Breeders Cup Meeting

beautiful performance from a wonderful horse whos fulflled potential a little late maybe. horse of the season?

He probably is now. Great day for John Gosden but it does make him look an utter tit for his tactics with the horse earlier in the season when he clearly felt he wouldn't even get a true run mile. It sounds like Jimmy Fortune was the one who believed he would improve for 10f (because Gosden doesn't speak to Shadow Leader!) :rolleyes:
Agreed Rory, as I just said above - I'm not an admirer of Gosden tbh
God I feel so sorry for Jimmy Fortune

Zarkava is surely horse of the year?
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Well done to the Ravens Pass team.I feel sorry for Jimmy Fortune and my mate who was all over Ravens at 8s for the mile.
Yes, feel for Fortune too.

Americans might call this Pro-Ride "Anti-Ride" now that Curlin got beat on it ;) - And agree this was not commentators best call, was more wishfull thinking I suppose.

Think Gosden is a great trainer and certainly proved it today.
Agreed. Fantastic run from Henry... as well. Shame we won`t see those two in battle again.

We were fortunate enough to see them battle five times. Three times, plus once with give and once at the end of a long season.
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yes gal...seeing him for the first time in the paddock at ascot (and i know u like that angle) convinced me that he was a quite beautiful horse. I agree that gosden has lost more races with him than he should have done..
Sour grapes from Curlin's connections already calling that a grass race - pathetic .

Great ride from Frankie even if how they jocked Fortune off leaves a nasty taste in the mouth and all this he willingly gave up the ride tosh. Terrific run by Henry too . Duke of M way over the top I am afraid

Not a good day for Murtagh - suicidal tactics on Soldier of Fortune but wasn;t it great to see a Leger winner win the Turf

And Goldikova - that shows why Zarkava must be horse of the year.
A few talking points there, not least the debate about whether the 3yo milers were any good this year!! Shockingly inept commentary though (and I quote): "Look at Curlin go ~ this is unbelievable!!" as if he'd sprinted clear when he was in fact working hard to simply challenge.

In the Authorised is cruising Jim McG Arc commentary class !
On balance you may be right Luke, but the filly winning the Arc was majestic.

New Approach would have done better mid-season without the injury imo and that would have given him the edge, ditto Ravens Pass being run over further; but as it is I think it has to be Zarkava

We've had several fantastic horses to watch this year, and I celebrate them all
I didn't want to mention it but it has to be New Approach in my opinion.

Yep those defeats of Tartan Bearer, Traffic Guard and Twice over were really something. The fact that he got beat every time that he encountered a Ballydoyle first string should not be held against him. Similar to Raven's Pass.