All Read Please

Originally posted by rumoursabound@Feb 7 2006, 12:35 PM
it would be simple to set your forum up as "if you can see this you can enter"

(1) It's not my forum

(2) I didn't set it up - only Col can do such things

(3) I'd have no idea how to do anything like that.

(4) Nor inclination
thou art a Moderator and therefore own a leg or some other part of the team.

Anyway, Brian,Ardross,krizon,galileo,songsheet,Col.

It would be simple to set your forum up as "if you can see this you can enter"
Helga was buxum young wench of yore.

Ardross Herr Flick?

More like Herr Cutt. :D
Or, for the benefit of Derek "Oi Scumbags!! Pee Off!!!" That should lend a certain air of disenfranchisement. :lol:
Ffs - Col decided that such a thing was necessary, did it and told us about it afterwards. If you don't like it talk to him about it.
it has nothing to do with not liking it.

It was a suggestion.

and a lighthearted one at that.

Simmer down chaps and take a pull...

PM's are a cumbersome and tiresome way of the mods contacting one another when there are problems on here - as far as I am aware there's no cc facility (this is where everyone tells me not to be so thick, of course there is.....!). On the one hand there have been several complaints that you don't want individua moderators making mass deletions etc and then, when Col sets us up a discussion facility that makes the job quicker and easier for us to avoid that happening, you all go off on one about it!!

It's just quicker for us to come to a more standard way of modding and setting board parameters that accomodate the vast majority!

Of course, the above is just a complete lie - really we are sharing top-class (even better than An's) betting info that we have no intention of sharing with you plebs... :P
Being no sort of techie, I wasn't aware that the "ordinary folk" were unable to read the headings on the postings in there, so I made one straight away headed "Confidential, Inside Information - Huntingdon".

Aha!!! It's the "Platinum Membership Section"......:lol:

I'd like to add that it's not all of us going off on one about it - :P - I couldn't give a flyer & I can't see the fuss meself!!!
my name is misunderstood from Farnham.

In my foolishness,i pointed out that it is possible to make the Forum (the new Mod one) visible to the Moderators only.

Of course if the software does not allow it then i am up shit creek without a paddle.

A usuably reliable source informs me that the new Mods only forum comes with enhanced smilies and a grammar checker.

Any further inside info will be available on a 50/50 co-op basis.
Originally posted by rumoursabound@Feb 7 2006, 01:52 PM
my name is misunderstood from Farnham.

In my foolishness,i pointed out that it is possible to make the Forum (the new Mod one) visible to the Moderators only.

Of course if the software does not allow it then i am up shit creek without a paddle.

yes you are, because it doesn't without a modificaton being applied which I don't have time to do :)

OK, the forum that is password protected isn't just for mods to talk in, its also there for any deleted posts or topics to be either moved to or copied to. As there isn't an easy way of seeing what has been deleted, if someone complains about something being deleted after it has been done it's very hard to find out what was said. This way the mods can all see what has ben done, and a discussion can follow as to if it was right or not, if need be.
Thanks for your time.

Can you chuck me a paddle please? :D

What has ben done? :)
Oh, flippin' 'eck, now I've got to learn how to move edited or deleted posts to somewhere else... I think we recall what happened the only time I tried a simple copy & paste! Sorry, guys, if the entire forum disappears for a day or two... :confused:
Wot? Another mod who thinks the entire forum needs deleting?? :o :D

Aha! Now I know which mod is Helga ...

(Vision: Krizon shouting "Come IN!!" whilst clad in stockings, suspenders and red and black basque with applied swastika motif ..... )

Thanks, Muttley. I was merely saying that I'd have some trouble in moving anything to the 'Protected Forum' as when I tried to copy & paste a previous item, I managed to delete the whole topic. By mistake. Accident. Unintentionally. Not meant to. Clearer now?