
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Turkey's voting for Xmas - the turkey's being those in society identified in Euro's post. The ones who made Brexit happen, are the ones who will be hit hardest.

I have never been a Nationalist, but confess I am now in agreement with Simmo. The original Scottish Indyref should be considered null-and-void, given the massive change in context that Brexit introduces. I hope Sturgeon is on the phone to Brussels rapid, to see if a smooth transition could be facilitated: something along the lines of England (and Wales) only exiting, and we can maintain the status-quo up here. I would even take the Euro.

As far as the accountable-versus-unelected argument, I have said throughout that the Commission itself is not a bad thing by default. In practical terms, it has not had a malignant effect on any of our lives (imo). I would rather hitch my wagon to them, than a country which will now find itself forever in the grip of a hard-right Government, casting about in the mid-Atlantic, hoping desperately that it can make some new friends.

Congratulations to those shrewdies who cleaned-up. I hope you bet from your € accounts.
Anyone ever been to Blackburn and Burnley? Northern shitholes full, I mean full, of retards. Lamebrains who read The Sun and believe every ******* word they read.

75% voted leave here.

I'll have to take your word for it, euro, but surely there must be more than one in four people there who do have the ability to think for themselves?

I took my 90yo M-I-L to vote yesterday. It was a 15-minute walk to the polling station at her pace (with her walking aid). I discovered last night the old wick voted 'Leave'. She can't even articulate her reason(s) for doing so. Christ, it's not even as if she's going to be around for the fallout...
What have those half-witted xenophobic English c*nts done now FFS. Time for another Independence referendum.

Unfortunately this is what I've been saying all along.

The second Leave changed focus to immigration, the entire momentum swung their way.

A large number of English have two distinct mentalities - an island mentality (different to that of the Irish version, much less positive) and an empire mentality ('lets make Great Britain great again' - dear god).

Whar's even more worrying is these uneducated, blame-everything-on-foreigners lemmings are following and espousing a very similar rhetoric as that which took place in Germany in the 30s.

I hope England is economically brought to its knees.
Will UKIP dissolve now and their voters go back to voting BNP/Tory?

Don't know about UKIP but this is the beginning of the end of the UK.

Sturgeon is entirely within her rights to demand another referendum and will get a landslide result (but not with my support). The UK will break up. It's inevitable.

Cameron will go down in history as the PM on whose watch Britain disintegrated within itself and within Europe.

And the people of Britain voted for it all. They have brought any forthcoming or ongoing disaster upon themselves.
After 1000 years of glorious leadership and statemanship, billions around the world watch Britain's 'Independence Day' being declared by......Nigel Farage.
"It's a victory for real people, ordinary people, decent people".

It's right up there with Good Queen Bess's Armada speech at Tillsbury Docks, and Churchill's 'Fight them on the beaches" number.

What a fu*cking gyp.
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I'm simply stunned by this result. The siren call of the pied pipers and millions marching off the cliff. I would never have thought that the country that brought the world among others, Winston Churchill, could crawl into a collective isolationist shell led by a borderline fascist like Nigel Farage. Cameron has to go. His place in history will never be a footnote, however else it might be defined.

It's no coincidence that all across Europe those cheering this result the loudest are mainly associated with nationalist movements. Their hero Vlad Putin must be exulting with glee.

One of many headlines this morning: "Nigel Farage: £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was 'a mistake".
Asked by ITV's Good Morning Britain whether he could guarantee that the £350m that was sent to the EU would now go the NHS, Mr Farage said: “No I can’t, I would never have made that claim.
"That was one of the mistakes made by the Leave campaign.” He goes on to call for a national independence holiday to celebrate the historic result.

A sad day indeed for Europe.
Oh yeah that other great borderline fascist, Donald Trump, arrives in Scotland today. Batten down the hatches.
I'll have to take your word for it, euro, but surely there must be more than one in four people there who do have the ability to think for themselves?

I took my 90yo M-I-L to vote yesterday. It was a 15-minute walk to the polling station at her pace (with her walking aid). I discovered last night the old wick voted 'Leave'. She can't even articulate her reason(s) for doing so. Christ, it's not even as if she's going to be around for the fallout...

I took my 90yo M-I-L to vote yesterday. It was a 15-minute walk to the polling station at her pace (with her walking aid). I discovered last night the old wick voted 'Leave'. She can't even articulate her reason(s) for doing so. Christ, it's not even as if she's going to be around for the fallout...

This morning she asks, "Who's in?"

Me: Naebdy. It wisny a question of WHO. WE're oot!

Her: Ah never thought they wid vote tae leave.

Me: YOU voted tae leave! You an' hauf the rest o' the country.

Her: Ah couldnae see the names on the paper.

Me: There wisny any names oan the paper. You were votin tae stay in or tae leave Europe.

Her: Ah jist pit ma croass next tae the tap boax. [Remain, iirc]

Democracy in action. Wonderful.

Is it any wonder I'm in favour of a "benevolent despot" system?
I'm simply stunned by this result. The siren call of the pied pipers and millions marching off the cliff. I would never have thought that the country that brought the world among others, Winston Churchill, could crawl into a collective isolationist shell led by a borderline fascist like Nigel Farage. Cameron has to go. His place in history will never be a footnote, however else it might be defined.

It's no coincidence that all across Europe those cheering this result the loudest are mainly associated with nationalist movements. Their hero Vlad Putin must be exulting with glee.

One of many headlines this morning: "Nigel Farage: £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was 'a mistake".
Asked by ITV's Good Morning Britain whether he could guarantee that the £350m that was sent to the EU would now go the NHS, Mr Farage said: “No I can’t, I would never have made that claim.
"That was one of the mistakes made by the Leave campaign.” He goes on to call for a national independence holiday to celebrate the historic result.

A sad day indeed for Europe.
Oh yeah that other great borderline fascist, Donald Trump, arrives in Scotland today. Batten down the hatches.

This is rubbish.

the idea that you don't want to be part of an unelected useless body that repeatedly cocks up every thing in touches is "facist" is laughable. Facist is unelected dictatorships. Which is....

one thing I cannot stand is the student politics NUS slur taht it's just some sort of nationalistic vote. Whatever that is supposed to be
Well at 30/1 I reckon Hammond is a decent bet for the next leader. The biggest thing they're going to have to do is negotiate the best retreat from Europe they can. Boris boasting and Gove winding them up are amongst the two least equipped to handle the challenge. My own suspicion is that as the wise gnomes of the conservative party think about it, they'll start to realise that the people to lead them out of Europe, are the wrong people to hammer the final nails in

I also wonder if the scope actually exists in 6 months time to reverse the result on an election and call the most almighty bluff in history. If the main parties stand with a manifesto commitment to revoke the refrendum result (we'll still be under article 50 of Lisbon and technically in the negotiation phase) and leave UKIP as the only party asking for a mandate based on upholding the referendum result, what would happen?

I wouldn't be shocked if there's a few dirty tricks being prepared yet
I'm glad we are out. The actual difference it wil, make is far far less than people think. Everything that has been cited hasn't stood much scrutiny

th eu is a dated political project which delivers little and soaks up plenty. Whilst it might have some positives in a few years time we can be free of the tiresome squabbling and constant battling against unelected directives and the hopeless ideal of a superstate

good riddance and we won't be the only country out of it
Anyone ever been to Blackburn and Burnley? Northern shitholes full, I mean full, of retards. Lamebrains who read The Sun and believe every ******* word they read.
Or perhaps it is these once-thriving working-class communities that have seen their jobs decimated by immigration and EU policies that have been more negatively impacted by EU membership and for that reason voted Leave. Not because the people of these communities are "retards".

Labelling these people as stupid and not knowing what is best for them is typical of Islington-style champagne-socialist speak.
I'm glad we are out. The actual difference it wil, make is far far less than people think. Everything that has been cited hasn't stood much scrutiny

th eu is a dated political project which delivers little and soaks up plenty. Whilst it might have some positives in a few years time we can be free of the tiresome squabbling and constant battling against unelected directives and the hopeless ideal of a superstate

good riddance and we won't be the only country out of it

There's so much in here that I disagree with, but it hardly matters now.

On the contrary, I think we will be the only country out of it, because Brexit will be the catalyst for the kind of changes many countries in the EU want to see..........unfortunately, it will be too late for us by then, to benefit from that change.
The unelected Farage claims victory. Leaving does nothing to address immigration which is what vast numbers believe they voted for.
An own goal of enormous proportions!
Or perhaps it is these once-thriving working-class communities that have seen their jobs decimated by immigration and EU policies that have been more negatively impacted by EU membership and for that reason voted Leave.

I think you'll find that it was Mrs Thatcher who did that.