What are you watching

ive just started The Blacklist. I'm undecided really, not ready to give up on it just yet, but not in a mad rush to sit down for the next episode.

First two season's of Banshee were superb, Season 3 is out next year and really looking forward to this!
anyone seen the first episode of BBC new drama..."The Missing"..really good i thought..if not worth a visit to I player

there are 8 episodes over the coming weeks
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Didn't see it as James Nesbitt seems to pop up all over the place on the telly these days and I get confused as to what he's in where. Will check it out on iplayer. I'm fascinated by Grayson Perry's series on 'identity', but missed half of last nights programme. It was particularly moving last night as he encapsulated an Alzheimers sufferer in the form of one of his trade mark pots, but he also uses other art forms.
I'm sad enough to be waiting for IACGMOOH to start. Loved every one of those. Fascinating to see how a mixed group of 'Celebrity' types interact in such conditions. Not unusual for some of them to lose a couple of stone in the short time they are in there, so it is tough going.
Never watched that, Moe, tis true :lol: Don't watch any soaps either so maybe I'm not quite as sad as I thought.
Finished Ray Donovan. Enjoyable but many parallels to the Sopranos which is unmatchable.

started Fargo. First episode was very impressive compelling stuff
I'm sad enough to be waiting for IACGMOOH to start. Loved every one of those. Fascinating to see how a mixed group of 'Celebrity' types interact in such conditions. Not unusual for some of them to lose a couple of stone in the short time they are in there, so it is tough going.

Someone at work said Roy Keane taking part. We're trying to get odds on how many days before he walks out.
A few rumours flying around of who is going in, as ever, seems like the only confirmed one is Gemma Merna. I had to Google her and she was in Hollyoaks. Not a bad looking girl.

Not sure if I'm going to watch The Fall. Much as I watch anything that Gillian Anderson is in, I found the first series incredibly frightening. Storylines like that tend not to bother me but all the other women I know that watched it found it very disturbing; we were all checking that our doors were locked etc.
Had a hard day in work yesterday and last night to unwind I watched the last 5 episodes of Game of Thrones Season 4-very good stuff but too much to properly appreciate in one night.
Just finished on BBC2; 'Tomorrows Worlds; The Unearthly History of Science Fiction'. Part 1 of a 4 part series. Hadn't realised just how much sci fi I read when I was younger. Missed the first half cause I forgot it was on but it's on iplayer. Going to watch that now to see if it mentions my favourite; 'Pathfinders in Space'. [can't get iplayer to work; may throw computer out of the window in a minute...grrrrr]
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Couldn't understand why no one remembered it, but television was regional in those days, so it was only shown in the midlands. We used to act it out in the school playground. A sadly departed internet chum of mine knew about it; he used to write for Dr Who. Then, when I'd given up completely my son bought me a dvd of the whole series.
Had forgotten about 'Another Year' and that's not very old, think dementia is setting in :blink:
What a superb program that was, BBC at its best. Almost makes me think about buying a TV licence, but not quite as that's a mug's game ;-)
Imagine is a pretty brilliant series of programmes; probably filled the gap that the South Bank Show left. I still don't 'get' Mr Turner, though, and still think it was flawed. I've met quite a few people that have walked out halfway through, and an equal amount that have stuck it out but felt bored [like me]. Surprised to hear him say that it was made on a tight budget; it certainly didn't look so. I do, enjoy general really like Mike Leigh films but do often wonder why he doesn't just get his actors to 'act'. Was it Lawrence Olivier who said to [?]Daniel Day Lewis when he was living the character of one of his films roles 'why don't you just try acting, dear boy?'
Nice to see you still online Moe. Mr Turner does seem to polarize opinions. May get round to watching it myself, one day. I like the way ML operates myself, it's different and produces the goods. Marvellous body of work he's got. I believe Nuts in May is being shown again soon
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