Battle Of The Forums

I was going through a really bad patch when this was first mooted so didn't come forward - but I've just had my best consecutive 3 days ever so I'll give it a go if you need any more for the list!
[Mind you a lot of my wins have been on the a/w :brows: not sure what that means!!]

Only prob is I'm waiting for surgery, but I doubt it will come up before the end of the jumps season
Right guys the team for Saturday is decided. I hope no one takes offence but alot of the decision making was based on the Idol Tipster competition plus how quickly people put forward their name for it. This is just the team for the Saturday at Cheltenham. On Sunday there will be pairings so many of those chosen for Saturday will be up again though there will be changes based in how you get on on Saturday plus Sunday being an Irish meeting. So get your betting caps on and PLEASE if you think its unlikely that you will be able to do this let me know ASAP.

I will be getting back to ye later in the week regarding where to put up your selections plus who you'll be matched against on TRF.

2.Tout Seul
3.Bar the Bull
8.Desperate Dan
9.Irish Stamp
10.chrisbeekracing capall
12. Shadow Leader

Merlin the Magician
uncle goober
I only joined today, and only just read this.

I am happy to submit selections if required.

I find that other forum a bit "up itself", and would be happy to be a party to their thrashing!
It's probably all wrapped up now useful - they are quite punctilious about cut-off dates on here! - but there are regular comps inc inter forum comps so your time will come :D
CliveX's post from tother forum

I hear that the other lot have just bought a tin of pins and a subscription to Thommos tips

cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

I'm so glad it's a horse tipping competiton ... if it were a being humourous competition I fear Clive would have you all tied up with this sort of scathing, highly original & truly hilarious repartee.

whilst I have every respect for Alan Potts I feel that the votes on there for him are a little sycophantic

AP isn't a prolific poster...although usualy what few posts he makes are informative

if you MUST vote for a poster of the year it really should be someone that posts more often than AP ...obviously not spouting b*llocks of course..DJ or Pru for instance are very interesting is Charlie D

there are one or two on there though that would wipe AP's arse if he asked
EC1, sychophancy appears to be a by-word on TRF.

A number of "celebs" post under their real names and it is laughable to see the old guard flocking to those threads to crawl. Usually posting a ridiculously fawning comment followed by the "red faced" emoticon.
Lads this is a competition between the two forums, no excuse for anything else particularly past differences. So lets leave it at that.

was just commenting on the link posted, seemed fair comment to me

i haven't any differences to settle with any of them, it's more the other way round from my experience posting on here.

stalkers are the problem on messageboards, not the prey :rolleyes:
there are a few on TRF...but of course I can't name them or Gal will be boxing me tabs through pms :laughing:

imo those that are the worst are normally those that crawl round the celebs..

i'm saying no more..this will probably get removed anyway

TH team will win...they haven't crowed like some have on TRF about winning...natural justice and all that :nuts:
I wouldn't say TRF is gay, though we do sometimes overdo the mascara.

However, I feel I should give you fair warning, we do not go into this contest unarmed. We have all signed up to the Nick Mordin 'tips from outer space' service for a very reasonable 20 guineas a day, a copy of 'The Dummies Guide to Lumping on the Favourite' is being circulated as we speak and expert Mark Winstanley has been on hand to coach us (though in truth I'm still not really clear on what 'apples and pears' have to do with horse racing).

Not only that, but I took the trouble of having my antique dealer track down a rather splendid ivory-handled Edwardian hat pin, reputed to have been used by the Marquessa of Bath to find the winner of the 1905 Derby.

Really, you haven't a chance.
I just read a post by a guy called "Grasshopper" in their lounge section.

He seems quite a dangerous individual, capable of anything. With his seriously warped views the moderator should be reporting him to the police. I hope he isn't a typical TRF character.
Originally posted by useful@Jan 22 2008, 09:20 PM
I just read a post by a guy called "Grasshopper" in their lounge section.

He seems quite a dangerous individual, capable of anything. With his seriously warped views the moderator should be reporting him to the police. I hope he isn't a typical TRF character.
You just couldn't make it up, could you. :D

Good to have you on board, Aranalde.