2009 Arc.

I'd have everything I have on Sea the Stars for the Arc at 4/5 or bigger. It's very unlikely he'd run if the ground was unsuitable and yesterday showed for me he's half a stone better than Fame and Glory, and looked like he'd be even better over 1m4, or the further he went.

Clearly, I'd be delighted to be on Fame and Glory at anything above 6s, as something in the trials will need to dramatically improve, and I'm hoping that's going to be Cavalryman!
Incidently, who's going to Paris from the forum?

I know Hamm mentioned it to me, anyone else?
If the ground is good enough for Sea the Stars to run, he will it. If it isn't, Fame and Glory will win it. The four year olds and the fillies aren't in the 130+ league. The St.Leger will give a good indicator of Cavalryman's chances.
I wouldn't be rushing to back STS for the Arc. I'd rather wait and see if he turns up and what the going is like. A fast 12f in soft ground might leave him vulnerable.
I'd bet heavily on the ground not being soft on Arc day, whether it has soft in the description is another matter entirely and I hope Oxx realises this.
Scanning the forums I see lots of romantics - people with AP bets on Fame and Glory and Stacelita just like me who want STS to turn up for the sport etc. Sod that, I hope it's a bog and the aforementioned duo scrap it out like dogs with STS tucked up safe and sound in his stable.
Scanning the forums I see lots of romantics - people with AP bets on Fame and Glory and Stacelita just like me who want STS to turn up for the sport etc. Sod that, I hope it's a bog and the aforementioned duo scrap it out like dogs with STS tucked up safe and sound in his stable.

I wouldn't be rushing to back STS for the Arc. I'd rather wait and see if he turns up and what the going is like. A fast 12f in soft ground might leave him vulnerable.

Wouldn't think Oxx will have any hesitation missing the Arc if the ground is deemed unsuitable. The 15/8 on offer looks very generous.
with his temperament he will stay a strong 12f doing handsprings...does he really just look a 10f horse?..he looked more like a 12f horse just getting going yesterday

anyone doubting his stamina has absolutely no evidence to back it up imo
I think that the Arc is the greatest horse race on the planet, bar none. But I understand the value of proving different things. Sea The Stars would enhance his reputation further by conquering the challenges that the Classic brings more so in my opinion than by beating the same rivals that he has already proved his superiority over one more time. If the French had a stack of genuine challengers then this wouldn't be a valid argument, but have Stacelita and Vision d'Etat really shown anything that would suggest that they could come out on top of an on form Sea The Stars?

Of course I'd like to see him do both, but if Oxx felt that running in the Arc would have a detrimental effect on his chances of winning the Breeders Cup Classic, then I'd understand his decision to miss it. It is the same rationale that makes the English Triple Crown so unlikely to be attempted these days.
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The Classic in 10 years time might be deemed to be a class race again then when people look back at STS Classic win they'll 9/10 refer the reputation of the race now to when the horse won it.
The BCC is downgraded in many peoples eyes due to it being run for the past couple of years on a surface that the Americans seem to think favours turf horses.

There's not really too much merit in taking on Summer Bird, Papa Clem, Quality Road etc all of whom are inferior to Rachel Alexandra. Zenyatta IMO will be the only credible competition for STS unless they go suicidal early on and it will play to Mine That Bird's running style and Summer Bird's stamina.
I think that the Arc is the greatest horse race on the planet, bar none. But I understand the value of proving different things. Sea The Stars would enhance his reputation further by conquering the challenges that the Classic brings more so in my opinion than by beating the same rivals that he has already proved his superiority over one more time. If the French had a stack of genuine challengers then this wouldn't be a valid argument, but have Stacelita and Vision d'Etat really shown anything that would suggest that they could come out on top of an on form Sea The Stars?

Of course I'd like to see him do both, but if Oxx felt that running in the Arc would have a detrimental effect on his chances of winning the Breeders Cup Classic, then I'd understand his decision to miss it. It is the same rationale that makes the English Triple Crown so unlikely to be attempted these days.

I agree with much of this, but sod the BC, the Arc is the real race.
The Arc and STS threads are getting a little merged now, posted my thoughts on the Arc vs BC Classic on the STS one!

Only just read betsmate's thoughts, my post basically echos that!
I don't know why so many are dissing the BC Classic. For years it's been the holy grail for godolphin and coolmore. I find it to be one of, if not the most exciting races (in the buildup anyway) most years. This would be even more the case with a European superhorse.
If he misses the Arc I reckon they will go for the Champion and then decide whether to run him in the Classic .
The Champion Stakes at Newmarket is a tin-pot race compared to the Arc, BC Classic and Irish Champion Stakes.

Not according to Oxx . Oxx says STS needs racing or he gets fresh = a 2 month gap to the Classic might be a bit long . Champion would be slap bang in between.