
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
absolute rubbish

you don't even come close to knowing even a small element of far left history let alone being in touch with current events
Clivex, I don't pretend to be a jack of all trades.
I have time for a range of opinions, but ultimately I'm just a progressive/pragmatic type of person. I research in depth the areas I am interested in, health care, sport, music etc.
There are plenty of Marxists and fascists around nowadays. They're not all evil people on a personal level, but the politics they indulge in adds up to the same problem to me, extremism. imo.
I'm quite happy to take a liberal, moderate stance in this free-for-all of a democracy.

Your problem is you believe in ideology alright, but yours changes from one tabloid newspaper read to the next.
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To be honest, I'd have thought the fact that M&G, Aviva, and Standard Life have all suspended trading on their property investment funds in the last 24 hrs was more significant to Brexit than Clive trying to deflect attention away and seeking distraction in the same old chestnuts as usual.

Luckily though, we have Chilcott tomorrow so doubtless we'll have a sane conversation there
To be honest, I'd have thought the fact that M&G, Aviva, and Standard Life have all suspended trading on their property investment funds in the last 24 hrs was more significant to Brexit than Clive trying to deflect attention away and seeking distraction in the same old chestnuts as usual.

Luckily though, we have Chilcott tomorrow so doubtless we'll have a sane conversation there

The clown Marb told Clivex growth would slow a year or two ago

He was busy getting economic data off Conservative party Headquarters.
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ice, your term 'anti-Israel hatespeak' comes across as a clear attempt to imply that anyone who has something critical to say about the state of Israel is anti-semitic. Pretending there's a big difference doesn't seem intellectually honest.

Come on, using Icebreaker and Intellectuel in the same sentence? ;)
To be honest, I'd have thought the fact that M&G, Aviva, and Standard Life have all suspended trading on their property investment funds in the last 24 hrs was more significant to Brexit than Clive trying to deflect attention away and seeking distraction in the same old chestnuts as usual.

Luckily though, we have Chilcott tomorrow so doubtless we'll have a sane conversation there

Exactly. Quite bad news for the UK economy. Not a word from Clive on this nor as the pound collapses versus both the dollar and euro - down from 1.30 day before brexit to 1.17 in the latter.
No it's not "bad news" for the economy. Why?

secondly as has been stated enough times by all sides, the low pound is a double edged sword. Anyone who thinks its "all bad" doesn't have a clue

thirdly I think comments from those crowing about the collapsing ftse are just a bit farcical now aren't they?
For sure a lower pound will help exports but the dollar rate is particularly dangerous for the oil price. At the moment, oil is also down in (dollar) price so the effects are not hitting but you suspect that everyone is holding their breath for the American election. The fall against the euro (nearly 10%) is puzzling if the euro is a terminally damaged currency.
As for the FTSE, most credible economists use the 250 rather than the 100 because the 250 is more about British companies rather than multi and international groups. While the 100 is up the 250 is down by over 7% so is absolutely a cause for concern.
Carney is quoted as saying that the prophesies of the Remainers are pretty much on track. These days markets are computer driven and notoriously fickle and I'm prepared to sit on my hands for the moment because of the elections in the US this year and Europe next year but any investor would be looking at the 'under the mattress' option at the moment.
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The ftse 250 is 50 % higher than four years ago and at around the same level as when it dipped in march

a 7% fall in a stock market is not in the slightest a cause for panic. I don't recalk the thread in this subject four months ago. Or it even really being much reported

in in fact the ftse 250 has seemingly been outperforming the 100 for some time now.

no one is saying its a good thing but it's got to be seen in perspective
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Of course it has to be taken in perspective but the currently accepted reference point for the FTSE is the start of June and about 17000 for the 250. Statistics are damned lies but choosing 4 years ago as a baseline is more damning than most.
No it's not. That's nonsense. To climb 50% in four years surely indicates that it could simply have been very overvalued (how many markets have done that? ) and this is just a correction initiated by an event.

look at the ftse 4 years ago. It was nothing like 66% of its current value or even recent peak value
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and you are representative of the sort of scum that should be eradicated from the earth. The sort of scum I thought we'd got rid of in the 1940's.
Oh, you sick twisted piece of s.
To reference the 1940's -- and by inference the war against fascism -- against me who has steadfastly advocated the right of Jews and of the state of Israel to live in peace goes to show how warped your brain really is. And how dare you associate yourself with those brave men of the 1940's who partook in that fight by using the pronoun "We". You are not fit to lick their boots, you low cur.

That's it for me. The stench of anti-semitism around this place has become unbearable of late. With this post I take my permanent leave of this forum; reading and replying to the Jew-bashing posts of some is just a vexation to the spirit.
To those few decent individuals who remain, I bid you goodbye and hope, maybe, we'll meet again in some other more tolerant and compassionate part of cyberspace.
Always been a feature here ice. In some ways I've relished the naked obsession a good proportion of the forum has with the Jewish state . But don't let it bother you. It was just juvenile baiting
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until you look at the date of the article

For such time as a property bubble has existed Clive, there's always been people writing speculative pieces in financial pages predicting its imminent implosion. To some extent they have to, that's a copy works

Also I don't think suspending three funds from trading is evidence of a correction in line with cycles either, that's a level above. That takes a lot of people making simultaneous demands on the fund. We'll see if anymore follow suit in the next few days

In the meantime, I think it probably helpful to point out that you were the first person to introduce bloody Israel into this thread and set about dragging it completely off subject in pursuit of a distraction to avoid looking at what is happening elsewhere (I'd actually call it an obsession of yours to be honest)

For my part I really can't be botherted to contribute any more until such time as the whole thing refocuses. If you want to carry on under the illusion that Israel is the most important issue facing the UK today, then good luck, enjoy yourselves
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Rubbish. That's totally untrue.

complete crap . Another poster made the first reference and yet another kept on and on about it
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The stocks and the pound are doing what was expected to happen after the glorious day.
things will get worse.

europe will urge to abandon but it is quite clear there was not a plan and british politicians dont know what to do.

GB should behave like a serious country ( not easy after seeing how people vote) and leave the ue as soon as possible.
Rubbish. That's totally untrue.

complete crap . Another poster made the first reference and yet another kept on and on about it

No definitely you,

You tried on post #1247 but no one took the bait. Then on post #1257 you decided to link a piece from the Daily Mirror explicitly about the subject headlined "Tearful Jewish MP stroms out of Labour anti-semitism event, whilst Jeremy Corbyn critics hit out at Islamic State comparison" . Sadly that's when you succeeded, and about 130 posts have followed since, of which half have been in this direction

Look Clive, you'd be doing this thread a favour if you just went and set up an Israel appreciation thread and transfered your obsession to it there
Oh, you sick twisted piece of s.
To reference the 1940's -- and by inference the war against fascism -- against me who has steadfastly advocated the right of Jews and of the state of Israel to live in peace goes to show how warped your brain really is. And how dare you associate yourself with those brave men of the 1940's who partook in that fight by using the pronoun "We". You are not fit to lick their boots, you low cur.

That's it for me. The stench of anti-semitism around this place has become unbearable of late. With this post I take my permanent leave of this forum; reading and replying to the Jew-bashing posts of some is just a vexation to the spirit.
To those few decent individuals who remain, I bid you goodbye and hope, maybe, we'll meet again in some other more tolerant and compassionate part of cyberspace.

Perhaps you'd like to point out some of these anti-semitic posts. Oh that's right, they only exist in your head.

Your failure to see how your position is fascist and racist, when it is quite clear to the rest of humanity, whilst simultaneously crying into your coco-pops about tolerance and compassion is one of the most vile and sordid pieces of self denial that I have ever witnessed, here or anywhere else.

So **** off back under your slimy rock you snivelling piece of filth. The men who fought fascism would be ashamed to think they did so to allow scum like you to speak their minds. Take your paedo mate with you.
No definitely you,

You tried on post #1247 but no one took the bait. Then on post #1257 you decided to link a piece from the Daily Mirror explicitly about the subject headlined "Tearful Jewish MP stroms out of Labour anti-semitism event, whilst Jeremy Corbyn critics hit out at Islamic State comparison" . Sadly that's when you succeeded, and about 130 posts have followed since, of which half have been in this direction

Look Clive, you'd be doing this thread a favour if you just went and set up an Israel appreciation thread and transfered your obsession to it there

oh **** off

clearly the post was refering to an incident displaying the leaders incompetence and further pressure during his failure with brexit. It's pretty obvious that when a leader does nothing when one of their MPs is abused publicly that it is an issue

it's all very well to have 3rd form comments about goves looks but God forbid anyone have a pop at the sainted jeremy
Perhaps you'd like to point out some of these anti-semitic posts. Oh that's right, they only exist in your head.

Your failure to see how your position is fascist and racist, when it is quite clear to the rest of humanity, whilst simultaneously crying into your coco-pops about tolerance and compassion is one of the most vile and sordid pieces of self denial that I have ever witnessed, here or anywhere else.

So **** off back under your slimy rock you snivelling piece of filth. The men who fought fascism would be ashamed to think they did so to allow scum like you to speak their minds. Take your paedo mate with you.

you really are scum with a problem aren't you.

drinker by any chance?

i think ice has probably made the right decision.
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Well, I did warn you all that the entirely unneccessary subject of Israel being brought into this discussion, would end in tears. I just didn't expect it to happen quite as quickly as it has done.

Hopefully Ice cools down, and returns soon.

I may not agree with everything he says - imo, there is more than a touch of See-No-Evil about his stout defence of Israel - but his posts are usually thought-provoking, and his absence will diminish the dialogue on a number of these Lounge threads.
Well, I did warn you all that the entirely unneccessary subject of Israel being brought into this discussion, would end in tears. I just didn't expect it to happen quite as quickly as it has done.

Hopefully Ice cools down, and returns soon.

I may not agree with everything he says - imo, there is more than a touch of See-No-Evil about his stout defence of Israel - but his posts are usually thought-provoking, and his absence will diminish the dialogue on a number of these Lounge threads.

why should he. Two straight pieces of personal abuse from two posters directed at him

why bother ?

dint recall anyone telling the two twats to shut it at the time. He wasn't that valued was he
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