What are you watching

I just caught the last half-hour or so of a film on Talking Pictures TV.

It's called Man of Aran, made in 1934, a faux documentary, and is supposed to be about the lives of the people of Aran on the west coast of Ireland at the time.

I've resolved to watch and record it the next time its on. I was totally gripped by that last half-hour.

That's an iconic film in our cultural heritage DO. Set on the Aran Islands off Galway it was widely distributed and viewed worldwide when we were craving for some post-colonial attention internationally. Just to be clear, it is not a documentary - full of spoofs. For instance, there was no shark hunting of Galway for a century at that time. Nice sweaters though.
Yes, I was so riveted by that last half-hour that i checked out the history of the film on Wiki. Lots of historical inaccuracies but considering the year it was made, no trick photography and CGI at least 50 years in the future, I was genuinely seriously concerned for the safety of the actors who, as I understand it, were locals cast in the relevant parts.

Incredibly atmospheric for its age and, for me, a must watch the next time it's on.
Finally watched the last ever Homeland tonight. Actually this series was much improved on the last few and they tied up the ending well.
I watched it to see how they concluded it, although find her hard to watch with the head shaking.. still think first two series with Brody were the best. She, Carrie, has got away with so much just beyond ridiculous.
I gave up at the end of series 2. Disappointed with the way it was going, along with her over-acting.

I've gone back to the very start of The West Wing. Forgot how good it was.
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That's reminded me that Green Wing is now on catchup; I was only thinking the other week about how much I used to like that. Plus there's a documentary about Lee Miller. And the Angela Carter National Theatre play last night was excellent.
I gave up at the end of series 2. Disappointed with the way it was going, along with her over-acting.

I've gone back to the very start of The West Wing. Forgot how good it was.

Love, love, LOVE TWW..... just brilliant , brilliant television. One of the very few DVDs I have. Love the episode particularly they filmed especially after 9/11. Has everything, drama, humour, intelligence, great cast, educational...and they mention Davy Jones amongst other things. :) Want to marry Josh Lyman and would have had his children back then.
That's reminded me that Green Wing is now on catchup; I was only thinking the other week about how much I used to like that. Plus there's a documentary about Lee Miller. And the Angela Carter National Theatre play last night was excellent.

I thought the Green Wing was hysterical and I don't find many things funny....every time I see Mark Heap in other things I think of him in this! He was so creepy but brilliant.
The hill that I will die on is that mid morning matters is the best/funniest of all Alan partridge series. Don't think there is a syllable out of place in it.

Enjoyed This Country and limmys homemade show recently. Didn't like afterlife.
Love, love, LOVE TWW..... just brilliant , brilliant television. One of the very few DVDs I have. Love the episode particularly they filmed especially after 9/11. Has everything, drama, humour, intelligence, great cast, educational...and they mention Davy Jones amongst other things. :) Want to marry Josh Lyman and would have had his children back then.

Mrs O and Orchidette are West Wing groupies. They actually went to the event in Dublin where they got to meet and talk to Richard Schiff and Josh Malina, among others. Word is Richard Schiff fair took a shine to Orchidette! (I think she would have preferred it to have been Rob Lowe.) They have the scripts of the shows and podcasts, etc.
Mrs O and Orchidette are West Wing groupies. They actually went to the event in Dublin where they got to meet and talk to Richard Schiff and Josh Malina, among others. Word is Richard Schiff fair took a shine to Orchidette! (I think she would have preferred it to have been Rob Lowe.) They have the scripts of the shows and podcasts, etc.

Okay I am seriously jealous........it's sometimes difficult to get through to people how seriously good it is... I started watching as long time fan of Martin Sheen, but all of them won my heart over. . Richard Schiff is running something TWW with his real life wife on twitter at the moment, but I am not very technical... just about to turn the DVD on as another rubbish night on terrestrial!
Just been watching Frozen Planet on Eden, wildlife docs being very much my thing, and in the ad break was hit with yet another Tombola bingo ad where they're having fun at some outdoor party/bbq type thing. I guess the reality of a group of waynetta slob-a-likes in mcd's with squealing out of control brats does not really portray the image they'd like. To say I dislike those bingo ads for retard 'gambling' is an understatement. That's type of market the bookies really like and why they push cartoon racing so much.
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Halfway through School for Secrets, a 1946 film (on Talking Pictures TV) about the boffins working on radar in 1940.

Very engaging.

Peter Ustinov was only in his mid-20s when he directed it.
I'm looking and I like but not hooked

MJ was a pretty bad boy himself, unless it comes out in one of the later episodes he is being painted pretty favourably

In credit to the show and American sports in general, the access to video footage is incredible

It's the only thing keeping me going. It's a beautifully put together documentary. Next week will cover him quitting the NBA to play baseball.
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I'm rewatching Wolf Hall and B u t B. What an actor is Mark Rylance.

Stretching to Podcasts: Recommend subsribe to Slow Burn, 3 great 8 parters on Watergate, Clinton's Sluttiness and the war between Tupac and Biggie. 3rd one is great as I knew nothing of this world until now.

Was putting Slow Burn off for ages because I thought I'd watched everything there was to watch on Watergate. An excellent series.
I'm having a Toy Story evening to myself.

Just watched the first one to get me in the mood and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Looking forward to TS2 now. One of the best films ever made.
I watched it to see how they concluded it, although find her hard to watch with the head shaking.. still think first two series with Brody were the best. She, Carrie, has got away with so much just beyond ridiculous.

I started this at the beginning of last year and then the last Game of Thrones happened and that just finished me for TV series for the rest of the year.

Began again from the middle of season 4. It's close to the top ten for me so far. I would say better than Ozark which I'm a tad disappointed with tbh.
I think the Pistons have a 30-30 maybe on Youtube.

Re Jordan and baseball. Sans the '94 strike he might have made it to the Majors in '95 but I doubt he'd have been anything more than a sideshow - I think 6 ft 6 is too tall really - too big a strike zone.
I think the Pistons have a 30-30 maybe on Youtube.

Re Jordan and baseball. Sans the '94 strike he might have made it to the Majors in '95 but I doubt he'd have been anything more than a sideshow - I think 6 ft 6 is too tall really - too big a strike zone.

probably the wrong thread but you cover all the major US sports Euro, i know F ALL about baseball

Who is your Mount Rushmore of US sports?
That's a tough one
Ruth, Gretsky, Jordan are easy but the NFL is hard. Like, Rice and LT were further ahead of their competition position wise than any QB.
Looking forward to TS2 now. One of the best films ever made.

Brilliant though TS2 is, I'd forgotten that TS3 is even better.

Today, not so much watching as killing time waiting for the World Cup Rewind programme, I played the Wii for the first time in probably over five years. I was a bit rusty at first - only played the golf - but felt I was getting back into it. I managed -8 for the 9-hole course. My record is -11. Only a couple of eagles, though, and no holes in one.
Watched Euro 96: the Summer football came home.... really interesting and what memories, and all of Wembley singing that song. Again so near and yet.... such a shame too that Venables couldn't stay on.