
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
One disappears when he's called out, and the other disappears because his wingman isn't here to protect him when he's called out.

Worse still, the latter leaves in a hissy fit because because he thinks he's been abused. Just how many good posters have left here because of his abuse? And how many more still here can't be bothered to post on these threads because of the constant obnoxious, one-eyed, and usually twisted to suit responses?

The irony is absolutely hilarious.

On the bright side, perhaps a few who have given up on reading and responding to the constant drivel and general aggressiveness may come back and post again. At least until ' The Return'!

Getting it back to a betting theme I'll give 1/10 he'll be back with a typical Clive-type response at some point. And a few will have their cards marked for his vitriol when he does. Can't wait. It'll be like Quentin Tarantino does pantomime and should be hilarious. :D

In all seriousness, outside the guff and bluff, and the occasional nasty stuff, I find the rest quite entertaining, and I'm looking forward to the 'dramatic return'. I'm expecting it to be a cross between Bobby in Dallas, and Benny in Crossroads. He's always talked a shower of, and can be a bit of a spanner! :whistle:

None too subtle knife in the back, with not a word on Simmo's part in all this.
Yes reet

Mauroco was taken apart by ice previously and then went onto a racing thread to complain about it. Can you believe that? Talk about gutless

He was very very wound up about anyone standing up for Jews. Which was interesting . Well more revealing that intersting I should say. It was clear what was what first time around

You have to laugh at that. Squealing away. What a pathetic little creep. But we know that

with warblers lying about posts, wasting my time and that little gang of children who would want to waste time here.???

Gladly Ive requested my id to be deleted by admin. But I wish they would get on with it
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To be honest, Drone, I don't think Leadsom's comments were taken out of context.

Any way I look at it, it seems her words have been faithfully reported, and her indignation seems driven largely by the realisation that she has royally fu*cked-up on Day One of the contest.

It's not the fault of right-wing Remainers at the Times, that she has displayed the kind of gross naivety that should basically exclude her from even being in the running for the highest office in the land. And if that isn't enough, then her worrying mix of faith-and-politics, and exultation of Thatcher, should be.

This place is Clive's personal Royston Vasey.....he never actually leaves......and the place would be poorer without him pitching for the rabid right-wing. In his absence, the place would be full of considered opinions, thoughtful discussion and courteuos disagreement.....and a much less colourful place to share ideas, as a result.

I hope he and Ice swiftly return. There will be fu*ck-all to argue about if they don't.

In recent weeks on the cyberbattlefield I've defended Nigel Farage, Boo*mak*rs and now Andrea Leadsom...whassup Drone :confused:

I'm not an apologist for any of them though do admit to having a small 'thing' about fragrant, coiffured macaroon bakers :)

It was the headline in the Times - "Being a mother gives me edge on May" - that annoyed me, as it wasn't what she said just the way in which the journalist chose to interpret it. But that's Fleet Street for you and Leadsom should have known that the spinners weave what they want from words: a lesson perhaps learnt, though I do take on board Warbler's subliminal 'dog whistling'

For what it's worth I thought Leadsom was 'okay' when she burst on to the scene but have gone off her rapidly. Those who espouse Christian and Family values whilst making a dodgy mint in the Shitty are not my cup of tea

If I'd bought money at 1/10 message-board correspondents leaving in a hissy-fit only to return later I'd be a wealthy man: it's the only System proven to work

Clivex is good copy and so's Icebreaker who I think went under the rather better moniker of Hoofhearted on TRF

I've never understood why the anonymous take the anonymous so seriously: this is cyberspace for the urban spaceman - we don't exist

edit: Another 1/10 shot wins as it should. Welcome back Clivex, I've missed you terribly :)
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Back quicker than I thought Clive! I think the last couple of pages show who's squealing!

Anyway I never took you for a soft quitter. You've built up your persona over the last few years and your tearing it down in seconds. I can only assume someone has got hold of your password. This surely isn't you having a public hissy fit. It just can't be.

Anyway your password won't be deleted. Col has had you on ignore for years. :lol:
To be honest, Drone, I don't think Leadsom's comments were taken out of context.

Any way I look at it, it seems her words have been faithfully reported, and her indignation seems driven largely by the realisation that she has royally fu*cked-up on Day One of the contest.

It's not the fault of right-wing Remainers at the Times, that she has displayed the kind of gross naivety that should basically exclude her from even being in the running for the highest office in the land. And if that isn't enough, then her worrying mix of faith-and-politics, and exultation of Thatcher, should be.

This place is Clive's personal Royston Vasey.....he never actually leaves......and the place would be poorer without him pitching for the rabid right-wing. In his absence, the place would be full of considered opinions, thoughtful discussion and courteuos disagreement.....and a much less colourful place to share ideas, as a result.

I hope he and Ice swiftly return. There will be fu*ck-all to argue about if they don't.

grass. That's nice to say. But see above

life moves on and is too short. Does anyone really want to waste time responding or feeling obliged to to Maurocos type of posting

or having to dig back pages to prove that you are not going mad and something you have been accused of posting is a figment of another posters imagination?

forums are dying. I've noticed ec and slim have kicked the habit too.

you look back and think ...what was that time spent doing exactly?
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Ok. I'm having a humour bypass today after too much Sancerre last night and a fcking hospital visit later
Back from holiday; a holiday that was marred by the referendum result. I was at Fountains Abbey the day before the referendum...a world heritage site where there coachloads of foreign students that had been driven past hoardings stating 'we want our country back'. I was ashamed of that. I do [as a Labour voter]partly blame Jeremy Corbyn because it was obvious that his heart wasn't in the remain camp. As for Loathsome....I watched the 'great debate' and commented at the time 'who's that woman who starts every sentence with 'as a mother' but doesn't actually answer anything properly, so I've actually been calling her Andrea [as a mother] Leadsom ever since. She deserves everything the press throws at her; her campaign used the gutter press to further it's cause so she's had a taste of her own medicine. I have in front of me [and intend to keep it for future reference] the vote leave pamphlet that was full of lies from start to finish....financed, I believe by Arron Banks. So much for taking back control and democracy when people like Banks and Murdoch pull the political strings. All of my family are appalled and sickened by the xenophobia that this campaign has unleashed. When the only light at the end of the tunnel is that Theresa May will be PM you know things are bad. At least Gollum Gove will [hopefully] be relegated to the back benches for perpetuity.
Gladly Ive requested my id to be deleted by admin. But I wish they would get on with it

I'm pretty sure Col doesn't delete accounts, largely because people tend to begin posting again about a week after having saying they won't. I think he takes the view (or used to anyway) that if you want to leave, then leave, you don't need to have an account deleted to avoid logging on. There are some exceptions where ID's are deleted on request though, usually when someone has been identified to their embarrassment, or where there's a commercial consideration etc I suspect SlimChance, if he got that job with Tony Bloom for instance might be in the latter category as they don't want their employees using racing fora (contrary to what many posters might like to think)
I do [as a Labour voter]partly blame Jeremy Corbyn because it was obvious that his heart wasn't in the remain camp.

That might be true to some extent, but I think Labour are being unfairly maligned here. The post poll, polling is limited to Ashcroft for now, but there's a few inconsistencies

We're told that the Scots are strong supporters of 'Remain' and yet 36% of SNP supporters appear to have voted for 'Leave'. This is pretty much identical to the 37% who voted leave amongst Labour, yet the post result narrative surrounding the two parties is completely different. If you want a nationalist comparator, then Plaid Cymru fared best of the UK parliamentary parties with just 25% voting for leave, an 11% stronger showing than the Scots Nats (I assume this might be evidence of Scots seeking to use the EU referendum as a vehicle to force another independence vote?) as they should have shown a similar pattern to the Plaid.

The other party who have escaped lightly are the Liberal Democrats. They let us not forget, are supposed to be vehmently pro-European party and yet 30% of them voted to leave. The counter-balance to the Liberals would of course be UKIP, 96% of them voted to leave (4% actually voted to remain!). Were we not entitled to expect the Liberal Democrats to generate a figure at least comparable to Plaid Cymru's as a bare minimum, and in all likelihood something in the region of between 7%-15%
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Sounds like a pretty potent combination given that she only needs it to resonate with about 80,000 conservative party members

Whatever she is, she is no Thatcher. She isn't even Thatcher-lite. She is actually a complete no-mark, and would be miles out of her depth as PM.

Labour are in tatters, and the next GE is a tap-in for the Tory Party - unless they do something calamitous like elect a novice MP who has never even had a Cabinet portfolio, as Party Leader and PM. They prefer winning elections to humouring vacuous wannabes, and May is by far the best option for them.

Leadsom will get buried, I reckon.
There are some exceptions where ID's are deleted on request though, usually when someone has been identified to their embarrassment, or where there's a commercial consideration etc
Oh you've made me worry now, Mcdonalds might not like the idea of being on here ho ho ho! I'm in intensive training on how to make a cheeseburger. ;)
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From the BBC website regarding leadsom walking her comments back - She went on to say the Times article "said completely the opposite of what I said and believe" and that the criticism she faced since left her feeling "under attack, under enormous pressure - it has been shattering".

You have to say, if she's found this last 48 hours "shattering" and pressurising, then you really have to have concerns about how she's going to bear up?
Exactly. And she is allegedly the 'tough negotiator' we need, to lead us through Brexit?

We deserve everything we (don't) get, if this clown somehow flukes the Tory leadership election.
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So she actually said herself the "complete opposite" of what she believes. Fcking idiot

Soon the world we be run by May Merkel Clinton and probably le pen too. nightmare. Every time theres an invasion they will all burst into tears.

If there is any doubt still remaining anywhere that the project of the left was to destroy the existing labour party then this should clear that one up

From the moment they disgracefully set up a party within a party (momentum) the writing was on the wall.

We badly need a centre left party of libdems, true labour and even leftish tories. that is only credible opposition. there is zero intellectual capacity on the far left to even deal with opposition. flabbot ffs

The filth should be sent to the margins asap
Soon the world we be run by May Merkel Clinton and probably le pen too. nightmare. Every time theres an invasion they will all burst into tears.

Four women less likely to burst into tears is difficult to imagine. Anyhow are tears any better/worse than testosterone-fuelled aggression?

I realise that this is just another of your slightly amusing heavily-cast baits Clivex but I fancy a rise and nibble

Here, there and everywhere at present there seems to me to be an unpleasant undercurrent of genuine women-hating masquerading as dismissal by jocular sexism

A lot of men are discomfited by strong women in positions of authority; personally I find them a good deal less discomfiting than strong men in positions of authority
Just clocked it, Drone.

This is the woman that was going to tough it out in EU negotiations, and she can't take a couple of days of stick in the papers.

I believe I mentioned hubris a number of pages back. There are far too many in the Tory party that think they are smart when, in fact, they are not, and who think they know what's good for us, when, in fact, they don't.

Every single one of the Leave leads has now either bottled it, or been shown to have no clue about how UK politics actually works. And the rest of us are left to pick-up the pieces of their vanity exercise.

The lot of them need stringing-up, because - let's face it - they're no fu*cking use to us as politicians.
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