All Read Please

If he's a fan of democracy he should surely ask the forum via one of his polls whether they have confidence in his moderating.

When a highly intelligent and thick skinned man like An Capall refuses to post because of it, it shows just how much of an arse he (Ardross not AC) is.

I guess this will get deleted as you're not permitted to call someone an Arse on here are you, unless of course Ardross decides it's fine to call Carson or Thompson one.
Muttley - you're now banned for 7 years for taking my pee without my express prior permission. Any further pee-extracting incidents will result in the Death of a Thousand Editings.

(Sorry, Mutters, I was just getting More Than a Little Grumpy in view of all the tosh going on at present!) xxx
Regarding Ardross, as all posts that are deleted or edited are going to be moved to the mods forum, I can see no reason why he should step down. If he (or anyone else) deletes or edit's a post that the other mods think should have been left, then it can be put back where it came from.

It all comes down to different moderating styles. Hopefully with this new system in place we can all learn from each other. Let's give it a couple of months to see how it goes and if it still isn't working we can look at it again.
"It all comes down to different moderating styles" It's a bit more than a difference in styles when one person makes no deletions while another wears out three delete buttons. Quite a few of the old school major contributors to this forum are sliding away because they are pig sick of it. It can be so easily put right.
FFS - it's Col site and what he says goes. See the very first posting on the thread. Ardross ain't perfect but there'd be a lot less band width wasted if the sniping at him was eliminated.
I'm totally against a poll - George Dubya's won a poll on more than one occasion so I'll go for the benign dictatorship every time. As I can't see why anyone would be mad enough to want to be a moderator I'd automatically discard anyone who put themselves up for election.
In fairness to Ardross, there are more threads about how much he deletes things, than threads that get deleted. While I haven't seen everything that has been deleted, those I have seen, regardless of whether they deserved deletion, were no great loss to the internet community.

I don't see why his position as a moderator is relevant to the current who-ha about setting up a poll to see who wants swearing banned. A non moderator could just as validly asked the question.

Ardross has contributed positively to this forum for as long as I've had an association with it and I reckon it is fairly petty minded to pick up on his, occasional, over zealous methods of moderation.

I know he can come across as arrogant, self-righteous, inflexible, crass, pig-headed, intolerent, bigoted etc but ... well ... er ... there you are.

Anyway, Ardross for pope. Keep up the good work.


Well said Archie - could have saved me posting if I'd seen that.
Originally posted by archie@Feb 8 2006, 05:25 PM
FFS - it's Col site and what he says goes. See the very first posting on the thread. Ardross ain't perfect but there'd be a lot less band width wasted if the sniping at him was eliminated.
I'm totally against a poll - George Dubya's won a poll on more than one occasion so I'll go for the benign dictatorship every time. As I can't see why anyone would be mad enough to want to be a moderator I'd automatically discard anyone who put themselves up for election.
Couldn't have put it better myself. Mel's points are all very valid too, and I agree with them entirely. There is certainly far more sniping at Ardross going on than there is of what he is accused of! It seems a lot of the time that the man can't so much as open his mouth without being abused by several people at the same time. If Col was in any doubt that Ardross was as bad as many make him out to be, he would have removed his moderator status long ago & given him a talking to, I'm sure.

For God's sake - moderating is a miserable task, who on earth would voluntarily do it & enjoy it? It seems a case of they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

C'mon, cut the bloke a bit of slack would you, and try to halt the abuse?
Originally posted by DIVER@Feb 8 2006, 03:56 PM
"It all comes down to different moderating styles" It's a bit more than a difference in styles when one person makes no deletions while another wears out three delete buttons. Quite a few of the old school major contributors to this forum are sliding away because they are pig sick of it. It can be so easily put right.
But thats unfair as Ardross is on the forum a lot more than me certainly and I think the other mods. Who's to say if he hadn't deleted them or edited them, one of us wouldn't have if we had seen them first? With the new way of doing things every moderator will see what has been edited or deleted and if appropriate things can be put back, surely thats a better way of working things?
I would have no problem with Ardross at all if he would stop talking to me as though i was a recently discovered piece of shite. :D

and pay his debts. :D

I think that Col has the patience of Job and he is to be congratulated.
Well, I'm out of it now. You're all right, you have to be mad to moderate, and I'm saving the last vestiges of my sanity for more important matters than squabbles and personal vendettas on here.
JON you cant do that!! Your made for the job let common sense prevail ignore the knockers :o oh sorry will have to rephrase that :lol: being sexists now......

You have done the job excellently no complaints whatsoever............

I think only one mod was asked to retire or stand down but certainly not you............ from what I have read.......
jon, isn't this the second time you have retired / resigned? Is this some sort of record? I think we should be told.
Dave, I left the forum some years ago when Terry used to haunt it, and told me that my posts were inane. I thought he'd made a typing error and called me insane, which would've been terribly rude. Once I realized he really meant inane, I agreed with him about their inanity, and returned.

I've given up being a Moderator today for very slightly different reasons, but will continue to use the forum both inanely and insanely, unless I'm deleted in the meantime...
Jon, I think I'm getting mixed up with the time the rumour was THEY were going to make you a mod, and you went kicking and screaming to make sure you weren't. :D
I'm easily led into evil ways, Dave! :D Still, it's been a bit of fun up to a point. The rest of the team's still in place, so it's status quo bar moi. I just know that my rational liberalism will be sadly missed... <_<