2008 Arc

was impressive alright but would not have any from down the field in the Arc to safe my life, + she is by zamindar and I am convinced we will not see him sire an Arc winner so think she is a lay too (not that I do lay horses). disappointed with prospect wells, but cannot see any trial giving us much of a clue. slightly worried that SoF has not been seen out for quite a time now. bring on yeats for the Arc, Aidan!
Zarkava was so impressive that I'm worried she was asked to do too much after a layoff and with the Arc only a couple of weeks off.
There is simply no way Zarkava can win the Arc giving the colts a 10 length + start. Place lay perhaps.

A 120 rated colt would have won the race at least as well as Zarkava did; i think this is a case of people getting carried away by the style and ignoring the substance.

Youmzain, New Approach and Meisho Samson are all overpriced for me.

Can anyone please explain (again!) why Soldier of Fortune is the price he is compared with Youmzain?!

Does anyone know are many Japanese planning to attend? If so, now may be the time to back Meisho Samson as the Japanese will make the PMU, albeit not to the same extent as the year Deep Impact ran.
Andrew, are you daring to say that Youmzain is over-priced for a Group 1?;)

Soumillion was very confident of what he had under him, but she will have to be some filly to make up that much ground in an Arc.

I wouldn't actually say she had a hard race, but it was a bloody good pipe-opener.
she left no more than 3 lenghts in the stalls,
my figure of 121+ is allowing her 3 1/2 l for the start and the margin of the victory is 1 1/4l and not the 2l in the RP.

I think she didnt have an easy race yesterday, place lay material for me.
Her time was staggering, one of the best performances on the clock (and visually) of the season for me. Her acceleration was breathtaking and she was eased down before the line, she didn't have a hard race.

There are no exceptional colts running this year, they won't risk her on soft ground apparently. Anyone laying her is a braver man than me.
she was eased down in the last 20 yards after a hard race, hardly an ideal prep.

She will not drift, she will be shorter in the day, evens in the pmu.
I don't know how you can say she had a hard race, the only pressure she came under was to get out of the stalls! I'd say it was an perfect prep, running the quickest time of the Arc trials.
Surely, a hard race is what the 2-y-os at The Curragh experienced yesterday.

A prolonged battle in heavy ground.

The French filly had a bloody good pipe-opener, as I suggested above, I don't her coming under severe pressure from her rider.........I thought we had already come to the conclusion that French times are shite?!
Her time was staggering, one of the best performances on the clock (and visually) of the season for me. Her acceleration was breathtaking and she was eased down before the line, she didn't have a hard race.

There are no exceptional colts running this year, they won't risk her on soft ground apparently. Anyone laying her is a braver man than me.

Perfectly put.
There are no exceptional colts running this year, they won't risk her on soft ground apparently. Anyone laying her is a braver man than me.

You've got to go back to Dalakhani to find really soft Arc ground, the course handles September rain easily enough, its just a question of watering. And to be honest, can you really see them watering the week before the race, if it means there'll be no Zarkava on Arc day?
The weather forecast at the moment is not for a soft ground Arc, pity for Soldier.

The best betting approach will be to choose 3 or 4 to opose her in the PMU.
The weather forecast at the moment is not for a soft ground Arc, pity for Soldier.

The best betting approach will be to choose 3 or 4 to opose her in the PMU.

Do you know if Ladbrokes etc are going to let you back both PMU and SP odds again? If that's the case, even with the massive PMU cut, there'll be Deep Impact situation again, as I can't see her being bigger then 1.6 -1.7 here which is going to make a massive dent in the market.
Her time was staggering, one of the best performances on the clock (and visually) of the season for me. Her acceleration was breathtaking and she was eased down before the line, she didn't have a hard race.

any horse running that sort of time (if correct) will have had a hard race. if I remember correctly, SoF run the same sort of time last year and was, well, rather spent in the Arc himself.

I have to agree though that the opposition is hardly inspiring, so she might just be the best horse on the day again; but I like these trend-statistics, and as a filly and a Vermeille winner she has it all to do.

funny thing about SoF though that I know for sure that he is for sale as a stallion prospect, as been offered to a stud farm (among the usual suspects) I have good contacts with. Are they not bothered as they have too many anyway and would not have him as a sire even if he would win an Arc, or do they know more ....?
The last Diane winner owned by the Aga to run in the Arc was tailed (Daryaba) - another stat and trend for the guru´s and the last German Derby winner was stuffed too (Samum).

You can make stat´s say whatever you want them to - she´s the class horse in the race and a worthy favourite. Can´t help but think that Vision DÉtat would be half the price if trained by Fabre.
That's very interesting news Cat, puts a whole different perspective on the Arc betting for me
I'm not sure how far you can say that any horse which has been eased down near the line has had a hard race
Alleged had an extremely hard race in the leger against Dunfermline..still won the Arc

I don't care about the odds or having a bet in the race tbh..I'd rather just see an exceptional horse win the Arc..if one of the others wins..its just another arc..we have already decided it's not a vintage one..might as well have an impressive winner imo