Breeders Cup Meeting

Pretty cool having sons of two of the very best broodmares - Hasili and Better Than Honour - in the race.
I've weakened and backed Curlin to win on BF, got DOM e/w
Now feel tempted by a RFCT Curlin and Henry - somebody stop me!!
It seems Lasix doesn't always work first time in aiding more stamina...
But I'm very aware that jockeyship in this is going to count as it has in all the races for better or worse. Feel very tense, does anyone else?

Just remembered Kri phoning me and talking for 10 mins after we lost George last year, that was so kind of her....
Finally I've done a TRI on PP with Curlin and the two Ballydoyle horses.
I can't see RP getting the trip, somehow - much as I love the hrose
That was incredible - I never thought he'd get the trip. Poor Jimmy, after all the work he's done with the horse
A few talking points there, not least the debate about whether the 3yo milers were any good this year!! Shockingly inept commentary though (and I quote): "Look at Curlin go ~ this is unbelievable!!" as if he'd sprinted clear when he was in fact working hard to simply challenge.
And a shame it took them so long to ride him more handily* or he'd have been seen to be top notch sooner in the season. He was very nearly the 'nearly' horse

Not that he was tonight - he came from behind again
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beautiful performance from a wonderful horse whos fulflled potential a little late maybe. horse of the season?