the 'no deal is better than a bad deal' line was so vague, it really was a really terrible line. Any political adviser that thinks this particular one-liner was sufficient to sum up the entire British plan for E.U negotiations, needs to change professions.
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this election proves what many people knew beforehand

David Cameron was an stupid
Theresa is even more stupid than his former boss is
Corbyn is a rat

as Churchill once said
" the best argument against democracy is a five minutes conversation with an average voter"
Been doing some reading on the DUP. Northern Ireland must be a dark place where people like this get elected.
They'd fit right in with entire landscapes of American bible thumping, god fearing, Christian fundamentalists.

Good luck if that coalition comes to pass..
Been doing some reading on the DUP. Northern Ireland must be a dark place where people like this get elected.
They'd fit right in with entire landscapes of American bible thumping, god fearing, Christian fundamentalists.

Good luck if that coalition comes to pass..

To paraphrase an earlier post, unfortunately we here in NI are turkeys voting for Xmas.

Mind you, what a shitty choice we have - two completely polarised large parties and a bunch of more moderate ones who are being completely squeezed out. Kinda like Britain now except we've been like that for longer.
The result is potentially very bad for the NI peace process. How can the UK government now act as honest brokers in getting the Executive in Stormont back up and running?
May is all over the place.

She can barely string a sentence together today, and immediately jumping into bed with the DUP, smacks a little of panic......perhaps another manifestation of how poor her judgement is. There has to be serious concerns about her ability to lead the country.

The next few days should be interesting.
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The bottom line here, is that May has put on full public display not just the limitations of her personality, but also some absolutely terrible strategic judgement. The fact that she's a lousy communicator and both socially and professionally awkward was known. This so-called campaign of hers however was riddled with bad decision making and poor choices ranging from her messaging to the very decision to make it a war of attrition over seven weeks instead of a smash and grab raid over three

Once the conservative party decides a leader can't win them an election, they tend to remove them. I just can't see how on earth the party grandees are going to allow Theresa May to lead them into another election on this absolutely abject performance. She has eclipsed Michael Foot, and that takes some doing. In this regard, I think we can be confident that if it weren't for the fact that anyone taking over the mantle right now is immediately going to be dropped straight into the shark infested waters of Brexit, she'd be facing a leadership challenge today (assuming that she hadn't resigned by midday)

As you drill into some of the numbers though, other factors start to emerge, and these also should be setting alarm bells ringing for the Tories, and especially Nigel Falange saying he's going to return to take on the helm at UKIP. Labour needs to just drop back a bit rather than putting out stupid statements about forming a minority government. They can win the next election now with some clever repositioning and preparation, and that means Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn becomes a very real possibility.