Age of Reason

Second chances are something that depends entirely on each situation IMO - there are times where its a definate bad idea - and times where stuff needs to happen for you as a couple to move forwards. Only the people involved can make that decision too - its not always black and white.
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Gears: aren't there any speed-dating evenings round your way? You wouldn't have to be serious, just have a go to take your mind off the disappointment.

You could also sponsor a race along with any of the chaps on here (Hamm?) up for it - perhaps with a title guaranteed to fascinate the bird life. "Lonely Lads Looking for Lurve Maiden Handicap"? After all, some of you do seem to be a bit handicapped in finding the right fair maiden.
Moved my stuff out. Smashed the pictures of me and her, felt really good.

Was that wise?? It is always handy to keep a picture of an ex to show your grandchildren that you were riding this fine thing before you married the horse of a yoke that is their granny!!:D
Just been on a three day/night stag do in Albufeira with fourteen other blokes which really kind of brought home to me how much not having someone is missing out in life. We stayed in the old town area of the resort and it was an ideal couples place. Quiet, lots of nice restaurants and a really pleasant beach. Didn't help that the majority of the fellas I was with were married/engaged either.
really kind of brought home to me how much not having someone is missing out in life.

Awww brings a tear to the eye

But look at it from the possible other persons point of view and how lucky they are not to be lumbered with you

Its the least you can do to stay on your jack jones
That's the coming down feeling after a weekend on the sauce Euro! Commonly known in the south of the country as the "fear". A decent hug would sort you out! I'll give you a loan of Trudij for ten seconds :D
I am too awkward to be in a long term relationship, and too nice to inflict myself on someone... In fact, I dont think I have met someone I dislike enough to go out with.
Aww... I like seeing this rather kinder side of you chaps than you often portray on here. The winners of PIAZZA SAN PIETRO came in after the horse's win at Brighton and while I was pouring them out the fizz, Jason Weaver, making his presenter's nest in the winner's suite as ATR can't get a proper reception all the time outside, went really gooey over their 13-week old grandson. The bairn was sporting a tiny tee with GRANDAD'S HORSE - PIAZZA SAN PIETRO on the front, and he all but asked to cuddle the little 'un. Said how he'd loved those baby-cuddly times and even now has his two young sons, Mark and Tyler, climb into bed for a cuddle-up before he pushes off for work. Really sweet.
Krizon you must have had some serious results at the speed dating!!! You are always on about it!!! I can just imagine you now sitting down and mesmorising those poor chaps with your witty repartee :D:D