On the phone to Weatherbys the other day as trying to name the 4 year old... you can not imagine the trials and tribulations of trying to come up with a name for him, well maybe some of you can, anyway, the conversation went as follows ( basically):
Me : Hi I was wondering if you could check for me availability of the following?
W( very nice lady bless her) : Sure, go ahead.
Me: He's A Muppet
W: (laughing), well yes subject to further checks, but is available.
Me : oh okay, no copyright issues there with the word 'muppet'.
W: err no I wouldn't think so.
Me: oh brill. How about Knobhead?
W: (more laughing) No don't think we would allow that.
Me: Really?
W: no don't think so.
Me: mmm but Fookal was allowed?
W: how are you spelling that?
Me: well I'm not actually as it were but it's spelt F-O - O - K - A -L
W: oh. well guessing that would be thought okay as was allowed.
Me: oh okay but I can't have Knobhead?
W: err no - ( more laughing)
Bless her, she knew I was just joshing(sort of....was very tempted) but I am still wondering how Fookal got through and I couldn't have Knobhead???
I ruled out Don't Call Me Basil as well as much as I was tempted!