What are you watching

watched "the eichman show" last night..excellent..why it was shoved on bbc2 i don't know with all the usual rubbish they have on bbc 1..it was so very relevant to issues we are facing today from islamsic extremists...the price to be paid for allowing mass murderers to organise themselves into powerful opponents is so relevant its unreal

Was powerful stuff and Martin Freeman a really great adaptable actor.
Was powerful stuff and Martin Freeman a really great adaptable actor.

Martin Freeman is the real star of Sherlock imo GG..his facial expressions and pauses are superb in that..last night he was superb.

what amazes about such as eichmann is the ordinaryness of person that wields so much power..just looked like anyone else..but they had such power without obvious physical or charismatic prescence...its scarey that people like that could have such power..but thats what happens when a group of monsters are allowed to shape the world around them

i was too young to remember the televising of this but it must have been extremely revealing to the world about the depths that man can sink to...they were monsters..and so are the extremists...but as individuals..very unimpressive
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Was trying to limit myself to two episodes of Game of Thrones each night but ended up watching most of series two last night/this morning. Now trying to hold back from watching series three [but I have got the book to read as well to stop my eyes going square].
Managed to stay awake for Wolf Hall episode 2 this week :) : Rylance very good, not convinced by Anne though. I didn't get to her in the book, I will go back and try again at some point, but watching the documentary recently where Mantel was doing some of the talking, not sure she would totally agree with the portrayal either although she was heavily involved I understand. Also love the settings and the lighting, really lends to the story telling.
Martin Freeman is the real star of Sherlock imo GG..his facial expressions and pauses are superb in that..last night he was superb.

what amazes about such as eichmann is the ordinaryness of person that wields so much power..just looked like anyone else..but they had such power without obvious physical or charismatic prescence...its scarey that people like that could have such power..but thats what happens when a group of monsters are allowed to shape the world around them

i was too young to remember the televising of this but it must have been extremely revealing to the world about the depths that man can sink to...they were monsters..and so are the extremists...but as individuals..very unimpressive

That's the thing about Eichmann and his like though, they were just ordinary individuals, some of them charming their guard and others, but what they did was obscene. I find it very hard to watch things about the Holocaust but wanted to see this as couldn't quite believe it took this long for some of the facts and footage from the camps to be that widely shown/seen. I know television really came into it's own in the late 50s/early 60s but seems now, incredible that it wasn't more widely seen 18 years after the war had finished.

Re Sherlock....ummm yes but Mr C hasn't a certain je n'est sais pas about him. He's very watchable. :p The ultimate star of that programme is the writing. It's very , very clever .
iplayer stopped working again tonight but thankfully started working again so I managed to see Count Arthur Strong and Wolf Hall; I was cursing the fact that I'd gone out last night and missed it when it was on. I am enjoying it visually and find Rylance mesmerising albeit still not having a clue as to what's going on. Lots of animals in; I think the monkey was in that Zoo series that was on last year.
...just finished Game of Thrones series 3....now got to wait till series 4 comes out on dvd in a couple of weeks....
Don't know if anyone is watching Banshee, but this season has been fantastic. Certainly don't think it will be everyone's cup of tea, but amazed it isn't getting talked about very much on forums etc. Easily the best of this seasons programmes for me.

Better Call Saul is also looking like it will be good, I was expecting it to be rubbish, but theres quite a few shots similar to Breaking Bad' and is nowhere near as bad as expected.
Got a week to go till I can buy Game of Thrones series 4 and can't decide whether to start on series 1 of Dexter [something else I've never seen].
Game of Thrones season 4; Tried to watch two episodes a day but woke up this morning needing to find out what happens to Tyrion....Going to have to get Sky to watch series 5 in April!
Had to finish off series 4 today. Just when I think something predictable is going to happen it completely wrongfoots me. I can't think of anything else that I've watched for 40 hours but am still as gripped as I was at the beginning.
I watched the second series of Broadchurch..didn't see the first series..thought it was really good...had to work out a bit what had happened in that series but it all fell in place.

I read some online paper reviews of it and some of the comments at the bottom made me wonder what the attention span is of some people. Seems a lot of folk criticised it even though it was clear they hadn't grasped the relevance of certain events in it..what was the relevance of the necklace some of the people asked..ffs did you actually watch it i thought.
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I just felt that it was trying to be The Killing and not doing it very well. Don't understand court procedure at all but people more knowledgeable than myself said a lot of things that happened in court were wrong. The writer just kept throwing more and more stuff into the mix; the sight loss/lesbian kiss etc that seemed pointless....just seemed to be padding out this series. I did enjoy the first series, though.
I just felt that it was trying to be The Killing and not doing it very well. Don't understand court procedure at all but people more knowledgeable than myself said a lot of things that happened in court were wrong. The writer just kept throwing more and more stuff into the mix; the sight loss/lesbian kiss etc that seemed pointless....just seemed to be padding out this series. I did enjoy the first series, though.

the lesbianing was a bit of padding really..didn't rate it mesen...if they going to have lesbaining it has to be two young fit women doing it to be remotely of any interest to me tbh
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Broadchurch 2 not a patch on Broadchurch 1 and neither anywhere near as good as The Killing - Scandinavian series.
Broadchurch 3 to come but according to internet sources , Joe was the killer , and that's that.

Going to miss Wolf Hall when it finishes tonight.
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Think the Miller/Alex combination is a good one but feel it should be more Cagney and Lacey'ish rather than Scandi drama [which; imo doesn't work with west county accents]. At the cinema tonight but will be itching to get back to watch Wolf Hall on catchup. If iplayer isn't working [which sometimes happens] my screams will be heard for miles. I'll have to wait till the S.O. goes home as I have to watch it in complete silence and darkness. It has a hypnotic quality. Then back to game of Thrones, series 4 commentary. Am learning all about lighting etc from watching that. Been fascinated with the ins and outs of filming ever since Bryan Forbes filmed at a house where I was living years ago [ran over budget due to the Cornish weather ie rain, rain and more rain so never saw the light of day....thought I might get discovered but didn't even get offered a job making the tea].
Wolf Hall; the execution scene was one of the most chilling things I've ever seen. Broadchurch writers should note that less is sometimes more. Clare Foye [sp] was brilliant.
Wolf Hall; the execution scene was one of the most chilling things I've ever seen.
Yes, wasn't it spellbinding !
So theatrical, yet very realistic. The removal of shoes for better footing; the tying back of the hair, that pirouette before the sword-swing.
Magnificent, it's still pictured in my mind's eye.
Yes, wasn't it spellbinding !
So theatrical, yet very realistic. The removal of shoes for better footing; the tying back of the hair, that pirouette before the sword-swing.
Magnificent, it's still pictured in my mind's eye.

That's how the swordsman actually did it., He hid the sword in straw in actuality so she couldn't see it when she reached the platform, and he said 'where is my sword, ah here is my sword', when he actually reached for it, her head turned towards his voice but he had stepped silently behind her to the other side before he struck.
On an historical note, Mark Smeaton did not retract his 'confession' that he had committed adultery with her. (Some say he was tortured, others say he plain gloated about it)
The others always denied it. Last night made it appear that he had some kind of anger towards Anne, but there is no proof that she treated him badly, in fact the opposite. Having said that if he did lie, he surely couldn't have thought for one moment that he would be shown mercy? Lady Rochford's evidence was most damming at the time. Karma got her later. (Sorry if that's a spoiler although not sure to what year 'Bring Up The Dead Bodies' finishes on? I am assuming Cromwell's end, in which case no karma at that point) .
For theatre lovers, Kenneth Branagh is to undertake a year long 'residency' at the Garrick Theatre in London. First production to be A Winter's Tale starring him and Judi Dench amongst others. He is phenomenal on stage, go and see one of the plays if you can. His Hamlet was the whole deal, no edits. I could have sat and watched it straight through again as soon as they had taken their bows. Dame Judi isn't bad either. Saw both of them in Corialanus many years ago. No idea what was supposed to be going on, but they were fabulous.