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Arse Cup

I actually thought Lesley Graham confused him with the speed of her spoken English, and he thought she was talking about our 1,000 Guineas. I thought he said "I have no runners in the Guineas" and made no reference to the word French? She used to word French, and he failed to pick it up?
Fabre isn't the most talkative of trainers but it would have helped if Graham had referred to the French races by their correct names, rather than "the French Guineas".

If a UK trainer had been questioned last week in French about his entries for the English Poules D'Essai, he might have become pretty confused as well.
They were at cross purposes (imo). She made little concession to the fact that English is not his language of choice, and having drawn him into a misunderstanding, was either to polite or to embarrassed to seek clarification. In fairness, she probably only had a 60 second slot, of which half had to be taken up by Shirocco (it would be the height of inpoliteness to do otherwise). I'm frequently told that I speak too quickly for foreign language speakers so she has a degree of sympathy from me (but then I'm not a professional broadcaster/ interviewer). We can only hope that Fabre's acquiescence in doing the interview is a sign that he might be considering sending more horses over here this year, and certainly Newmarket's gushing presentation announcer appeared to be alert to the diplomatic sub plot!!!

I think its inconceviable that France's premier trainer won't have entries in the Guineas, and I'd just put it down as a minor Lesley Graham arse moment.
God I want to slap Chaparse tonight :angy: The horse is called Oodachee, not Ooooo oooooo oooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooodacheeeeeee :angy:
:lol: Thank God YEEHAA isn't appearing for a bit - if he starts on again with that one, I'm really, honestly going to put out a hit on him! He's beginning to affect the sanity of thousands - perhaps he's Osama's Secret Weapon!
He did it twice more tonight , Called Plantaganet wait for it Plan-tee-o-ganee and another horse at Kilarney called Mareoflot pronounced Mare of Lot -- Marie-o-flow .. I DESPAIR Jesus his history o'level must leave alot to be desired if nothing else . I await reprimand for critisism of those with learning difficulties
Seriously had enough of his incompetance . Gonna e-mail atr with correct pronunciation . :D
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 9 2006, 10:28 PM
Least it's not Thefieldsofathenry pronounced The-fields-o-fat-henry :lol:
Oh God he didn't did he? :lol: :lol:
See other thread . Report all Chapman activities . We need to get evidence to remove him
"The Fields o' Fat Henry" - yes, I remember the jumps jockeys singing that one a couple of years ago - lovely song! :lol:
More incompetence from radio 5 this morning.

John Myers stated that Luke Harvey's tip (Escompteur) won yesterday (it didn't).

He was then was immediately asked about aome miniature ponies that weren't Shetlands, that a previous reporter had spotted near where he was staying. "They're Welsh ponies", Myers replied.

This the same idiot who was asked a couple of years ago about why the Cesarewitch was called that - he didn't have the faintest idea.

The stupidity and laziness of Radio 5's trio of racing "experts", Lysaght, Harvey and Myers, regularly beggars belief. How the excellent John Hunt tolerates working with these pea-brains I really don't know.
what gets me about Chapman more than anything is his adding of a sexual innuendo to any horses name. I can be as ribald as the next red blooded male and can appreciate a good Richard-Hills-isnt-great-at-coming-from behind joke, but the vulgarity he puts into pronouncing Rory's Sister, The Wife's Sister, and any other mare with a female element to their name doesnt appeal to me. It might to others and I can just about tolerate that nonsense. What makes me turn off the channel and watch the races I bet on on-line is Chapman using the same voice where there is no sexual innuendo at all.

"David Duggan, at Killarney, will you be looking out for some ooooooodachee after racing tonight"

"If you like a bit of SUPREEEM JUSTICE, you should have been on today"

Tony Ennis, Gareth o'Brien and kevin o'Ryan are the only people tolerable to have on the tv with the mute button off.
Originally posted by Venusian@May 10 2006, 06:43 AM
This the same idiot who was asked a couple of years ago about why the Cesarewitch was called that - he didn't have the faintest idea.
Why is the Cesarewitch called the Cesarewitch?
The race was named after the then Russian Prince Cesarewitch. He later became Tsar Alexander II of Russia.

Named in 1839? Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooory!
It was named for the visiting son and heir of the Russian Tsar who went by the title of Tsesarevich, anglicised into Cesarewitch.