What are you watching

Remarkably enough, I also watched the first two episodes last night. Seems promising so far.

Watched up to episode 6 of Dark before giving it up. Too slow, even by Netflix standards. Could have made a decent 4 parter but 10 episodes was just too much for too little story.
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You've given up way too early imo, well before all before the time travelling begins. Like, Ulrich the poilceman who's son disappears in 2019 and whose brother went missing in 1986 - he ends up going back to 1953 and seeing his mother as a young child. Season 2 is top class.
I'm not at all ashamed to admit I'm loving the original Perry Mason and The Fugitive programmes on CBS Justice (Freeview).

Love seeing some actors in their younger days trying to break through. A recent episode of PM had Robert Redford in a bit-part.
I found Dark fine for a few episodes but after that I felt I needed a wall chart, as is employed in many mystery films nowadays. too much effort!
As big fan of Le Carre and the activities of Smiley, I'm bingeing on 'The Bureau' (Amazon) which has many of the same elements combined with superb acting performances. In French, subtitled, it is clever, believable with excellent character development.
The Brits Tennis Tournament thingy on the Red Button coverage starting at 5: good fun, some good tennis being played, some fun heckling from the side lines and Dan Evans with what I think is supposed to be a moustache! Heather Watson: how frustrating this girl is. She plays some absolutely fabulous tennis and then....if she was consistent at the brilliance, she would be top 5.
The Bridge, the original Swedish/Danish version on BBC4 and iplayer with the fabulous Sofia Helin as Saga, ably supported by Kim Bodnia as Martin.

I've told my daughter to watch it; quite envious that she will be watching it for the first time. the best of the scandi noir dramas imo.
I've told my daughter to watch it; quite envious that she will be watching it for the first time. the best of the scandi noir dramas imo.

Definitely. Have to say watching it for the second time, lots didn't remember so almost like the first experience of it. She is absolutely fabulous.
Just watched a clip of the 17yo who shot and killed 2 rioters in Kenosha,USA,and he held a (no doubt) sophisticated and expensive automatic rifle - and they call that civilisation?
Thank the lord, we don't have American gun laws.
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Just saw a clip of the 17yo who shot and killed 2 rioters in Kenosha,USA,and he held a (no doubt) sophisticated and expensive automatic rifle - and they call that civilisation?
Thank the Lord, we don't have American gun laws.
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A Matter Of Life And Death: on BBC2 this afternoon. Truly one of the greatest films ever made: intelligent, imaginative, thought provoking and way ahead of its' time.
I saw it was on but, much as I like the film, some films I just need to be in the mood for and I just wasn't ready for it yesterday. I think I have it on PVR anyway but it's on every now and again. Great film, as you say.
I know what you mean about being in the right mood for some films. The terrestrial TV has been woeful during the summer/lockdown , repeats of repeats of inane rubbish or some films on their 44th showing in the last 3 months with only the occasional gem like this.
Currently re re re re watching series 6 of The West Wing, always something new to pick up on when watching sheer class. Actually working from home so actually watching the racing... one of the pluses of days at home!
Yes, watched the final episode of The West Wing last week.

Makes me cringe all the more when I see Rump represent them these days.
And apparently he is a democrat in real life!

Yes a staunch one at that!!

Last night/early hours of today on Sky arts, which is Freeview 11 in my limited channels: a documentary about Robin Williams from 2018. So, so funny, so sad. I very rarely laugh out loud at 'comedy' but some of last nights was really funny. Some out takes from Mork and Mindy/Mrs Doubtfire, his non acceptance speech when he didn't win on behalf of Jack Nicholson....worth the lack of sleep.

Yes I have!! Thank you :) I am on most of the casts' twitter accounts. The spats between Joshua Malina and Bradley Whitford are really funny. Lots of tweets asking if can see the upcoming WW reunion somehow in the UK.

I have gone back to re watching series 2/3 ( don't like Mandy in the first series, don't like Amy either if honest but....) , last night was 'tapor...I KNOW what it means' :)
The strange thing about Amy is her muttering her lines as if behind clenched teeth. I've seen the actress MLP in other things and she doesn't do it. I presume she's either been directed to do it or she's met a WH aide who spoke that way and decided to copy it. She's always been the only negative in the entire series for me.

Strange, though, how so few of the cast ever made it big subsequently in anything else.