Victor Chandler Chase 2012

I'm most interested to see what happens when somebody puts it up to Finians. I didn't like when he was challenged the last day he made a howler. If he is to step up to the top grade, he'll need to be able to mix it.

My sentiments exactly.

Tanlic, I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility if they go quick enough!!
Prices now stand as follows (best prices available):
Finian's Rainbow - 9-4F
Al Ferof - 10-3
Somersby - 11-2
Wishfull Thinking - 6-1
Gauvain - 8-1
Forpadydeplasterer - 12-1
Oiuseau De Nuit - 33-1
I'm So Lucky - 50-1
Prices now stand as follows (best prices available):
Finian's Rainbow - 9-4F
Al Ferof - 10-3
Somersby - 11-2
Wishfull Thinking - 6-1
Gauvain - 8-1
Forpadydeplasterer - 12-1
Oiuseau De Nuit - 33-1
I'm So Lucky - 50-1

Finian's is back out to a more realistic almost back able price. I'll stick withJohnson and Hobbs though!
Love it how in the build up to the King George all the quotes from the Hen were how this is Somerby's time, he's a three-miler now. Less than a month later, he's back at 2m.

She really has lost the plot with this horse & had he been placed and raced more astutely, would probably have won twice as many chases as he has to date.
2m is too short for him ideally, but ft cheekpieces are tried today and, given his head and allowed to use his superior jumping, could lead them all a merry dance and have them cold by the finish.
Ain't going to happen though if, true to previous form, she applies the blinds to sharpen him up, then has him held up to negate the advantage - as she did with the step up in trip at Huntingdon.
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I can see Finians Rainbow winning this relatively cosy from Somersby. Then the fall-out....Well what did Finians ACTUALLY beat. A novice in Al Ferof and a bunch of horses below the top level. "He'll need to step up on this to beat Sizing Europe blah blah blah"

Ultimately, i love Finians Rainbow, but if indeed he does have claims of winning a Champion Chase, he must be putting this lot to bed. I think he will, and the 5/2 on offer is very generous.
5/2 is looking a fair price for Finian's Rainbow. He hasn't beaten a great deal as yet and his form isn't the best but he undoubtedly has the most potential at this trip.
In about an hour the talk will be 'I can't believe it was 5/2!'.unless al Ferof has improved greatly I can see FR routing these if he dictates.
I wondered that James - was a horrible fall, but was too busy watching Finny through my fingers to see behind. Hopefully he is.

Well it answered the Finnys/Al Ferof question, and I hate it on the odd occasion that Im right about which horse is the danger to one of "mine" - would have been better if it had been the other way round.(though that was more profitable for me!!)

Cant see FR beating Sizing Europe on that form (though I also think hes a MUCH better horse left handed) - but where do you go with him?? I know Barry isnt keen to have to choose between BZ and FR - and nobody can blame him for that, but would you attempt to take him to the Ryanair... I cant believe he will line up in the gold cup unless it cuts up really badly?
Think Id be tempted to still head for the Champion...
Cant see FR beating Sizing Europe on that form (though I also think hes a MUCH better horse left handed) - but where do you go with him?? I know Barry isnt keen to have to choose between BZ and FR - and nobody can blame him for that, but would you attempt to take him to the Ryanair... I cant believe he will line up in the gold cup unless it cuts up really badly?
Think Id be tempted to still head for the Champion...

I thought it was a really average race by Grade 1 standards and I'm surprised that FR and Al Ferof haven't been lengthened to more realistic odds for their respective Cheltenham races. Although given what pussies the bookies are when it comes to pricing up some trainers horses maybe it's not too much of a shock.
I thought it was a really average race by Grade 1 standards and I'm surprised that FR and Al Ferof haven't been lengthened to more realistic odds for their respective Cheltenham races. Although given what pussies the bookies are when it comes to pricing up some trainers horses maybe it's not too much of a shock.

I take it your mean "poor" by really average ,if you do I would disagree . I thought it was a decent renewal albeit with out a superstar. On reflection it was quite a clever move by PN to run Al Ferof ,who I htought ran really well . As you say the bookies didnt react much ,except for Carols who put AF out to a very generous 8/1.
Al Ferof has generally shortened up or stayed the same for the Arkle after today with the sole exception of Corals , who now go 8's. This is probably due to it being clear that he is unlikely to go for the QMCCh.

I'm trying to get reassurance that he will do better on better ground but he certainly didn't have the spark today that he had on his chasing debut.
I take it your mean "poor" by really average ,if you do I would disagree . I thought it was a decent renewal albeit with out a superstar. On reflection it was quite a clever move by PN to run Al Ferof ,who I htought ran really well . As you say the bookies didnt react much ,except for Carols who put AF out to a very generous 8/1.

No. If I meant poor I'd have said it. Somersby is a nice horse but over that sort of trip he gets beat every time he comes up against a top class animal - see his efforts behind Sizing Europe.
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