Atkins Diet

Originally posted by krizon@Jun 24 2005, 04:38 PM
Griffin, you can get gluten-free cereals, bread, and cake mixes from most health shops. Worth a try, as that's an intolerance thousands of people have without realizing it. Like many allergens, people actually crave it (I'm forgotten all the techie stuff why, but it's often true), and can't go long without. Worth a go - I have to say I always feel better without it, too, and a couple of days without it certainly helps to flatten the tummy.

Yes I've cut out all gluten too. It's tough when I go shopping, like today I really really wanted some fresh bread but after staring at it for a while I walked away :) The effects of the allergy have got worse and worse over recent years. I can't tolerate pasta at all now, it makes me so ill. Bread I can just about get away with, it makes me slightly ill. I do find that if I do have something I'm not allowed then I'll feel the effects of it for about three days afterwards.
Originally posted by BrianH@Jun 24 2005, 05:05 PM
Cut out the jam
Given that I have breakfast about 6.45 and don't eat again till 1.00, and then usually only some drained tinned fruit (today was an exception for a reason - I was on an excursion with pupils) I don't think jam at breakfast will be a problem, especially since I take the one slice of bread & jam instead of my preferred two slices of toast and butter. I reckon the sugar content is better for me in those circumstances than the saturated fat of the butter.
Maurice, sounds to me like you are doing just fine. Just think about the walking as well if you can..... B)
I must have walked two or three miles today on the excursion and was on my feet pretty much non-stop from 10.00 to 2.30.
Keep it up Maurice! (so to speak) :) I have been taking the puppy out for walks more frequently having talked about walking on here with you, and managed to run all the way back from the letterbox with him today as well. I have also arranged (weather permitting) to go horse riding on Sunday morning as well. There is absolutely no point me telling you how exercise is good for you if I don't practice what I preach - and I haven't touched a chip since Tuesday. This thread is doing me good too. B)
I did eat the slice of organic pizza tonight, with some Copella apple juice, which is very sweet (but unsweetened), which took care of the desire for sugar. I walked to and from the blood donation point today - not much, probably only about a mile there and back, but at least it exercised me a bit. I was delighted to see that thanks to pharmaceutical-strength iron tabs, there was no prob with taking the blood, and it performed spectacularly, too, like a Texas oil gusher!

So, after brisk walking, pious eating, and less an armful of blood, I weighed myself tonight. I have gained 2lbs.

That's it, I'm after those truffles now... :teeth:

No, really, I won't go snouting after them, Kathy! ;)
I was 12-2 when I weighed myself this morning, but I have this theory we're at our lightest first thing, especially after an empty and a dump.
:) 3lbs lost already Maurice, well done!!! Remember alot of this initially could be fluid, but it's a great start. Yes, first thing in the morning is a good time to weigh in Maurice. :D

Krizon, perhaps don't weigh in again until after the weekend. You will be fine. B)
I have to admit that I think my old sparring partner, Kathy, is playing a blinder on this thread. Very generous and gently encouraging. Well done K.
For just a wee mite, she's a powerful influence!

Weighed this a.m. - Mo, yes, don't weigh at night as you'll find you appear to have put on weight! I think I didn't have the scales dead flat on the first weigh, because today I do appear to have magicked away 1-2lbs. Only 10 stone to go, then... :lol:

I'll sweat cobblers later at Lingers in our little hut, which was at sauna temperature last meeting, so perhaps tomorrow another pound will have dropped, or dripped, away!

I've decided to 'out' myself now. The sheer shame and horror will do me good. Oh, how I used to snigger at women who 'let themselves go'! "I just don't KNOW why they get like that," I'd pompously intone. :shy:

Right, madam, you can now confess that you weighed 16st 12lbs at the start of this exercise, and wait for the bouncy castle jokes (again)! :cry:

And damn well-deserved they'll be, too.
I have lost 3 stone since my last post just by cutting out carrot soup.
Let us know how you both got on over the weekend! B)

I watched a programme (that I had recorded) about Michelle McManus, her of Pop Idol fame, did I say fame, :D . Anyway this poor lass put on 3 stone after winning the competition, and weighed in at over 21 stone at her heaviest. The programme followed her over a 5 month period where she was of a pretty strict diet (mainly fish, vegetables and fruit) and an exercise campaign and she managed to shift 5 stone in 5 months. :o It was really uplifting to hear the way she spoke about this being a "life changing" decision, as it clearly was, as she was classified as morbidly obese. Michelle underwent a pooh examination by her health guru, and also had a colonic irrigation, so Maurice and Krizon should realise what the next step will be if they find it impossible to lose any weight under their current regimes! :blink: :D

Michelle really came across as a lovely girl who desperately wanted to lose weight, and although her downfall, foodwise was the usual junk food (and lots of it) she was also a binge drinker. She cut out alcohol completely and there was footage of her at Christmas eating only turkey and vegetables and drinking water. Fair play to her. She even went out on her friends hen night and continued on the no alcohol regime. She is a gorgeous looking girl, and if she continued to lose weight, it is fair to say, she could soon be back in the charts, as many people had warned her that it was her weight that may of held her back, and certainly not her voice.
Hearty march in blistering heat along the seafront yesterday - wore winter-weight sweats. :o Only about 1.5 miles, but was pleased to be able to do it quickly and not be wheezy, and feel fine today! Am engaging walking regime now, about three-four times weekly. Will build up distance gradually. (My best-ever was 22 miles straight, but I was then accompanied by a charming Italian. Without such incentives, it'll be up to 5!) Will weigh once a week, and report back honestly.
I walked a couple of miles yesterday. Not exactly power-walking but not exactly sauntering either. I felt quite heavy this morning but I put that down to one G&T too many last night. I was quite good over the weekend but I know I will have to do better.
Great news about the exercise both of you! The weather obviously helps but swapping stairs for lifts at times can also help. I seem to be the only person who runs up the stairs in the Oracle Shopping Centre in Reading, and it gives me a smug feeling when I get to the top easily now.

Slimline tonics in the gin was it young Maurice ? B)
After the commenting on overweight people hanging their flesh out for the world to see earlier on this thread I had to laugh on my way to work this morning. It was all I could do not to let my mouth gape wide open as a girl literally waddled towards me - she was so large she couldn't physically walk forwards, she had to waddle from side to side in order to move forward, and was wearing cut off 3/4 length tight jeans & a tight, cropped little vest top - not a pleasant sight at all!
:lol: Kathy, you're probably the only person in any shopping mall who weights under 9st! (And I know you're well under that.) Most of the current crop of shoppers (and I'm allowing for foreign imports from various parts of the British Isles - they certainly aren't all Brightonians) - seem to weigh in at an average of 15st! They'd need paramedics on standby permanently if that lot went for the stairs! :blink: