2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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Harsh to blame connections who probably rocked the boat by claiming him initially, and might get a lot of heat after this. Had Richard Johnson given up the ghost on the second, which few punters would have complained about, I'm sure Mighty Fine would have been allowed to coast home. It might have made a difference. I think the enthusiasm jumping those fences down the back showed that the horse was very happy doing what he was doing, and I don think that he was feeling his busy couple of months. I suppose better one day as a lion... Sad end to a remarkable little story.
just read that Quito has been retired from racing. Now, he nearly deserves his own little chapter. Hope he enjoys some grand days out!
118 and out, fantastic effort.

Probably deserved more than "His good ball is long gone and the one he's got is only about the size of an acorn" :D
Youragasman (sp) in the nursery at Chepstow.

He was racing on his own and just went down..

I am wondering whether the problem they had a couple of years back with cranefly larvae has recurred
Gasmanfightsback Colin, looked like it broke a leg and that made it come down. Youragasman is that Ferdy Murphy chaser.
I would highlight that at Galway last year "only" two horses had to be put down all week....which was a big drop from last years worrying figures. Courses get slated for such bad death rates but Galway seemed to do something right this year....or (as is my opinion), like Cheltenham a few years back last year was just a freak year.
It rained this year Gal, tis the only difference,

Galway is a deathtrap on really fast going,

Who were the two?
Galway is a deathtrap on really fast going,

Name me a National Hunt course that is not? Last year there were around 10 deaths? 2 deaths per day....thats not uncommon in most NH summer meetings in Ireland & UK I would have thought.
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