Yes I've cut out all gluten too. It's tough when I go shopping, like today I really really wanted some fresh bread but after staring at it for a while I walked away The effects of the allergy have got worse and worse over recent years. I can't tolerate pasta at all now, it makes me so ill. Bread I can just about get away with, it makes me slightly ill. I do find that if I do have something I'm not allowed then I'll feel the effects of it for about three days afterwards.Originally posted by krizon@Jun 24 2005, 04:38 PM
Griffin, you can get gluten-free cereals, bread, and cake mixes from most health shops. Worth a try, as that's an intolerance thousands of people have without realizing it. Like many allergens, people actually crave it (I'm forgotten all the techie stuff why, but it's often true), and can't go long without. Worth a go - I have to say I always feel better without it, too, and a couple of days without it certainly helps to flatten the tummy.