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And the BFG

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BFG on Cider :lol: Not a great example

The biggest flop of Spielbergs career was about special effects not acting and not even Sir Mark could save it.

I just checked it cost $150m and took only $196M take away the promoting costs and you're well out of pocket
apparently to a cost of $90 million to $100 million
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What’s your point?

There are an awful lot of people who only know who he is from that film ( I haven’t seen it, it’s too scary for my Sophie ( yep - deadpool/avengers all good. Load of giants? Nope) plus I love the original way too much to sully my view with a new version) - I just know he was the lead) doesn’t make it any less of a thing just because the movie wasn’t as successful as other children’s movies. You can’t seriously compare it to other Speilberg movies [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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I’ve just binge watched Life after Life on BBC iplayer. For anyone that has watched it, between episodes I flicked on Facebook and read about Magic of Light and you’ll understand why it left me absolutely wrecked. Beautifully made adaptation of what I understand to be a very good book. The sort of series that we’ll probably not get in the future when the licence fee is removed.
I’ve just binge watched Life after Life on BBC iplayer. For anyone that has watched it, between episodes I flicked on Facebook and read about Magic of Light and you’ll understand why it left me absolutely wrecked. Beautifully made adaptation of what I understand to be a very good book. The sort of series that we’ll probably not get in the future when the licence fee is removed.
I think Life after Life is exceptional. I hadn’t read the book but loved another by the author “When will there be Good News”

Ive been binge watching the first series of The Split again. Just to remember for this series. Beautifully written and observed.
I told my daughter to watch Life After Life but then warned her that it was terribly sad so she decided not to. I hope they make a series of the book about Teddy but I Wikipedia’d it so I now know what happens. I told her it was like a cross between The Time Travellers Wife and Atonement and sad, but not in a Never Let Me Go way which was traumatising sad. When something is really good I don’t want to watch anything else fir a while, I just want to stay in that zone. I thought the acting was superb. I read a Penelope Lively book years ago that was about ‘what iffery’ and it stuck with me. The thought that everything in our lives moves us onto a different path with different results. I once decided to hitch to London to stay in a squat with some friends ( no idea how I was going to find them!). My then boyfriend dropped me by the motorway with my suitcase but drove a mile or so, turned round, drove back and told me to get back in the car. We were together for 30 years after that. A serious example of whatiffery..Do many mares die when foaling? Is there any way of knowing if they are at greater risk? I know Rachael Alexandra came from a line of mares that seemed to have problems.
I think Life after Life is exceptional. I hadn’t read the book but loved another by the author “When will there be Good News”

Ive been binge watching the first series of The Split again. Just to remember for this series. Beautifully written and observed.

For some reason when reading it, I didn't like the plot summary for this so bypassed it , but I have read several of her books and can't remember if this was one of them? I really liked the ones I read, she has a good sense of humour, aside from other good points. Pity there weren't more of the Jackson Brodie stories adapted for TV, especially with himself Jason Isaacs cast. Could watch him all day. I think he would have made a really good Bond.

Talking of which, staying at a friends' for the week dog/house sitting and they have whizzy Netflix etc , so watched No Time to Die the other night, which I was a bit cross with self that I didn't get to see it when it was in the cinemas. I thought it was pretty good actually. Must admit fell asleep at some point for 10 mins possibly missing a vital bit of plot (!), the dog's up at 6 it's exhausting, so that's not the films' fault. They're going to have to, I'm guessing, cast a lot of new faces when they get round to doing the next one.
Making most of whizzy Netflix etc, then watched Zero Dark Thirty again. Have to admit in a strange way perhaps one of my favourite films, aside from the always excellent Jessica Chastain, just an amazing story very well told. Mostly leaving the politics out of it as well which enables the story to tell itself without getting bogged down.
Do many mares die when foaling? Is there any way of knowing if they are at greater risk? I know Rachael Alexandra came from a line of mares that seemed to have problems.

That was a real Sliding Doors moment on the motorway!

Possibly more than you think.
A very experienced vet told me many years ago that it's 'not good' for mares not to have their first foal before they are ten. That's obviously not a hard and fast rule applicable across the board, but he really thought it was not a good idea/best possible scenario for them.
When my mare, after having nearly a year off with an injury, then went wrong again a week before running, and the vet said I could give her another year off and try again, she was 9 then, I said no as would have meant she would have possibly been 11 before first one and it stuck in my head what that vet had said. She was just 10 when Rowley was born. He was a latish born foal mostly as she had twins first time and the vet pinched both by mistake, so had to wait for next cycle and go again.
A friend keeps all the Schiaparelli records who doesn't cover massive books and in the returns which are recorded not unusual to see at least 2/3 reported as dead. Not all during foaling possibly but can't tell from the records. Hannigan's Lodger ( the grand dam ) was found dead in the paddock one morning and the 'aborted' foal next to her. They didn't know cause of death though.
I get a bit obsessed with some series and can’t move on from them ( a bit like not being able to put a book down because it’s so good but then feeling sad at the end because you can never read it again for the first time) so last night I watched several interviews with Kate Atkinson and was relieved to find that I really liked her and related to her in several ways (eg she is an only child and loves objects; she rescues objects from her mums house because she says her mum is Zen like and just throws things away as she doesn’t understand how anyone can get attached to an object). I hadn’t realised she’d written detective novels and haven’t seen the tv series. She said she never described Jackson Brodie in the books so everyone could interpret how he looks in the way that suits them. Zero Dark Thirty was amazing. How one can be so gripped by a story line where you know the outcome is amazing. I must rewatch it. A friend of mine bred from her mare. She put mare and foal in a field with other horses and another mare killed it. I can’t begin to imagine how awful it must have been.
Definitely watch The Split but need to see series one really.

Watched The Courier last night with Benedict I wouldn't say no if he didn't smoke Cumberbatch: what an amazing story. Well worth a watch if not seen.
Saw an interview with Jack Thorne on Sky last night so hoping The Virtues is on catchup as I missed it when it was on.
It's not specifically a t.v show (yet) but I will use this opportunity to shamelessly plug my local radio show. I also present the local news daily for this station at 10.30am and 11.30am.

I am presenting now as it happens!

Here's the link. Have a good laugh!

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