What are you watching

I do appreciate a beautiful garden.

Very impressed with that grassy

At home here, the veg garden is in full swing

Indoor strawberries are ready, carrots are up and the sweat pea pods are out
Jools was great tonight featuring an interview with Ellie Goulding picking her favourite performances on his show. Always liked her and her tunes and she came across as a really nice, humble person in this. Top TV. It's great the way that things can be slightly altered to fit in with the times we are going through now and come up with an even better way of showing things than the original.

Hope that makes sense as I've opened the second bottle of red now :p
The older I get the more in awe I am of John Mills as an actor.

He might have been in a few not-so-good films but he manages to steal just about every film he does appear in.
The older I get the more in awe I am of John Mills as an actor.

He might have been in a few not-so-good films but he manages to steal just about every film he does appear in.

Mills as Captain Scott is one the greatest films ever made. A master class in acting, with a very good supporting cast as well.
Murder In The Outback - documentary on Ch4 about Peter Falconio and Joanna Lees. She really doesn't come out of this very well at face value, but some of the alternatives being suggested to who did other than Murdoch did it are like something out of the X files, led by a former lawyer who was imprisoned for drug smuggling. For all the theories in the 3 parts so far , none of the defenders or Murdoch have got to the piece of evidence that convicted him. Interestingly in Australia no one can be convicted on DNA evidence alone, it has be backed up with something else. Not sure if that is just an Australian legal criteria?
I've been watching.. Big Brother: Best Shows Ever on E4 :eek: Will admit that I loved BB when it started 20 years ago and did make money trading on the specials market on it, with the help of DJ Sunset who was a master at picking the chosen one at an early stage.

Got a bit bored with the civilian one after a while though, but never tired of the Zeleb version, which was much shorter and more interesting. Tonight's show featured Big Mac (RIP) having a right whinge about his diet coke, plus much more including Jackie Stallone, yeah Jackie.
Watched Ambulance last night only 'cos Barry Geraghty put up on his twitter that he was in it. Last year's Grand National meeting, the two ambulance ladies who took him away, no idea who he was and googled him afterwards.... cut then to Paul Townend in the back of an another ambulance... 'is this your first time here?' he was asked. Bless!
One off or a few episodes?

There were three episodes I think - I’ve recorded it, not watched yet. Used to go to Salisbury a lot when I was there, should be mighty interesting. If they’ve done half as good a job of this as itv did with “manhunt” it will be brilliant

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I thought it was excellent. A friend works in the Nat West Bank where the policeman’s wife works and he said the actress’s portrayal of her was brilliant right down to her mannerisms.
When you watch it, you realise how incredible it was that so few got affected. It had the potential to devastate the city.
Like Chernobyl I found it difficult to know who was who and what was happening, which is, I suppose, the way it was when it all kicked off. Both series have been well received so perhaps I should have paid more attention.
I feared it might have been 'dramatised' a bit; but no, it was pleasingly understated and I thought the sympathetic portrayal of the down-on-their-luck couple who found the poison in a perfume bottle was particularly good. Fine acting all round
Always liked Coldplay right from their early tunes like Yellow, The Scientist, Clocks etc. so I also watched them again tonight. Fix You will always be a special tune for me as well.

Chris Martin seems like such a lovely, decent down to earth fella, not many of us about :)
Coldplay’s cover of the Viola Beach ( RIP) song Boys That Sing is wonderful, and such a wonderful memorial to the band who died so tragically not long before.

I didn’t mind Coldplay before then, but they totally won me over with that gesture.

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Brilliant film, well docudrama on C4(I think) Thursday “Touching the Void”. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend. I bought the book a couple of years before the film and was blown away by that and the film does it credit. Incredible true story.