
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
She doesn't warrant one iota of respect.

She was unfit for the job all along, and it was only her vanity (no doubt fuelled by several TV appearances during the EURef) that made her run in the first place.
Soon the world we be run by May Merkel Clinton and probably le pen too. nightmare. Every time theres an invasion they will all burst into tears.

You might like to add Helen Clark as UN Secretary General to your list as well.

I believe Clinton has shed tears in public incidentally, I doubt Merkel has, but I'm sure they'd be very efficient tears if she did
She doesn't warrant one iota of respect.

She was unfit for the job all along, and it was only her vanity (no doubt fuelled by several TV appearances during the EURef) that made her run in the first place.

It also calls into question the judgement of the 84, slightly over 25% of the parliamentary party, who voted for her. These are people who work with her, and should be aware of her skills and ability etc

Have we ever had such a hapless collection of politicians right across the spectrum?
Is a vote from Tory membership even necessary now?
Give Leadsom some credit for at least trying to make it a challenge, she had more steel than dear old Boris, who bottled it.

None of the Conservative party internal battles matter in comparison to Labour tearing itself apart, but still...I find the idea of anointing Theresa May without becoming PM through an election a little discomforting, but I can live with it I suppose.
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It's a fair point and never really had an answer to it. Whilst the two main parties are such broad churches it's an issue. Duncan Smith taking over from prime minister Clarke? Or you know who taking over from and sending to the gas chambers; prime minister David milliband

I see flabbot bizarrely referEd to Eagle as the empire strikes back this morning. Rumours that eagles response that it was against the planet of the apes are unfounded apparently
The labour fight is going to be very nasty. The almost certain planned humilaton of ruth Smeeth will be nothing compared to the physical threats and intimidation that eagle and her supporters will suffer. Most of this will be planned and given the nod by milne and others
I think Eagle has more grit about her than that. In fact, I reckon she would wipe the floor with most of Corbyn's acolytes, if it came to a bare-knuckle scrap.

Leadsom now saying that the reason she is withdrawing from the Tory Leadership election, is because a nine-week contest is undesirable. Is it any wonder politicians are held in such complete contempt by the voting public, when this kind of cowardice and legerdemain is apparently deemed acceptable?
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Is a vote from Tory membership even necessary now?

From the BBC:

"The leadership contest is being overseen by the 1922 committee of backbench Conservative MPs.
Its chairman, Graham Brady, said Mrs May would be formally confirmed as the new party leader as soon as the Conservative Party board had been consulted - saying there would be "no need to re-run the election"."

which would seem to imply that the membership will not need to vote
im not saying she isn't up to it. i have found her very admirable and smart. But the far left hate women and "dissenters" . the adoration of islamists as well as the well known culture of the socialist rapist party being clear cases in point

being weak inadequate people by nature, they are in thrall of their glorious leader and will do exactly as instructed directly (behind the scenes) or by insinuation

if the feeble inadequates win then they will push ahead to deselect and take over the party entirely at the roots (rooting out jews too) and if they lose on the ballet you will have a party within a party seeking revenge. If the nomination is blocked under rules then you will have the extraordinary spectacle of a party leader suing is own party
I hope that the Betfair accounts belonging to Tory grandees are going to be investigated. Maybe they should have used the reserve system as per big handicaps so Gove, Crabb and Fox got the option to run.

As Clive implies, May showed political nous by keeping quiet and letting her followers trash Leadsom. As Warbler mentioned some time ago, that same political nous might be telling her that it's a good time to go to the country. Labour in disarray so very likely a comfortable win and more time to get the dirty Brexit washing fumigated before she has to go again. On the Tory leader voting schedule it would have been difficult but now she could take over almost immediately which would make an October election achievable. There might be an argument about 'voter fatigue' but I doubt that would work against the Tories.
I hope that the Betfair accounts belonging to Tory grandees are going to be investigated. Maybe they should have used the reserve system as per big handicaps so Gove, Crabb and Fox got the option to run.

As Clive implies, May showed political nous by keeping quiet and letting her followers trash Leadsom. As Warbler mentioned some time ago, that same political nous might be telling her that it's a good time to go to the country. Labour in disarray so very likely a comfortable win and more time to get the dirty Brexit washing fumigated before she has to go again. On the Tory leader voting schedule it would have been difficult but now she could take over almost immediately which would make an October election achievable. There might be an argument about 'voter fatigue' but I doubt that would work against the Tories.

I would only say that Leadsom more or less trashed herself.

Brown hesitated about going to the country which ended up with voters thinking "what the fck are you doing here?"

May would win easily. although it shouldn't be an issue and was very overplayed in the hostile left leaning media, the state school very straight forward middle class background will not alienate those previously hung up about etonians

lastly i think she should actually throw up a surprise and keep George as chancellor.

very good piece from a top journo. I also wonder if her speech earlier (not sure of timing) may have knocked Leasom for six
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FTSe 250 heading closer to pre brexit levels. it is 1000 points ahead of march levels too

I'm not going to obsess about then markets because as i have stated , they are not especially reliable indicators imo but Carney should go now. fire him off

He is supposed to be impartial. he should be totting up the tills and feeding the Cashpoints but he has blabbered off at every juncture and whatever your views of brexit, it is not his role to talk down the economy

and now the ftse 250 is demonstrating what a complete muppet he is
I see flabbot bizarrely referEd to Eagle as the empire strikes back this morning. Rumours that eagles response that it was against the planet of the apes are unfounded apparently

I suspect that would be a case of 'The Eagle has slandered'

I should say, the one thing that's increasingly getting on my nerves is the number of politicians who keep whittering on about the need of uniting their dysfunctional parties, as if this is somehow the most important thing facing the country, and that we all share this concern as a matter of national priority. It's doubtless important to them in their own bubble, but they don't seem to be able to see beyond this narrow ambition. It's the self-regard that I find so annoying, and ther assumption that uniting the party some how solves everything.
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FTSe 250 heading closer to pre brexit levels. it is 1000 points ahead of march levels too

I'm not going to obsess about then markets because as i have stated , they are not especially reliable indicators imo but Carney should go now. fire him off

He is supposed to be impartial. he should be totting up the tills and feeding the Cashpoints but he has blabbered off at every juncture and whatever your views of brexit, it is not his role to talk down the economy

and now the ftse 250 is demonstrating what a complete muppet he is

There is every chance that the 250 has recovered, precisely because of Carney's swift and unequivocal intervention immediately after the Leave vote, you donut.
Eagle has had a total charisma bypass. She'd be an even bigger disaster than JC. Labour really are fcuked. Still I wouldn't want to bet the Tories would win an election tomorrow. I'm a lifelong Tory voter but I'm quite disappointed by their conduct in the past few months. I'd still vote for them but I can see others not doing so. An election now would have the potential for a surprise result and I think May would be ill-advised to call one.
Eagle has had a total charisma bypass. She'd be an even bigger disaster than JC. Labour really are fcuked. Still I wouldn't want to bet the Tories would win an election tomorrow. I'm a lifelong Tory voter but I'm quite disappointed by their conduct in the past few months. I'd still vote for them but I can see others not doing so. An election now would have the potential for a surprise result and I think May would be ill-advised to call one.
i believe in people getting jobs based on merit myself. In any walk of life people should be judged on the merit of their talents first and foremost. Hence while Theresa May merits being Tory leader does she really merit 4 years of executive power with no public mandate? Its convenient its so soon after the election on the e.u and the public probably can't be assed..but in any other circumstances its an awkward democratic scenario. Why not just call an election next year Benny? Give me a strong reason in the national interest why she shouldn't? Not in Theresa Nays interest, or the Conservative party, but the national interest please...
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i believe in people getting jobs based on merit myself. In any walk of life people should be judged on the merit of their talents first and foremost. Hence while Theresa May merits being Tory leader does she really merit 4 years of executive power with no public mandate? Its convenient its so soon after the election on the e.u and the public probably can't be assed..but in any other circumstances its an awkward democratic scenario. Why not just call an election next year Benny? Give me a strong reason in the national interest why she shouldn't? Not in Theresa Nays interest, or the Conservative party, but the national interest please...

When you vote in a general election you are electing an MP, not a prime minster. The Conservative party has a mandate to govern, and like it or not they are now tasked with implementing Brexit.

Calling an election now or next year would heap uncertainty on uncertainty, which wouldn't be good for the economy (or markets). So it's in the national interest that they elect a strong leader and let them get on with it. Companies need stability so the sooner the Brexit negotiations can be concluded the better. An election would just delay things, and mean companies would delay investment decisions and employment. So yes, it's totally in the national interest that Theresa May waits until 2020.

I detest Gordon Brown but if he had called an election in the teeth of the Financial Crisis it would have been a disaster.
I don't buy this at all. If markets are the priority then scrap elections altogether.

If Ids had taken over from Clarke or jc from David milliband say you are looking at entirely different governments. Clearly if a voter voted for a dm led administration they are not entirely likely to want the hard left

Wrong about eagle she will play well with voters.
I don't buy this at all. If markets are the priority then scrap elections altogether.

If Ids had taken over from Clarke or jc from David milliband say you are looking at entirely different governments. Clearly if a voter voted for a dm led administration they are not entirely likely to want the hard left

Wrong about eagle she will play well with voters.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you're right about absolutely everything.