What Are You Listening To Now?

I'll confess that I haven't heard too much of his more recent stuff, but what I have heard has struck me as being the musical equivalent of a middle aged man in brown cords trying to sound as if he's still in touch with "The Kids". Pales into insignificance when compared with The Smiths.

I have been firing our music collection onto our new MP3 player the past couple of days. Last nights gems included Pink Floyd, Queen, Simon & Garfunkel, Frank Sinatra, Thin Lizzy, The Walker Brothers and Stevie Wonder (Yes they are in alphabetical order).

The highlights for me were Fat Bottomed Girls, The Only Living Boy In New York and All The Way. Very, very groovy.
Originally posted by simmo@Jun 13 2006, 11:08 AM

The highlights for me were Fat Bottomed Girls,
I have loads of old Queen albums that i should get on CD really, the old stuff is mint.

One now, Pearl Jam. The best American band of the last quarter century.
Originally posted by Euronymous@Jun 13 2006, 10:33 AM
I have loads of old Queen albums that i should get on CD really, the old stuff is mint.
They are one of a host of artists whose music suddenly turned shite in 1980 (Bowie and Quo are two that spring to mind, but I'm sure there are more). They must have altered the amount of Vim they were cutting into cocaine at that point or something.
A tad surprised yes, but they aren`t your typical rock band.

Eddie is the best singer of a ballad i`ve ever heard, if his voice was a horse you`d have to rate it 140+
Witha bit of luck I will get to see Morrissey too at the V Festival.

Euronymous, Pearl Jam better than Pavement? Sonic Youth? Nirvana? Metallica? I can't have that.
Originally posted by PDJ@Jun 13 2006, 08:11 PM

Euronymous, Pearl Jam better than Pavement? Sonic Youth? Nirvana? Metallica? I can't have that.
Pavement were shit, i have Wowee Zowee and i`ve never listened all the way through it`s so boring.

Sonic Youth, not my cup of tea but very influential. Although i`d take the Pixies over them anyday.

Nirvana made one good album.

Metallica made the greatest metal album of all-time in 1986 but have been shite since `91.
Pearl Jam did one of the best albums of the 90s with TEN, much better than anything else in the category, except Throwing Copper by Live, a stunningly good album
Nevermind is over-rated tosh, much rather listen to some counting crows from the same era
Originally posted by Euronymous@Jun 13 2006, 07:49 PM
Metallica made the greatest metal album of all-time in 1986 but have been shite since `91.
...And Justice For All?

It's not even the best metal album in my collection (and I don't have that much metal)

I would opt for Electric for that accolade.

Last nights offerings were superb. Three instrumentals for you to get you chops round.

The Rise and Fall Of Flingel Bunt - The Shadows
Telstar - The Tornados
African Queen - Johnny Dankworth.

I would urge any of you who have access to those websites wot allow you to "try before you buy" to have a listen to the last named - tremendous stuff.

It also struck me how some songs are hugely evocative an era and a place, rather the more usual emotion or scenario. Notables include Woodstock (CSN version is best), anything by Bobby Rydell and Moonlight In Vermont (Sinatra).
I missed them on Jools t'other night, but this week Radio Times gives them 'full marks' - anyone heard Gogol Bordello/if so, are they as brilliant as the RT reckons? Any US-based Ukrainian-led punk/reggae band has to be a BIT different, surely? :lol:
I want him for 'Last Night of the Proms', please! Old battleaxes like 'Land of Soap and Water' would get a real blast from his skills - as they say on the site 'U R awsum' (which accounts for why it says he 'plyed' the Canon, as against played it, I guess). Terrific stuff, very Satrianiesque.
"I am Sorry I Haven't a Clue " ( no not Chaparse's autobiography) but on Radio 4 - brilliant