Champion Hurdle 2014

Note the deliberate small letters Grasshopper.............. fear not THE FEAR

I think this FEAR you speak of is nothing but one of those Old Wives Tales.....

As I said earlier in the thread, DH, fishwives such as yourself cannot be expected to recognise, understand or diagnose THE FEAR. Again, denial of the self-evident is one of the primary symptons (physical symptoms generally manifesting themselves as chapped-lips and knarled hands).

This is an illness, and the lost souls down by the quayside are to be treated with a combination of pity and care - never with contempt. Except, that is, for the harridans who steadfastly refuse to accept the anti-dote - preferring instead to sit by the harbour; awaiting their inevitable fate, as the wave approaches the shore.

There is room on the Arc for all, and there will be a spectacular view of the action. Clear the quayside before the finall bell tolls, otherwise it will assuredly toll for thee, and all the rest of the croans.
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That image of The New One powering up the Hill in the Neptune last year is vividly etched in my memory.

Champion Hurdle 2014 Result:

1. The New One
2. Our Conor
3. Hurricane Fly

Powered up in a time slower than the Coral won later that day by a horse carrying more weight
I know that TNO is renowned for being at his best at Cheltenham but I struggle to see why he should beat MTOY . The mistake at the last looked worse than it was and did not affect his momentum and MTOY was going away from him at the end .

TNO's jumping also looks a tad dodgy generally .
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This is your 40 day WARNING! - Tick Tock Tick Tock

'The pupils will learn.....eventually'
I had MTOY down as pretty-much held going to the last at Kempton, Ardross. And he didn't put much daylight between himself and TNO between just after the last and the line, despite TNO being less than fluent (he slightly ran-down last and definitely lost momentum relative to MTOY, wbo quickly went by).

I still have a doubt about MTOY's constitution, and the Champion Hurdle isn't a race that's going to be won on the bridle - not MTOY's bridle, at any rate. :D
I had MTOY down as pretty-much held going to the last at Kempton, Ardross. And he didn't put much daylight between himself and TNO between just after the last and the line, despite TNO being less than fluent (he slightly ran-down last and definitely lost momentum relative to MTOY, wbo quickly went by).

I still have a doubt about MTOY's constitution, and the Champion Hurdle isn't a race that's going to be won on the bridle - not MTOY's bridle, at any rate. :D

The Official Order In Which Champion Hurdle Runners Will Drop-Off The Bridle

The Field
The New One
Our Conor

That is all. :cool:
Difference being he won't get away with it this year. ROR wouldn't get anywhere near winning this.
If this was QI, a bell would be going off.

Natch, I considered some fishwives might retort along these lines, but I've clearly credited the croans with a little too much in the way of circumspection. It seems you do have a grasp of the bleedin' obvious after all - yet it doesn't apply to Hurricane Fly?

Inconsistency of thought: another symptom of THE FEAR. ;)

If this was QI, a bell would be going off.

Natch, I considered some fishwives might retort along these lines, but I've clearly credited the croans with a little too much in the way of circumspection. It seems you do have a grasp of the bleedin' obvious after all - yet it doesn't apply to Hurricane Fly?

Inconsistency of thought: another symptom of THE FEAR. ;)


I wonder if there's a fish market near Gerrardstown...

I love the smell of haddock in the morning.

Smells like victory.
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If this was QI, a bell would be going off.

Natch, I considered some fishwives might retort along these lines, but I've clearly credited the croans with a little too much in the way of circumspection. It seems you do have a grasp of the bleedin' obvious after all - yet it doesn't apply to Hurricane Fly?

Inconsistency of thought: another symptom of THE FEAR. ;)


Just sloppy drafting on your part Grassy surely.
A note of caution though Grassy the last time I remember someone being so hubristic about this race was the 2003 Champion Hurdle when the late Alan Morgan ( who sadly died ten years ago almost to the day which is very hard to believe ) was as confident that Rooster Booster would not win as you are that HF will !