
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

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Simmo, I'm sure you are as disappointed as me about the past few weeks, but your making some real outlandish statements now.
We should judge people on what they say and do regarding racism, not accuse others via some sort of politically correct - popular consent driven fan club.
There's 7 billion of us in the world today, it understandable everything is broken down to the lowest common denominator but its saddening and shameful nevertheless.
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We should judge people on what they say and do regarding racism, not accuse others via some sort of politically correct - popular consent driven fan club.
True dat.
It is a fair observation, tho', that the Hard Left only ever accuse white people of racism and nobody else. When Blacks or Islamists display (very regularly) an inverse racism it is always excused or even validated on grounds of historical mitigation.
True dat.
It is a fair observation, tho', that the Hard Left only ever accuse white people of racism and nobody else. When Blacks or Islamists display (very regularly) an inverse racism it is always excused or even validated on grounds of historical mitigation.

I believe that the appropriate word to describe this statement is "bollocks". Not that I am representative of the Hard Left in any case.
Simmo, I'm sure you are as disappointed as me about the past few weeks, but your making some real outlandish statements now.
We should judge people on what they say and do regarding racism, not accuse others via some sort of politically correct - popular consent driven fan club.
There's 7 billion of us in the world today, it understandable everything is broken down to the lowest common denominator but its saddening and shameful nevertheless.

I concur that we should judge people on what we say and do, which is why I would encourage people to judge Jeremy Corbyn on what he says and does - not on what the media says he has done, and certainly not on what blethering idiots like clive and ice decide he's done.

For the record - I am against Corbyn being the leader of the Labour Party. I do, however, regard myself as a socialist. I'd be quite happy to have the moniker Blairite attached to me as the element of Realpolitik involved in it is more attractive to me than airy-fairy Trotskyism.

I think he should stand down in the interests of the party. But that should not be because the media and a couple of half-brained numpties on the internet believe he is anti-semtic. I don't believe for a single second that he is and I will defend him rigorously against such unfounded allegations.
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Thats entirely different and you know it

Does it really need explaining that that was a issue on their doorstep whereas a politician scouring the world to find jew haters to engage with is a little bit different shall we say?

Tom Copley@tomcopley 21h21 hours ago
Corbyn's performance at HASC anti-Semitism enquiry is shocking. Took 4 or 5 attempts to get him to agree the Hamas Charter is anti-Semitic

254 retweets165 likes

It's not terribly different no - he spoke to people from Palestine and from Israel in an attempt to help find peace. Sounds much the same to me. The bit about jew haters is stuff you've just made up.

As for Tom Copley - his quote is untrue. I daresay you and he have much in common.
I concur that we should just people on what we say and do, which is why I would encourage people to judge Jeremy Corbyn on what he says and does - .

I agree with you on this. I've said so before. Its your comments about the white indigenous English which are slightly mistaken.
I don't like Clivex saying Jeremy Corbyn supports the blowing up of children.
While I need to research this area more, I think Clivex lets his hatred for what he see's as leftwing dogmatists overshadow his normative side in relation to Corbyn.

Clivex uses Corbyns ideological stances over history to narrate his current stature of a politician, in what is a squeaky clean, collar tie, Public Relations era for politicians. Being 'popular and being right' is more important than the type of stuff Jeremy Corbyn was into 30 odd years ago.

This is his issue (Clivex not Corbyn's), let him realise himself in time as opposed to trying to change him.

As for the Isreal/Palestine issue, I'm no expert, I'd just like to see peace. There are great diplomats and killers on both sides that's all a newbie needs knowing. Its the Troubles multiplied by a great deal if I can put it as flippantly as that.
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I don't like Clivex saying Jeremy Corbyn supports the blowing up of children during the troubles,

Which is a bit rich given his and Icebreaker's repeated statements that is perfectly acceptable to blow up children in Palestine. they are terrorists after all.
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What's your point? I didn't suggest that you did use the term anti-Semitism. Try reading before opening mouth.
But you pushed a report on anto-semitism at me when I had only referred to anti-Israel speak. " interview of Mr Corbyn on the subject of anti-Semitism".
Go and fuckoff and try reading yourself before opening your mouth.
I'll judge him on what he did thank you

He donated to and promoted holocaust deniers

Will that do?

aside from seeking to be "friends" of those organisations that believe in the eradication of jews worldwide...hamas charter..not israel but jews

what the fck else has he got to do?
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I agree with you on this. I've said so before. Its your comments about the white indigenous English which are slightly mistaken.
I don't like Clivex saying Jeremy Corbyn supports the blowing up of children.
While I need to research this area more, I think Clivex lets his hatred for what he see's as leftwing dogmatists overshadow his normative side in relation to Corbyn.

Clivex uses Corbyns ideological stances over history to narrate his current stature of a politician, in what is a squeaky clean, collar tie, Public Relations era for politicians. Being 'popular and being right' is more important than the type of stuff Jeremy Corbyn was into 30 odd years ago.

This is his issue (Clivex not Corbyn's), let him realise himself in time as opposed to trying to change him.

As for the Isreal/Palestine issue, I'm no expert, I'd just like to see peace. There are great diplomats and killers on both sides that's all a newbie needs knowing. Its the Troubles multiplied by a great deal if I can put it as flippantly as that.

oh really..i think you need to do the fcking research

Asked about the ira bombings last year he REFUSED point blank to condemn them despite being asked six times in a radio interview

Anything else you need to know
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ice, your term 'anti-Israel hatespeak' comes across as a clear attempt to imply that anyone who has something critical to say about the state of Israel is anti-semitic. Pretending there's a big difference doesn't seem intellectually honest.
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oh really..i think you need to do the fcking research

This is the double standards Ciivex. I am not try to change you, but you are trying to change me.

I've told you certain things involving 'my research'. First of all, Sinn Fein and the I.R.A were not precisely the same thing. The idea everyone in Sinn Fein would have supported violence and bombing is like saying every Muslim person is a supporter of Osama Bin Laden's tactics. Likewise not every person in the I.R.A would have been a bomber. I am sick to death of all this. You are racist against Southern Irish people, I don't think there is anyway back from you on that I'm afraid.

Get a grip man.
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The key here is that there is c certainly room for criticism but even some on the left must look askance at the total obsession with one state. As with my point about his so called blog and countless other examples it is without any doubt a targeting of one grouping. Its perfectly reasonable clear to ask why

and there is a history and culture of jew hatred on the hard left. Plenty of evidence of that.
This is the double standards Ciivex. I am not try to change you, but you are trying to change me.

I've told you certain things involving 'my research'. First of all, Sinn Fein and the I.R.A were not precisely the same thing.
The idea everyone in Sinn Fein would have supported violence and bombing is like saying every Muslim person is a supporter of Osama Bin Laden's tactics. Likewise not every person in the I.R.A would have been a bomber. I am sick to death of all this.

You are racist against Southern Irish people, I don't think there is anyway back from you on that I'm afraid.

Get a grip man.

You didnt even check it out did you?

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But you pushed a report on anto-semitism at me when I had only referred to anti-Israel speak. " interview of Mr Corbyn on the subject of anti-Semitism".
Go and fuckoff and try reading yourself before opening your mouth.

which references and explains anti-Israel speech. If you weren't so thick you might have worked that out.
You didnt even check it out did you?


Do you want me to refer to articles about how and when Sinn Fein started?
Does it need quoting?
Anyway, I'll be labelled a sympathiser next, **** this for a game of soldiers. :)
Did your good self check out the facts before, during or after we bombed the **** out of Iraq in 2003? :)
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The key here is that there is c certainly room for criticism but even some on the left must look askance at the total obsession with one state. As with my point about his so called blog and countless other examples it is without any doubt a targeting of one grouping. Its perfectly reasonable clear to ask why

and there is a history and culture of jew hatred on the hard left. Plenty of evidence of that.

On the second point - this only exists in yours and Icebreakers heads. Nowhere else.

On the first point, what is wrong with pushing the agenda of a people who you think are being oppressed? Nothing - except that you disagree with the assessment of whether or not they are oppressed.