Buying A Successful Broodmare

Will the Deportivo be called "La Coruna" (my typrwriter does not that ~ ontop of the "n") then :P ??!!

Lovely photos thanks for posting, and clearly Trigger is the hit. Poor Sparky, what use is having a friend who does not throw the stick ??
Thanksfor sharing, Isinglass :) I really enjoy seeing the photos of these foals and see how they are progressing. The Kings Best, Bertolini and Deportivo foals are all crackers!
Thanks SS

The whole breeding side of things seems to be quite fascinating & I can understand why so many of you are involved with it, it must be very rewarding. :)
Thanks for kind comments all. Aldaniti, breeding is fascinating, and sometimes rewarding but also sometimes heartbreaking. If you have the money to breed just to race then you have less heartache but when you are trying to make a business of it then you have the commercial decisions to make and broodmares and foals and yearlings go off to the sales. I get too attached to them all. And then besides that there is the worry that you will make the wrong decision and sell the one star in the lot!

But on a good day when they are all covered in mud and happy in their paddocks it does seem worth it. Or, on the rare occasion when you get that victory in the sales ring or on the track.

We could do with a few more of those for sure!

Krizon, I like your comment about the mud, yes! Think we should start a topic for who has the dirtiest horse! My mare would win I am sure, she gets so muddy that you cannot see her eyes.
Originally posted by krizon@Mar 5 2007, 07:01 PM
Julie, if the vet detects a serious prob with the foal - bad heartbeat or something that makes him think there is little viability of the foal long-term, are abortions induced? If they are, do the mares come back on heat and can they be covered again right away?
Yes - if the foetus looks obviously abnormal and if they abort before 30 days, the mare has a very good chance of getting in foal again that season, although maybe over a month later than is desirable. In fact, anything up to 42 days and the mare's in with a shout of conceiveing again. However, after 42 days, when the foetus is firmly established in the uterus and the various hormones have kicked in that maintain a pregancy, should the mare abort after this, it's very unlikely she'll conceive that season, because her body has been 'kidded' into thinking she's in foal regardless.

I should also have mentioned that the purpose of scanning so early is to also check for twins. If twins are seen at the 15/16 day scan, they are usually left alone until the 24/26 day scan, because frequently the mare will absorb one of the embryos naturally. If twins are still present at the second scan, the vet will 'pinch' one of them - sometimes one is smaller than the other, so that makes the selection easy but often they're of the same size, so it's lucky dip. I know whenever mine have scanned with twins, the bloody vet has 'pinched' the colt.... !!! :brows:

Helen, if you'd been on my yard for the last few nights in howling gales, lashing rain, with your fields rapidly resembling paddy fields, mud everywhere and very cross mares, then believe me, it starts to look anything but rewarding!!
Originally posted by Songsheet@Mar 6 2007, 10:57 AM
Helen, if you'd been on my yard for the last few nights in howling gales, lashing rain, with your fields rapidly resembling paddy fields, mud everywhere and very cross mares, then believe me, it starts to look anything but rewarding!!
Yes you can keep that :laughing:
Luurve the Deportivo filly's head dress!

We sent a mare over to Tatts for the December Sales last year, and whilst she was stabled over there she took great delight in a new party trick: she'd bury her nose in the straw, then flick her head backwards so that the straw was tossed up in the air, landing right between her ears. She'd then stand there looking more than a bit like Wurzel Gummidge, with straw covering her ears and a very contented expression on her face. When the straw eventually subsided to the ground she'd repeat the whole process, to her evident satisfaction...silly girl, but very endearing! :D
Sounds a real sweetie! Our Depo is a little like that, has inventive ways of eating and is always a clown. We think she is a party girl.

Her stable companion is the Rock of Gibralter filly who is a little high brow and dignified, just gives her that look of disapproval as if to say, 'What are you doing?'
It looks like some of the ladies on this forum will soon have our own Breeder's Club :) ... I mean equine breeding of course. :shy:
Thanks for the info on foal-heats SS, very interesting as is all the info in this thread.
Great stuff everyone, best of luck to you all, we'll hugely enjoy following these youngsters
For anyone interested, Phoenix Reach has just had his first mare scanned in foal! :clap: :clap: A lovely mare called Pearl's Girl who will be returning to training with William Haggas.

Brilliant news for the owners.
Well done, sir! That's a relief for Andrew and Debbi, too! And a very pretty name can be made from the parents', too.
I think he was referring that *other* certainly besides death - ie t*x*s
But I may be wrong :what:
Well, isn´t it a nice coincidence that our old boy Spontano, namesake for our homepage for sure, is seen in first photo with Belle Fee, of course mother of Bonfire (who has the same sire as Spontano), and in the second is seen showing a lot of affection for Belle Fee´s dam Bukett (making her Bonfire´s grannie of course):



in the last both are posing with Sponti´s racing colours (it looks as we have re-homed Sponti to a lovely place, but we ARE getting all sentimental about him):
