Age of Reason

Travel with no baggage? They will think you are a dirty bastard

"not much success here". well they are going to ask why? Words like ugly, boring and creepy will come into their minds. You wouldnt go into a sales meeting immediately stating that you are fucking hopeless at sealing deals

Also play down where you are from. They will have an image of a fat pie eater in a Man utd top

More seriously "like the look of" is not very appealing to women. Sound like you are shopping at B&Q. try and focus on something in their profile which is a hook. Women are more verbal than visual anyway

Sorry, Euro, but Clive's hit all the right nails there! Jeez - 40, darling, you're in primetime, not your dotage. Might as well add 'own teeth and hair'. And yes, please don't make the ladeeze feel as if you've lined them up in a cattle market for a 'Passed' stamp on their rumps!

Try something a lot more positive like this:

Hi, I'm Nick, 40, slim, dark, and not yet wearing a paper bag over my head. Loads of interests like films, music, concerts, horseracing, and going out for good meals with fun people. And you are light-hearted, enjoy social events but also home comforts, would like an honest relationship with a sincere guy, right? If that's you, let's get together and see how we go.

My fees will be very modest when you buy the ring!
Maybe leave out that last line Euro ;) *

*before anyone comments - I do know that wasnt meant to be part of the write up!!

Kri - I seem to have a knack of attracting weirdos - can you do me a profile??!! PERLEESE???! !!
Maybe leave out that last line Euro ;) *

*before anyone comments - I do know that wasnt meant to be part of the write up!!

Kri - I seem to have a knack of attracting weirdos - can you do me a profile??!! PERLEESE???! !!

Is that how you classified Gearoid and I? I am suitably miffed!! I was about to stop stalking you but may have to reconsider now:whistle:
Here Here OTB. You and me have been the victims of some of the most uncensored pornographic text messages known to man yet we are the weirdos. Girls who put you down like that deserve a severe riding. When she instantly falls in love and wants you to hold her afterwards immediatly get up, wipe your cock off her curtains and leave.
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Is that how you classified Gearoid and I? I am suitably miffed!! I was about to stop stalking you but may have to reconsider now:whistle:

I only said it was a knack - not that it happened every time ;)

Here Here OTB. You and me have been the victims of some of the most uncensored pornographic text messages known to man yet we are the weirdos. Girls who put you down like that deserve a severe riding. When she instantly falls in love and wants you to hold her afterwards immediatly get up, wipe your cock off her curtains and leave.

LOL !!!
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Here Here OTB. You and me have been the victims of some of the most uncensored pornographic text messages known to man yet we are the weirdos. Girls who put you down like that deserve a severe riding. When she instantly falls in love and wants you to hold her afterwards immediatly get up, wipe your cock off her curtains and leave.

Once was SHOWN an ad on gumtree in the women seeking men section which went roughly as follows:

Tall,tanned, brunette US business woman in early 30's, love to wear lingerie and nothing gives me more pleasure than pleasing a man. Am in London for two days business next week and would love to meet a man for no strings good time.

Needless to say the ad got 123,454 responses!:rolleyes:

Not recommending an exact copy of this Trudij but I'm working on something for you!:)
Hi, I'm Nick, 40, slim, dark, and not yet wearing a paper bag over my head. Loads of interests like films, music, concerts, horseracing, and going out for good meals with fun people. And you are light-hearted, enjoy social events but also home comforts, would like an honest relationship with a sincere guy, right? If that's you, let's get together and see how we go.

This is good. But should I have it on my profile page or make it the message I send the ladies?
Euro - 5 to 1 men to women as a gambling man gives you little chance. There must be some sites with a better ratio surely.. think Kri's attempt is good - I would add sincere in there somewhere...
It doesn't help that I don't photograph well. A woman I work with is on there and she said I look a lot better in real life. I've certainly had relations of one kind or another with women at work over the years who wouldn't give me the time of day on a dating site. I'm generally OK with it but it's galling when you see attractive women with utter cocks - and being from the North you can imagine that happens all the time.
I wouldn't have thought a photograph would have been that important.... are women as shallow as us need a catch in your tagline or something that grabs the attention - an awful lot of these profiles look the same. Once you get one on one it's easier to close the deal - the difficulty with everyone on these sites I would imagine is getting to that point. Apologies for the shite advice but I find this whole approach to dating absolutely fascinating and it is becoming THE way of meeting and attracting people of the opposite sex. Any marketing gurus on here?
I wouldn't have thought a photograph would have been that important.... are women as shallow as us need a catch in your tagline or something that grabs the attention - an awful lot of these profiles look the same. Once you get one on one it's easier to close the deal - the difficulty with everyone on these sites I would imagine is getting to that point. Apologies for the shite advice but I find this whole approach to dating absolutely fascinating and it is becoming THE way of meeting and attracting people of the opposite sex. Any marketing gurus on here?

Are you fucking serious? As someone who has given up on woman for 2011 I am not in the best position to advise anyone but the easiest way to nail a bird is one to one. The fact you are on a dating site is a negative straight away. Go to a pub/club and be yourself. Bar a couple here and there there most of my notches have hit on me and I aint Casanova. Wearing a shirt and shiny shoes and having bucket loads of misplaced codifence with my pigeon chest sticking out is good for one ride (without even trying a yard - think Charles Byrnes non trier) every four months or so. Play the game. The last thing anyone should give the impression they are looking for is a relationship.
I thought Euro had got past the notches on the bedpost bragathon and WAS hoping for something more companionable than just another change of bed linen?
One leads to another. In betting terms getting a bird in the sack and getting in a relationship is a related bet.
Are you fucking serious? As someone who has given up on woman for 2011 I am not in the best position to advise anyone but the easiest way to nail a bird is one to one. The fact you are on a dating site is a negative straight away. Go to a pub/club and be yourself. Bar a couple here and there there most of my notches have hit on me and I aint Casanova. Wearing a shirt and shiny shoes and having bucket loads of misplaced codifence with my pigeon chest sticking out is good for one ride (without even trying a yard - think Charles Byrnes non trier) every four months or so. Play the game. The last thing anyone should give the impression they are looking for is a relationship.

You are in the throws of your youth SC, Euro and I are either side of forty - there is a different pitch that we are playing on. The Pub / Club scene is virtually non-existent once you pass 35ish. There are millions of single people in their late thirties onwards who are on the look-out - the internet must be the way forward for this crew. Living in a big city like Dublin or London gives you more options - I dont know Preston but would imagine the market to be on the small side. Friends of friends is always another way but can get messy and Euro, from previous posts, has exhausted all the resourses available to him at work so....
As unpalatable as it may sound, be nice to your friend's birds.

People care what other people think.

If Single Sally hears on the grapevine that you are a nice bloke and popular from a friend that has already bagged a man, you are a step ahead of the game.

I met my wife through a mutual friend. Off the top of my head, most of my pre-current mot shags were through common acquaintances, not pickups.

If you come over to these people as a prick, it will be next to impossible to bed one of their buddies. You may hate these women for dragging your mate away from the pub with you and into IKEA's lighting department with them, but they are your best allies.
Ask Debbie McGee (?) what women want ....

That slur is often banded about by ugly boring blokes who cannot pull. "Must be the money"

Bollocks. it misses the point. What grabs attention is not the materialism but the self reliance. Say that you are some mid manager at BT or local authority and their eyes will glaze over (with thoughts that you are a spineless gutless company man). Say you are "developing your own business" and bingo.
All I'll say with regards to advice is - it's the end of September, you're living in Preston Euro, this means one thing:

UCLAN Freshers Week - GET INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!