Buying A Successful Broodmare

Originally posted by Isinglass@Mar 21 2007, 03:08 PM

The Deportivo pic is not just for Fudge - remember me - we have a filly by him we are keeping to race. He looks handsome indeed.

Yes, of course Isinglass, they are for you too! I forgot. :shy:

Art and Phoenix get to have another "go" tomorrow! :luv:
Lucky Basil will always be a Pixie to me - those ears!!!

Thanx K for the bevvy can do same for you tomorrow - GOT THE PLACEPOT!!
Downside is, as was a *chums day* and no-one else there - there was p* all in the placepot............
Highs and lows!


BARRANTES playing silly buggers and NOT i/f to ICEMAN....

My sitting up starts imminently with RUNS IN THE FAMILY and hopefully, in a few days, OCEANICO and CALYPSO should be scanned....

Then I'm on sitting up for three recipients carrying pedigree BB calves due 22/04, so I reckon matchsticks will be a very nice present soon...
Not ICEMAN's fault, Jon - he's regularly getting mares i/f with twins, so fertility ain't one of his problems!! Could have happened to Pants and she dumped them....
We are just overdue, overdue, overdue. Only one little foal playing all by himself so far. :(

Any day now, hopefully, more will follow to keep him company. As the sun came out a little bit, just maybe a little foal will appear soon. Expecting a Presenting and two Exit to Nowheres now. The mare in foal to Presenting is so big she must explode soon if she does not deliver. She is a big girl anyway, a Mae West type, well endowed with curves, but now she is seriously huge.

I have her daughter by Rakaposhi King to race and this time last year she was so fat from eating out of boredom all winter that when we sent her for some pretraining the trainer rang us up to say she looked like a broodmare. We have found other ways of entertaining her this winter and she only looks slightly pregnant!
:D I like EXIT TO NOWHEREs, so please let us see the foal photos when you can, Isinglass. In fact, please let us see all of these - even if you need to use a wide-angled lens for them!
Latest update

My latest mare Katy-Q is due to be covered by Phoenix tomorrow, and Art was covered at the weekend.

Fingers crossed for your foals putting in an appearance soon, Isinglass.

Hope all is going well with yours, Songsheet and hope that the thought of Pants is not what is putting Iceman off his stride :brows:
She bloody is, Jon!!! But 'andsome is as 'andsome does !! He's lucky to get her. Cheveley have sent some of their good mares to him (a couple of which have had successful offspring by PIVOTAL).

Bet you're onto a good run of colts, Isinglass! Fingers crossed.

Runny is very content at the moment - I'm only just starting to go on automatic wake up a couple of times at night to look at her via the CCTV but this weather brings them on at such a rate that I wouldn't be surprised if she drops the foal in the next couple of days.

Pretty certain they'll be scanning both OCEANICO and CALYPSO tomorrow or Friday...... My keep/vets bills are at the stratospheric levels now, so I really would be very, very grateful if they would sif !!
Katy-Q was covered by Phoenix yesterday, and managed to give Phoenix a bit of a kick at one stage. :what: It looked completely accidental by all accounts. Being an older mare, she was probably just telling Phoenix who was boss! Evidently, the foal Katy has at foot is absolutely adorable. :luv:

Miles should be covered in the next few days too. That will be all 3 mares (hopefully) covered in the next few days, and then the waiting time begins to see if they are in foal.
Had a call to say CALYPSO LADY s i f with twins a few days ago, so they 'pinched' one and she was down for rescanning in a cuple of days. Got a further call to say either the piching hadn't been successful of she'd put up triplets, because there were still two embryos showing! Aaagghhh...

Anyway, hopefully this time the problem's been sorted and next time they scan her, it's just one, healthy, embryo...

OCEANICO didn't play nicely at all but has been covered again

BARRANTES is in season but, not surprisingly, playing up a bit - she has a good follicle, been covered but not ovulated.

All good, clean fun....

And I am glad to report that the rescan today showed one single pregancy that looks as normal as can be expected this early on. Next week she'll be scanned again to determine heartbeat and then, if all's well, she'll be home in three weeks !
Unexpected this but glad to report that half brother to a mare we have in training, called Royal Rapture, and out of another mare we have at stud has just won at Plumpton! Only a novice chase, but his first win, long overdue as he even ran on the flat as a 2 year old.

His name is Senior Whim, proud parents Lahib and Euphorie. Euphorie overdue to Presenting by 3 weeks at the moment so maybe this will encourage her to foal!

Whim is such a kind horse he always tries hard and Paul Webber said many times he would be better over fences. First time out he unseated, (big sigh) so well done to him, and to his owner today. His owner bred old favourite The Land Agent and Whim is the only horse he has ever bought, always breeds his own. So Whim really landed on his hooves when he went to him, is very spoiled.

Hooray! :) Just wish I would have been there. :(

Meanwhile no Exit to Nowheres on the stud either, all very badly overdue but one mare is waxing, so hopeful now. Might have some piccies soon........
Congratulations on the winning connection, Isinglass! Let's hope that EUPHORIE produces another little winner soon. I loved THE LAND AGENT - always a real, trying horse, and such a nice type.
Yipee! :clap: We have a foal, Fleeting Vision just gave birth to a VERY big colt by Exit To Nowhere! So, Bay Hawk has a new half brother now. Mare and foal fine and everyone else going to bed now. I'm not there for a week so no piccies for a few days.

Two bits of good news in one day ...... :)
:luv: Lovely news! Congratulations to all, and best wishes for a healthy future for the foal. I can't help but think there are some wonderful names to eventually be made out of EXIT TO NOWHERE - FLEETING VISION! Like, 'Shortsighted', for starters! Best of luck, Isinglass.
As Diminuendo hinted, ART SERIES has been scanned in foal! I had a text whilst I was in Italy. That's service for you from The National Stud! :D

Congratulations, Isinglass! :clap: I can't wait to see the photos of Bay Hawk's half brother!

Songsheet, great to hear Lolly is doing OK!
Good news and bad news about Katy-Q. The good news is she is in foal, the bad news is the vet is not happy with the shape of the foal on the 16 day scan so is re scanning tomorrow (Monday) just to be sure all is OK.