Cheltenham Gold Cup 2015

Fk me, really want McCoy on this yoke, don't you! :lol:

FWIW, so do I....I just can't see it, and can't say that the rumblings of Cattermole's belly have changed my mind a jot!

When I saw the headline my first thought was whether Cattermole had heard something on the grapevine and was giving us a heads-up.

It's maybe just guesswork, in which case it worries me that I maybe think like Cattermole (esp since I don't fancy Emma), but then the bit about McLernon not riding [Holywell, not Emma] at Kelso was something even I hadn't thought about.

I wouldn't say I'm mad keen on AP getting the mount. McLernon has been fine. But AP got a real tune out of Hoywell at Aintree.
i did mention 5 pages back that JP might let AP ride what he wants..seeing as future riding plans/allegiances mean bugger to AP now

wasn't so wrong as was pointed out .of course he will ride CL..has now turned into a 50/50 by the looks of it
Don't think it's anywhere near 50/50, EC1. Would you really want to be be laying Evs about McCoy riding CL on the back of something Cattermole has said?? :lol:

Don't see anything too much to read into McCoy travelling to Kelso either. To all practical intents, McCoy is stable No1 for Jonjo, and it's perfectly logical that he would ride the yard's best horse in the big race of the day.

As for AP now being dismissive of allegiances built-up over the last dozen or so years? Maybe you're right, but he's never struck me as that type.
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I'm getting the vibes though Grass that this isn't as straightforward as was first put forth its a cert he rides CL.

Cattermole is just guessing like us..but the points are valid..why would AP bother riding Holywell at Kelso..surely the jock you want on H is the one you are going to put up at Cheltenham
If Ma Filleule's "decent bit of form" is managing to get humped by Balder Success in receipt of 7lbs, then she's assuredly not as much cop as you think she is.

She is any price you like for the GC for a reason - namely that she won't bleedin' run in it.

I said there was talk of her running not she was going to run and if you check back to that time she was bigger in price then than she is now. What you are missing is how much she can improve in a very short time and NJH left plenty to work on.....Or so I an told by the same person who told me about how well Sprinter has been doing....I wont say I yold you so read todays news. MA FILLIEULE will take the world of bearing in the RYANAIR fook the form book.

I was all for Hollywell but I just cant see where enough improvememt come fron. Every time I watch his efoort at Carlisle I cringe and cant see how Jonjo can pull back enough to finish in front of the winner who has improved twice since's? Cant have him at all unless he gets an easy lead ans slows it down...A sprint finish he might win but he clearly doesnt stay well enough...Many Clouds looks the best bet to me
Where are the vibes coming from though EC1?.....DO and Cattermole and that's about it! :lol:

As I've already said, it's perfectly logical that McCoy would ride Holywell at Kelso, given he is O'Neill's Number 1. Does everyone think AP has stopped caring, or slackened off just because he's announced his retirement? If so, you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years. He would have gone to Kelso because it stone-cold meant another winner. He isn't going to stand aside and let McLernon jock him off, is he, and Jonjo isn't going to tell him to do one either.

Besides, I think it's far from certain that McLernon will be offered the ride on Holywell if (and when) McCoy chooses CL anyway.
......what you are missing is how much she can improve in a very short time and NJH left plenty to work on.....Or so I an told by the same person who told me about how well Sprinter has been doing....I wont say I yold you so read todays news. MA FILLIEULE will take the world of bearing in the RYANAIR fook the form book.

I was all for Hollywell but I just cant see where enough improvememt come from.....

Ma Filleule has had more chase starts than Holywell, yet she is a certain improver and Holywell isn't?

My hole, pal. :cool:
Cattermole??? THe man knows less than zero about horses and cant even get them right when he as them written down in front of his face. A bumbling fool who must have pictures of the Cheltenham Exec sucking off Cliff Richard in order to keep that commentary job at HQ.

He rides CL...its his job to ride CL.
He rides CL...its his job to ride CL.

it was his job.....thats the point

he no longer has to ride CL to carry out his long term contract..and if he does ask JP would let him ride whatever he wanted under the circumstances

you are talking as though he is riding for another 5 years.
JP was willing to leave AP ride Holywell last year-I would strongly suspect he would be sporting enough to do the same this year.Carlingford has form in Grade 1 company against Grade 1 animals -McCoy will do the logical thing and ride him because he has the better form and out of respect for McManus.
I strongly suspect Cattermole is spoofing and anyone who quotes him to support a point should be be banned with immediate effect.
to be fair..the way its been discussed pages ago suggested that AP was 1/100 to ride CL with the opinions passed..then we see odds of 8/11

its like i've said before..people take a stance and never back down..we are guessing...all this ..of course he will ride CL hot air same as cattermoles spouted

yes he may well ride CL..but there is no way its the cert a few on this thread have hammered into anyone that suggested he might ride H
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we've talked more about what AP rides than the race..does that tell us something?
Probably that the bookies will slash the price of whatever he rides so anyone who is that certain should get stuck in now.
Also, most have already nailed their colours to the mast and incidences of people changing their mind on here are in single figures since Adam was a lad.
to be fair..the way its been discussed pages ago suggested that AP was 1/100 to ride CL with the opinions passed..then we see odds of 8/11

its like i've said before..people take a stance and never back down..we are guessing...all this ..of course he will ride CL hot air same as cattermoles spouted

yes he may well ride CL..but there is no way its the cert a few on this thread have hammered into anyone that suggested he might ride H


Anyone who says he will ignore his retainer with McManus, and jump off Carlingford Lough to ride a horse with no better form chance in the Gold Cup, is guessing.

Anyone who says he will ride Carlingford Lough for the man who has retained him as his jockey for the last dozen years, and made him a multi-millionaire in the process, is merely assessing the facts, and coming to an obvious conclusion.
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And why does Tanlic think the split-erse is running in this? I wish she was as i backed her at big odds at start of season, but they have been clear that she goes in the Ryan Air. BARRY will ride Bobs in this and bring hom the GC again. CLOSE THE THREAD.

Anyone who says he will ignore his retainer with McManus, and jump off Carlingford Lough to ride a horse with no better form chance in the Gold Cup, is guessing.

Anyone who says he will ride Carlingford Lough for the man who has retained him as his jockey for the last dozen years, and made him a multi-millionaire in the process, is merely assessing the facts, and coming to an obvious conclusion.

there are no obvious conclusions in this game though

obvious and 8/11 don't go hand in glove..obvious and 1/100 might
Also, most have already nailed their colours to the mast and incidences of people changing their mind on here are in single figures since Adam was a lad.

I haven't nailed my colours to any particular mast. I can see that several have decent chances depending on which interpretation you want to put on the various form lines.

The closest I've come to nailing anything to the mast is my belief that JP will give AP a free choice. That doesn't mean he'll ride Holywell, though.
And why does Tanlic think the split-erse is running in this? I wish she was as i backed her at big odds at start of season, but they have been clear that she goes in the Ryan Air. BARRY will ride Bobs in this and bring hom the GC again. CLOSE THE THREAD.

If BW is right back to his very best he will be extremely hard to beat.
JP was willing to leave AP ride Holywell last year-I would strongly suspect he would be sporting enough to do the same this year.Carlingford has form in Grade 1 company against Grade 1 animals -McCoy will do the logical thing and ride him because he has the better form and out of respect for McManus.
I think this is spot on & if the race was run tomorrow, AP would be on CL