
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
I've looked at post 1247. What the fck are you talking about

Anyone following the news on June 30th knew what you were alluding to in #1247 with your generic Labour party one-liner. When after just 90 mins, no one had taken your bait, you decided to up the ante by posting a direct link to the story you wanted to introduce and tried to stir the pot and deflect attention away from the more pressing issues of the day in post #1257.

To those of us who aren't obsessed on all things Israel and Jewish (unlike you) this really ranks about 101 on our list of priorities.

In complete contradiction of what you said earlier when you tried to blame an unamed other for setting this latest round off, the record clearly shows that the first person to introduce this angle was you, at about half past one, on June 30th in post #1257. There is nothing in the ledger before that, and everything that's flowed since has its genesis there. Ironically you seem to have set in train a chain of posts that resulted in an exodus
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That's total rubbish. You really are a prat at times

saying that labour is imploding is about Israel.???? Don't try and throw that rubbish in here because you thought I wouldn't bother to check and diss you ridicuoius assertion

You think brexit hasn't affected labour in any way . Are you serious


the personal abuse from simmo and Hamm driove ice away . Do t be so fcking stupid

what a waste of time. You go off topic continually. You went on and on and about cameron and his past foreign policy here ffs
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why should he. Two straight pieces of personal abuse from two posters directed at him

why bother ?

dint recall anyone telling the two twats to shut it at the time. He wasn't that valued was he

I made it abundantly clear I was having no part of any of it. I've only contributed to lament Ice's abrupt departure.
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There is a pretty clear reason why property funds as opposed to other funds are locked in .

the whole business of seizing on one area, which has been flagged for months, as some sort of proof of something apocalyptic is plain daft

yoh would think this is 2008 or the tech bubble the way some are carrying on

To be fair, the way you go on, you would think you know more about it than the Governor of the Bank of England.
I made it abundantly clear I was having no part of any of it. I've only contributed to lament Ice's abrupt departure.

Yep, I'd agree, and am thus piggy backing Grasshoppers lament to add my own regret as to how this turned out. I never had any issue with Icebreaker at all, and for the most part he'd add spirit, knowledge, and insight.
for the most part he'd add spirit, knowledge, and insight.

anyone who describes promoting the random bombing of people in retaliation for terrorism (as he has done on numerous occasions) as tolerant and compassionate and is quite content for a country (any country) to perform acts of unspeakable violence on others (as he has supported on numerous occasions), is neither knowledgeable or insightfulin my opinion. They are quite despicable and have no place in decent society. As are any others who agree with such positions. And I will defend the rights of oppressed people wherever I see fit, in whatever manner I see fit.

He does, however, have spirit. It's just a shame it is directed in such a hateful manner.
That's total rubbish. You really are a prat at times

saying that labour is imploding is about Israel.???? Don't try and throw that rubbish in here because you thought I wouldn't bother to check and diss you ridicuoius assertion

You think brexit hasn't affected labour in any way . Are you serious


the personal abuse from simmo and Hamm driove ice away . Do t be so fcking stupid

what a waste of time. You go off topic continually. You went on and on and about cameron and his past foreign policy here ffs

Personal abuse? Give it a rest. His bizarre obsession with Israel and accusing anyone who utters or seems to utter a word against the country's actions of being anti-semitic. His ability (which you mirror) to take a genuinely held view and twist it and turn it into one which you are both sure is based on 'vile hatred of jews' is disturbing. I'm not sure who you both developed such a way of thinking, but you both deserve to be called out on it.
Leadsom is a bitch. Playing I have kids she doesn't line is disgusting. No wonder so many dislike her

Revolting old Slag
Come on, using Icebreaker and Intellectuel in the same sentence? ;)

Not personal of course and couldn't even spell it

I will happily call it as I see it.

With warbler lying about posts that I've made and simmo calling out peado. Who would want to waste time here.

I watched the response to simmo the clowns abuse of ice and was as expected . Silence

No one has any right to comment after that fact .

Good bye losers
Leadsom is a bitch. Playing I have kids she doesn't line is disgusting. No wonder so many dislike her

Revolting old Slag

In fairness she didn't say what she's represented as having said, but I think you could easily suggest she was dog-whistling it.

I'm not sure what it is about this generation of women politicians? I seem to recall Yvette Cooper pulling the same stunt on Liz Kendall
With warbler lying about posts that I've made


Close to midday on June 30th, Boris Johnson announced he wasn't standing (about 10 mins before the deadline). This was clearly dominating the news cycle and its was symptomatic of the Tories being under pressue. Shortly after midday (with the focus on Boris) you made an oblique reference to Labour (#1247) which was widely ignored, except for Brendan who suggested you were boringly predictable "your daily Corbyn obsessions" (#1252). Most of us were probably aware of the Labour Jewish story that was humming in the background from the morning, and that you were trying to introduce this. After about 90 mins of no one taking any notice of your post, you came back and tried again in post (#1257) but this time you weren't leaving as much to chance and chose to link a piece from the Daily Mirror so no one could be under any doubt what you'd rather talk about instead. There were dozens of things you could have used by way of ammunition to take aim at both Labour and Corbyn, many of which were more relevant to their predicament, but obsessive that you are, you chose a Jewish angle

The record clearly shows you to be the origin of this line of conversation (despite claiming you were responding to someone else, who you've still failed to identify). Again you were widely ignored by everyone other than Icebreaker (#1260, #1263, #1264, #1265) as the two of you engaged in a little bit of 'circle jerking' (fair enough). Everyone else wasn't bothered and kept out of it. Eventually Desert Orchird chimed in (#1268) and that sets in train the chain of events

That's not lying about your posts, it's there in black and white. People can make their own minds up as to why within an hour of Boris Johnson pulling out, (the clear story of the day) you so blatantly attempted to steer the conversation onto Corbyn anti-semite territory. Our silence isn't an endorsement. It's just a recognition of the fact we'd rather concentrate on what we believe to be more relevant and interesting, and not get sucked into your personal agendas. People can also speculate how things might have developed had you not sought such an unnecessary diversion, or even if you had gone and started another thread as at least one person appealed to you to do
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Not personal of course and couldn't even spell it

I will happily call it as I see it.

With warbler lying about posts that I've made and simmo calling out peado. Who would want to waste time here.

I watched the response to simmo the clowns abuse of ice and was as expected . Silence

No one has any right to comment after that fact .

Good bye losers

I think you'll find that the personal abuse was started by icebreaker in posts 1362 and 1363, cheered on by the paedo (can't you even spell it?). Prior to that we were simply having a slightly heated discussion.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out - anyone brings it to me will receive a metaphorical hammer in the ******* teeth, if we're on the internet and if we're face to face and I have a hammer to hand....
Leadsom is a bitch. Playing I have kids she doesn't line is disgusting. No wonder so many dislike her

Revolting old Slag

You disappoint me Clivex as I didn't have you down as one who takes what you read in the papers as gospel, particularly the weasel words of an ardently pro-EU hack who's married to another pro-EU hack on The Guardian

Rachel Sylvester twisted and spun Andrea Leadsom's naiive dialogue to suit her own agenda

Mrs Leadsom is not a bitch, nor revolting, nor old, nor a slag; she just has much to learn about handling the slimy press, whose dearest wish is for this campaign to degenerate in to a 'cat fight' and they will do their darndest and dirtiest to make it so
I think you'll find that the personal abuse was started by icebreaker in posts 1362 and 1363, cheered on by the paedo (can't you even spell it?). Prior to that we were simply having a slightly heated discussion.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out - anyone brings it to me will receive a metaphorical hammer in the ******* teeth, if we're on the internet and if we're face to face and I have a hammer to hand....


You will have to let go of your c*ck first!!
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One disappears when he's called out, and the other disappears because his wingman isn't here to protect him when he's called out.

Worse still, the latter leaves in a hissy fit because because he thinks he's been abused. Just how many good posters have left here because of his abuse? And how many more still here can't be bothered to post on these threads because of the constant obnoxious, one-eyed, and usually twisted to suit responses?

The irony is absolutely hilarious.

On the bright side, perhaps a few who have given up on reading and responding to the constant drivel and general aggressiveness may come back and post again. At least until ' The Return'!

Getting it back to a betting theme I'll give 1/10 he'll be back with a typical Clive-type response at some point. And a few will have their cards marked for his vitriol when he does. Can't wait. It'll be like Quentin Tarantino does pantomime and should be hilarious. :D

In all seriousness, outside the guff and bluff, and the occasional nasty stuff, I find the rest quite entertaining, and I'm looking forward to the 'dramatic return'. I'm expecting it to be a cross between Bobby in Dallas, and Benny in Crossroads. He's always talked a shower of, and can be a bit of a spanner! :whistle:
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To be honest, Drone, I don't think Leadsom's comments were taken out of context.

Any way I look at it, it seems her words have been faithfully reported, and her indignation seems driven largely by the realisation that she has royally fu*cked-up on Day One of the contest.

It's not the fault of right-wing Remainers at the Times, that she has displayed the kind of gross naivety that should basically exclude her from even being in the running for the highest office in the land. And if that isn't enough, then her worrying mix of faith-and-politics, and exultation of Thatcher, should be.

This place is Clive's personal Royston Vasey.....he never actually leaves......and the place would be poorer without him pitching for the rabid right-wing. In his absence, the place would be full of considered opinions, thoughtful discussion and courteuos disagreement.....and a much less colourful place to share ideas, as a result.

I hope he and Ice swiftly return. There will be fu*ck-all to argue about if they don't.
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Although Leadsom is a pretty grim prospect, Theresa May has performed something of a somersault today as well, telling us that the UK is better off outside of the EU, which does somewhat beg the rather obvious question (OK I've used the DT headline rather than trawl through her full interview) "Future will be brighter after Brexit says May"

So May was a closet brexiteer disgusied as a remainer,
Boris a closet remainer disguised as a Brexiteer
Leadsom seemingly a one time remainer who drank from the Brexiteers cup

It's crazy times in which we live and there seems to be something going on at the moment.

Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labour party
Donald Trump is the Republican nominee
Iceland have just elected an indepenent with no history of public service to be President
Austria has just elected a green by a whisker from a neo nazi, albeit a re-run has been ordered by the courts after an appeal
France will probably see Marinne Le Pen win the first round of their elections next year

And Andreas Leadsom? well Ashcroft polling suggested that 58% of conservative voters, voted for Brexit (37% of Labour voters did by contrast which does somewhat make a mockery of Cameron trying to blame Corbyn). I don't know how many Tory party members support Brexit, but I'd imagine its more than 58%, as party memberships tend to be more extreme than rank and file supporters. In itself this probably explains Theresa May's swivelling, but at face value Leadsom might be able to run the table here

I should say I too hope that Icebreaker and even Clive return, but I would offer the suggestion that both are probably capable of holding out once the Rubicon is crossed. I don't share the view that goodwill and fair comment will break out though. The predominant mood in cyberspace these days is apathy. My own suspicion is that without the sparks the fire will dim and slowly burn out - we'll see though
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May can't do or say anything, other than be positive; anything less, and it would crucify her chances of election.

She is smart and knows the rules of the game she is playing. Leadsom would appear to be an abject amateur in comparison.
So May was a closet brexiteer disgusied as a remainer,
Boris a closet remainer disguised as a Brexiteer
Leadsom seemingly a one time remainer who drank from the Brexiteers cup

It's crazy times in which we live and there seems to be something going on at the moment.

Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labour party
Donald Trump is the Republican nominee
Iceland have just elected an indepenent with no history of public service to be President
Austria has just elected a green by a whisker from a neo nazi, albeit a re-run has been ordered by the courts after an appeal
France will probably see Marinne Le Pen win the first round of their elections next year

And Andreas Leadsom? well Ashcroft polling suggested that 58% of conservative voters, voted for Brexit (37% of Labour voters did by contrast which does somewhat make a mockery of Cameron trying to blame Corbyn). I don't know how many Tory party members support Brexit, but I'd imagine its more than 58%, as party memberships tend to be more extreme than rank and file supporters. In itself this probably explains Theresa May's swivelling, but at face value Leadsom might be able to run the table here


Dont forget the current american president, the worst by a mile since Carter