
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
This is rubbish.

the idea that you don't want to be part of an unelected useless body that repeatedly cocks up every thing in touches is "facist" is laughable. Facist is unelected dictatorships. Which is....

Clive why oh why do you insist on constantly taking what people write and twist it in such a way to suit your needs.

Nowhere do I state what you write above. It's the fascist methodology that was used to convince people to leave which I point out.
Lies, lies and more lies. When confronted with one of them this morning (the NHS lie) it is deemed merely a mistake to have stated that.
Do you really think of somebody like Farage as anything but a fascist/nationalist?
Or perhaps it is these once-thriving working-class communities that have seen their jobs decimated by immigration and EU policies that have been more negatively impacted by EU membership and for that reason voted Leave. Not because the people of these communities are "retards".

Labelling these people as stupid and not knowing what is best for them is typical of Islington-style champagne-socialist speak.

A complete fallacy in my view, Ice.

These working-class communities have had their jobs decimated by the very politicians they have voted with in this referendum. That's the irony. As I said to someone earlier, they are like dogs being packed in to the car, expecting to be taken down the local-park for a runabout, when the destination is actually the local incinerator. The suggestion that the working-class are going to be best-served by a Government consisting of Gove, Grayling, IDS, Johnson and any other right-wing fruit-cake you care to mention, is frankly laughable.
On the contrary, I think we will be the only country out of it,
Maybe you're right, but only because the other "democratic" countries of the EU will continue to refuse to give their citizens a referendum.
In the country where I live, there is also a strongly growing demographic in favour of Leave, but we won't be granted the opportunity by our masters to vote on it unlike the British.
Clive why oh why do you insist on constantly taking what people write and twist it in such a way to suit your needs.

Nowhere do I state what you write above. It's the fascist methodology that was used to convince people to leave which I point out.
Lies, lies and more lies. When confronted with one of them this morning (the NHS lie) it is deemed merely a mistake to have stated that.
Do you really think of somebody like Farage as anything but a fascist/nationalist?


You you claimed that the country had "crawled into its nationalistic hole".

Patronsing ng comment and to suggest that every leave voter was "led by farage" is a joke
Maybe you're right, but only because the other "democratic" countries of the EU will continue to refuse to give their citizens a referendum.
In the country where I live, there is also a strongly growing demographic in favour of Leave, but we won't be granted the opportunity by our masters to vote on it unlike the British.

A few years down the line and the U.K. Thriving as it will, then it's pretty clear that in the many many states with near or definite euros scepticism there will be enormous pressure to follow suit

my bet is Denmark first. Purely rhetorical but a mate just back from there says that everyone he met was really very very anti eu and are hoping for the leave vote
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A complete fallacy in my view, Ice.

These working-class communities have had their jobs decimated by the very politicians they have voted with in this referendum. That's the irony. As I said to someone earlier, they are like dogs being packed in to the car, expecting to be taken down the local-park for a runabout, when the destination is actually the local incinerator. The suggestion that the working-class are going to be best-served by a Government consisting of Gove, Grayling, IDS, Johnson and any other right-wing fruit-cake you care to mention, is frankly laughable.

Pretty much spot on.
A complete fallacy in my view, Ice.

These working-class communities have had their jobs decimated by the very politicians they have voted with in this referendum. That's the irony.
We will just have to disagree, then, Grass.
My opinion is, and will stay, that the race-to-the-bottom in wages, the zero-hour contracts, the over-full NHS and school places that impact the working class only are the direct result of uncontrolled immigration and the worker-unfriendly but corporatist-very friendly EU.

You you claimed that the country had "crawled into its nationalistic hole".

Patronsing ng comment and to suggest that every leave voter was "led by farage" is a joke

Nowhere did I use the term "nationalistic hole". Collective isolationist shell is the term I used.
But whatever you are who you are.
We will just have to disagree, then, Grass.
My opinion is, and will stay, that the race-to-the-bottom in wages, the zero-hour contracts, the over-full NHS and school places that impact the working class only are the direct result of uncontrolled immigration and the worker-unfriendly but corporatist-very friendly EU.

the bigger issue is that it is sme "unfriendly" . Smes create the biggest number of jobs in this country.

many fro that sector have constantly claimed that it stymies innovation and enterprise. How true that is I cannot quantify but it's a contsant refrain and with the unelected body being driven by 30000 corporate lobbyists it's not exactly surpirsing

corporations do not like threats from nimbler smaller business's
Fox News is cheering the result and stating that in effect this is similar to the Trump effect in the US.
That should put our minds at ease then.
Nowhere did I use the term "nationalistic hole". Collective isolationist shell is the term I used.
But whatever you are who you are.

I accept that . But at the same time the idea that it's "Isolationist" is just plain wrong. Many would argue that being free from having to lump along with the eus clumbersome international negotiations is quite the opposite and far more outward looking. This has been a constant theme in the leave campaign
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Maybe you're right, but only because the other "democratic" countries of the EU will continue to refuse to give their citizens a referendum.
In the country where I live, there is also a strongly growing demographic in favour of Leave, but we won't be granted the opportunity by our masters to vote on it unlike the British.

Where is that then, Ice?
the bigger issue is that it is sme "unfriendly" . Smes create the biggest number of jobs in this country.

many fro that sector have constantly claimed that it stymies innovation and enterprise. How true that is I cannot quantify but it's a constant refrain.......

Clivex, come on. For every SME complaining about EU regulation, there are others who say it is either not an issue, our that it actually helps them with exports.

Not that it matters now.
I accept that . But at the same time the idea that it's "Isolationist" is just plain wrong. Many would argue that being free from having to lump along with the eus clumbersome international negotiations is quite the opposite and far more outward looking. This has been a constant theme in the leave campaign

The most constant theme we can maybe agree on was the theme how immigration has run Britain into the ground. This is simply not true but only time will tell and quite frankly I hope it turns out the way you think it will but I have grave doubts based on the type of campaign that the leave people put forward. Especially with a despicable an individual as Farage at the center of it.

Sadly where is the Labour party in all this?. Corbyn is in another way just as accountable for this defeat.