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Arse Cup

There was a good picture on p3 of The Racing Post yesterday of Willie Carson doing what he does best (being an arse).

Perhaps someone with the facilities could scan it in?
Channel Four's coverage of Chester, deary me. Who is this fashion expert? Do they think they're BBC1 at Ascot?

Mac and Tanya serve no purpose whatsoever.

Thank god I now have RUK!
Seeing the pictures on screen at work (fortunately no volume),looking at her I was wondering if they'd gone back to the 1960's.
Lesley Graham seems to think she's a cross between little red riding hood and Yvette Fielding.

Can we see the horses in the paddock for the Goodwood race? No but you can have a ghost hunt instead.
Ch4 are excelling themselves in the Arse Cup stakes this week. I couldn't give a flying fig what they or anybody else is wearing in Chester. I don't care where their 'fashion expert' got her manky coat from. I want to see the fecking horses.

I thank you.
Originally posted by Gamla Stan@May 10 2007, 02:06 PM
Lesley Graham seems to think she's a cross between little red riding hood and Yvette Fielding.

Can we see the horses in the paddock for the Goodwood race? No but you can have a ghost hunt instead.
Talk about on the cheap too - this is the second or third year they have shown this 'feature'. They will prob be still showing it when Lesley has grey hair! And it's bad enough walking around Chester after racing trying to to take in some architecture, and having to keep bumping into this eedjit and his cardigan-ed hordes, without having to listen to him when you're trying to watch racing!!

Btw this is no doubt yet another eg of the producer forcing Lesley to do this kind of thing [wasn't she born in or near Chester?] - I'm damn sure she'd rather not... They don't make the men do these idiot sideshows, I do think the women presenters should refuse en masse to be so dumned-down. I bet Clare Balding would say NO - if any producer were brave enough to ask her - to dress up &tc &tc
Big Mac for stating what a fantastic ride R Hills gave Maraahel at Chester and adding maybe now all the muppetts on forums who criticise him will now realise what a fantastic jockey he really is. Thought he didn't read or take notice of forums :laughing:
Originally posted by Headstrong@May 10 2007, 06:04 PM
They don't make the men do these idiot sideshows...

I refer you to Derek "Thommo" Thompson and Graham "GG" Goode twatting about on the beach at Redcar in bare feet with trousers rolled-up to their kness last season.
Hooooray!! No sexism for eedjitcy then [soooo glad I missed Thommo, what a horrid thought]

What really bugs me is how much these clowns are paid
= one could have a decent bet for their fees
Hmm... who was it on here who mentioned 'velocitous demuralisation'? :brows: People had their chance at Chester with Tommo, and blew it!

Not only what they're paid, Heads, but what charge for their extracurricular services. I believe Tommo's five grand for after-dinner speaking! And to think he gets a free meal as well!
Tanya's laugh just grates on me, I want some auto-mute device to come on my TV when she laughs. It's worse than McGrath's.
I've forgotten how poor their fashion experts are. She had a shocker today - fortunately telly was on mute all afternoon and got some good quality jumping on from Paris between the races :)
Is it the fashion nowadays to wear shrunken cardigans? shrug:: She'll catch a cold on her chest with that silly garment.
God help us,Chaparse in that freezer with Ryan Moore (although he did return to the sunbed afterwards).
Cringeworthy isn't the word!!
Originally posted by Headstrong@May 10 2007, 03:04 PM
I bet Clare Balding would say NO - if any producer were brave enough to ask her - to dress up &tc &tc
I wouldn't bank on it. She did a terrible piece swanning about Merseyside with Sue Barker for the Grand National meeting which employed every cliche ever written about Liverpool and its inhabitants and which was mercilessly savaged by Martin Kelner in his Guardian column.
You gotta feel sorry for Taaarrrrnya - she clearly gets paid an exceptionally poor wage. Not only was she wearing exactly the same clothes at Chester that I saw her wearing for the two days of the Greenham meeting at Newbury, she clearly can't afford the price of a whole Next suit as she was wearing the trousers on their own with a jumper & casual jacket shrug::