
i'll make no more opinions on the forum whilst this sort of shit is alllowed.

We've heard that before:


EC, I've had plenty of run ins with you on here and I've had plenty of run ins with other posters on here (I've told Hamm he's talking bollocks and met him for a pint that evening and I'm sure I could do the same with DJ, Gearoid, Barry and Gareth). I don't mind that, it's part of a forum. I like reading some of your posts, particularly when you post your own speed figures as I like to compare them to my own.

However, if someone disagrees with your opinion, they're not biased, they just have a different opinion. I and others have said this a million times, if you can't deal with people having a different opinion to you and arguing their point coherently then perhaps you shouldn't be on the forum.

Apologies if this sounds preachy but one reason I've cut down posting on here is that a lot of these big race threads turn into you throwing your toys out because people disagree with you by citing facts.
I hope they don't restrict customers or David will have to come dressed as his sister...
Both very witty.

Besides, it's my girlfriends/brothers/friends sister.

I hope the pub doesn't have a Lancashire branch or Gearoid might not be welcome. :)
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Rather than putting people off posting, ec kept threads moving with a bit of passion at times. He didn't rush to agree with any mates like in some big playground and wasn't one for cliquey banter which is more likely to dissuade posters. Good northern lad who could take a bit of winding up too

Time to move on
Rather than putting people off posting, ec kept threads moving with a bit of passion at times. He didn't rush to agree with any mates like in some big playground and wasn't one for cliquey banter which is more likely to dissuade posters. Good northern lad who could take a bit of winding up too

Time to move on

Don't talk about EC in the past tense, please, clivex.

When we do move on it should be with EC on board. He makes his own unique contribution here with his analysis of time and pace and his considered opinions, and his tipping record is highly respectable, to say the least.

He is a man whose opinions I respect.

Except when he's wrong. And when he says he's up against Irish bias. :)
I think we now know after the Grand Prix de Paris why Murtagh gave up the Ballydoyle job. He lost the ability to nod his head semi-intelligently and say "yes, boss" convincingly during O'Brien's interminable (and effectively pointless) pre-race riding instructions. I seriously think O'Brien has gone down the dangerous route of believing his own publicity and thinks that these lectures enhance his "attention to the smallest detail" public persona. It just makes him look ridiculous.
I think we now know after the Grand Prix de Paris why Murtagh gave up the Ballydoyle job. He lost the ability to nod his head semi-intelligently and say "yes, boss" convincingly during O'Brien's interminable (and effectively pointless) pre-race riding instructions. I seriously think O'Brien has gone down the dangerous route of believing his own publicity and thinks that these lectures enhance his "attention to the smallest detail" public persona. It just makes him look ridiculous.

Given the meticulous, and almost certainly at times overbearing, attention to detail it's certainly understandable alright. I don't think it's some sort of public persona he's trying to foster, though.

I missed the pre-race buildup last night but unless he actually held up proceedings I'm not sure why anyone would want to take issue with his instructions or how it makes him look ridiculous.
I missed the pre-race buildup last night but unless he actually held up proceedings I'm not sure why anyone would want to take issue with his instructions or how it makes him look ridiculous.

My comments were based on the observations of Mark Johnson on Racing UK who had been watching the live feed from Longchamp: "...rarely have I seen Aidan O'Brien so animated in his instructions, we know he likes to give very specific instructions...for the last three hours, apart from when Ryan Moore has had a ride, he appears to have just been talking Ryan Moore exactly through how he wants this horse to be ridden, Marksmanship. It really does appear, just from the general body language, that [O'Brien] expects Marksmanship to run a huge race."

Horse proceeds to plod round in the rear, looking like he's got lead in his boots.

Even allowing for a bit of poetic licence on Johnson's part, it's not hard to picture the scene, based on O'Brien's past "form" for this sort of thing, and I happen to think it does look ridiculous. In the end, if a trainer wants to give specific riding instructions - as he's perfectly entitled to do - it shouldn't take more than about thirty seconds.
Nantucket Bay ridden tomorrow at The Curragh by Miss S O'Brien ..Anyone know if that is Aidan's daughter Sarah ?
Think it's her first ride too - imagine he'd be keen to put her on a winner.

He has another in the race mind ridden by the daughter of Jimmy Mangan (of Monty's Pass fame) Jane Mangan - been riding Conna Castle as a schoolmaster in Point-To-Points and won a Bumper on her first ride on the track at Cork in April, also finished 2nd in a Bumper on a 40/1 shot from just a handful of rides so wouldn't rule the other O'Brien runner out either.