What are you watching

Sunday went to watch Chelsea Ladies against Man. United ladies football. My friend is a season ticket holder for Chelsea Ladies and being over 65, it costs him £5 a year. My ticket was £9 - I'm a United fan for my sins. We were in the 'Chelsea' end, me the only one with a red, white and black scarf. Really good atmosphere, some good skill on offer. Unite were all over them first half and led 2-1 at the break. Second half Chelsea bought on 2 sub and the game changed completely. All ages there, no swearing very noticeably or any kind of 'usual football crowd' behaviour except a naughty word said twice from Chelsea's manager in post match interview which was noticeably out of sync with the rest of the occasion, but really enjoyed it even though we didn't win which meant we don't qualify for Europe next year. Obviously skill level not near the men as a generalisation but very entertaining and a good time had.
Top Gun: Maverick. I felt the need.... loved the first film for all its' cheese. The 2nd doesn't disappoint. Sad too in one place, quite hard to watch in a way but very well done. See it on the big screen if you can. Amazing flying scenes.
Tried to watch Suits for the first time the other night. Gave up. Contrived shite.

Watched Nomadland on Monday evening. A Very interesting watch.
Pride, on BBC2 last night . One of my brothers told me to watch it. The story of Welsh miners helped during the 1980s strike by a group from London who called themselves LGSM, Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, taken to the hearts of the Welsh community for their fund raising efforts. A really heart warming film, wonderfully played by a very good cast.
'Once Upon a Time in Londongrad'.

An excellent Sky Documentaries offering about a Buzzfeed News team investigating the deaths of Russian exiles and their UK supporters, and how a pattern emerges of potential extra-judicial assassination by Putin's Kremlin (from Boris Berozovsky to the Skripals).
Midway through season 4 of Ripper Street. It's been excellent throughout. Such a great cast.
I'm early into season 3 of Spiral. It's not as good as the Bridge and I can't work out if the general incompetence of the police shown is poor show running or just part of the plot. Overall though I'd recommend it to anyone who likes Police dramas.
Spiral and Ripper Street are both pretty dark so I felt I needed some light relief. I saw the US version of The Office was on both Netflix and Prime so decided to give it a go. I never usually bother with American remakes but this one is actually superior to the British version, It's up there with Seinfeld. Excellent.

Don't Look Up - pretty average, tried too hard to be funny. Actually nominated for an Oscar. Meh
A Quiet Place - I liked this. It was original and I didn't get bored once, which is unusual when watching Hollywood films these days
1917 - Good but not great. Not really a war film guy tbh
The Hobbit. Reminded me of the most recent James Bond in that it was at least an hour too long. I didn't mind the LOTR films but this was guff.

Finished Ripper Street. Was excellent throughout and a decent ending, which is so hard to do.
I've finished 5 seasons of Spiral. It's one of the best Cop dramas I've seen, probably second to The Shield. Still three seasons left.
Finished Ozark. I liked it, but it's just outside my top 10. I just never warmed to any of the characters and the ending was a bit limp.

I watched the first four seasons of Better Call Saul back when the fourth season came out and my plan was to save season 5 for when 6 came out. I'm through the penultimate season now and it's such a contrast with Ozark because I care about Nacho and Kim and that's it's genius - how at it's inception do we get people to care about a show who's main characters arcs are known to us - create new ones. It might be as good as Breaking Bad. We'll have to see.

Boiling Point/Burnt - Two movies about cooking. I enjoyed both, mainly because I find the fast pace stress of the profession really watchable. It helps when you have leads like Stephen Graham and Bradley Cooper who are top class.
Spotlight - a sort of modern day All the Presidents Men. Set in Boston (which rivals London as a really great location for films/TV) during the scandal around kiddie fiddler Priests in the 60s/70s and how the story was broke. Excellent.
Up in the Air. George Clooney in fine form - I always enjoy watching him even in ho hum productions.
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Watched Dream Horse last night -the story of Dream Alliance who won the Welsh National -very enjoyable but don't expect anything close to 100 per cent accuracy.
I've been watching Suits for the last month or so -an unchallenging pre bedtime watch.
Bob Newhart on sky arts.comedy genius.
I remember the 'bus driving training one' when he says now wait until they are starting to walk down the bus,now clutch,brake,clutch brake
Do you see how they spin all the way to the back.always reminded me of my days of travelling to school on the bus.
Finished Ripper Street. Was excellent throughout and a decent ending, which is so hard to do.
I've finished 5 seasons of Spiral. It's one of the best Cop dramas I've seen, probably second to The Shield. Still three seasons left.
Finished Ozark. I liked it, but it's just outside my top 10. I just never warmed to any of the characters and the ending was a bit limp.

I watched the first four seasons of Better Call Saul back when the fourth season came out and my plan was to save season 5 for when 6 came out. I'm through the penultimate season now and it's such a contrast with Ozark because I care about Nacho and Kim and that's it's genius - how at it's inception do we get people to care about a show who's main characters arcs are known to us - create new ones. It might be as good as Breaking Bad. We'll have to see.

Boiling Point/Burnt - Two movies about cooking. I enjoyed both, mainly because I find the fast pace stress of the profession really watchable. It helps when you have leads like Stephen Graham and Bradley Cooper who are top class.
Spotlight - a sort of modern day All the Presidents Men. Set in Boston (which rivals London as a really great location for films/TV) during the scandal around kiddie fiddler Priests in the 60s/70s and how the story was broke. Excellent.
Up in the Air. George Clooney in fine form - I always enjoy watching him even in ho hum productions.

You have a good range of interests Euro and do come across some gems.

Loved the shield, so Spiral is next. Never heard of it
The Vietnam War on PBS America. Fantastic documentary television.
Homeland Series One only for the second time. Forgotten how good it was before it deteriorated into the Clare Danes Hysteria Show.
The Vietnam War on PBS America. Fantastic documentary television.
Homeland Series One only for the second time. Forgotten how good it was before it deteriorated into the Clare Danes Hysteria Show.
I think they tried to address Bipolar and how high functioning sufferers could be with the condition but I do agree it became too much about it. I was just upset that they killed off Brodie.
I think they tried to address Bipolar and how high functioning sufferers could be with the condition but I do agree it became too much about it. I was just upset that they killed off Brodie.

Yes possibly but we 'knew' from the get go the character had a condition, the later series turned too much into her being a ridiculous maverick and getting away with it.
Ditto re Brody. Lost the essence of the plot but has gone as far as could with the plot line. My Muppet called Brodie in honour albeit the Gaelic spelling! :)
Currently watching Crossfire on BBC1.....oh my god...talk about edge of your seat stuff! It’s so tense I have spent most of it hiding behind a cushion...:lol:. Keeley Hawes is excellent as usual.
I didn’t watch Inside Man tonight, but I did watch it yesteday and thought it was very very good. As you’d expect with a cast and writers like it’s got I guess, but it could have gone very wrong !! IPlayer tomorrow I think - last two are next Monday and Tuesday as far as I can see?

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Muhammed Ali on PBS America: ultimately a very sad tale of a man used but with multiple flaws came to be one of the best known sportsman in the history of sport. One of the very few to cross into the wider world from sport. I have to admit I don't like boxing to watch at all and was too young when he was at his brilliant best but do remember being aware of him and just thought he was quite funny when interviewed away the fight environment but this 4 part documentary was complusive viewing.