
Contrary to what Gove has just said, sources within the hospital say Johnson is on a ventilator. Gove, though, is renowned for his, err, honesty!

Someone else has just told me that. If it's the case we should be told. And the people at Tuesdays briefing Raab etc were looking very uncomfortable.
We were told - over and over again - whether you believe it or not is down to one's particular political bent.
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Gatherings of 500 outdoors were prohibited in Ireland on the Tuesday of Cheltenham. Schools/Creches were closed in Ireland from the thursday. Given that I was at Cheltenham and some of my friends went to Liverpool/Athletico, sounds a bit of propoganda. There was national concern here over the fact that schools and creches were still open in the north after they were closed in ireland. Is it still the case that schools are opened for children of health/key workers in the UK? That was the policy at one stage.
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Can you post some verifiable sources on that contention, Ali? Thanks.

Italy locked down - 10th March (631 deaths, 1st death Feb 21st)
France locked down - 17th March (175 deaths, 1st death Feb 15th)
Spain locked down - 14th March (196 deaths, 1st death March 3rd)
Germany social distancing (not locked down) - 22nd March (94 deaths, 1st death March 9th)

UK started encouraging hygiene measures early March (0 deaths, 1st death March 5th), advised social distancing 16th March (55 deaths) and continued lockdown measures that week. People look at the lockdown of 23rd March as the date, but it began a week earlier, similar to the amazing Germany in that regard.

Info from here:
Gatherings of 500 outdoors were prohibited in Ireland on the Tuesday of Cheltenham. Schools/Creches were closed in Ireland from the thursday. Given that I was at Cheltenham and some of my friends went to Liverpool/Athletico, sounds a bit of propoganda. There was national concern here over the fact that schools and creches were still open in the north after they were closed in ireland. Is it still the case that schools are opened for children of health/key workers in the UK? That was the policy at one stage.

Yes it is.
Wasn't the 22nd March the day when the weather was really good and everyone went to the seaside/country parks etc etc though? [I am, however, losing track of how long we've been in lockdown...]

This report shows how everything has been catastrophic from day one,was reading it last night advice ignore the herd immuniy turnaround everyone was waring us,then whitty admiitting lack of testing incrdible incompotence that has caused 1000s of deaths,also we are still manipulating the figures reportedlu deaths could be upt o 80% bigger could be anything we just know its far bigger than are beng shown..Who wouldv'e thought the tories would underplay the deaths,then you see scotlands figures for example today an increase of 50% of tital deaths showin totals added in yet ours shows the obvious manipulation of 14%...wonder when the true figures will be allowed out when it is all over i suspect indeed..or will they ever be added in.As per sturgeon different class,doris lot hide the figures..
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Well it's bank hol weekend coming up, what's the odds we have loads don't take any notice of the lockdown? I reckon it's about 1.01 given the % of the country that are total dobbins.
Wasn't the 22nd March the day when the weather was really good and everyone went to the seaside/country parks etc etc though? [I am, however, losing track of how long we've been in lockdown...]

Most likely, we then did stricter measures on the 23rd.

Although people in Germany can still do the above now I believe.
Italy locked down - 10th March (631 deaths, 1st death Feb 21st)
France locked down - 17th March (175 deaths, 1st death Feb 15th)
Spain locked down - 14th March (196 deaths, 1st death March 3rd)
Germany social distancing (not locked down) - 22nd March (94 deaths, 1st death March 9th)

UK started encouraging hygiene measures early March (0 deaths, 1st death March 5th), advised social distancing 16th March (55 deaths) and continued lockdown measures that week. People look at the lockdown of 23rd March as the date, but it began a week earlier, similar to the amazing Germany in that regard.

Info from here:

Is this apples vs oranges nonsense backing up your statement that " we actually started hygiene advice, social distancing and lockdown measures earlier than any other European country that has been affected." Given you compare hygiene advice to lockdown dates, and choose to change the UK lockdown date (for no good reason) from March 23 to March 16.

Given that UK lockdown on Mar 23 there were 335 deaths, close to double Frances and 1.5 times Spains rate.

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It's all apples v oranges as every country has taken different measures.

No other country as far as I know did a staged lockdown like we did, over the week of 16th-23rd March, they went from normal life to lockdown. Germany still haven't entered lockdown. So yes, there is a good reason for it.

I've seen plenty of studies that suggests an improvement in basic hygiene has a bigger impact than several versions of partial lockdown.
Is this apples vs oranges nonsense backing up your statement that " we actually started hygiene advice, social distancing and lockdown measures earlier than any other European country that has been affected." Given you compare hygiene advice to lockdown dates, and choose to change the UK lockdown date (for no good reason) from March 23 to March 16.

Given that UK lockdown on Mar 23 there were 335 deaths, close to double Frances and 1.5 times Spains rate.


Lombardy locked dopwn 50,000 on the 21st february,we still had the elderly walking the streets on the 16th marh and going to cheltenham and football matches knowing what was happening,,whay could possibly go we see the consequences..
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We still have the elderly walking the streets, have you looked outside?

I can't recall many football matches after 16th March either, everyone kicks off about the Liverpool v Atletico one that was the week before, as was Cheltenham...
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It was obviously all a mistake by the previous week to most people bar football fans and racing fans who were i denial,now we are seeing why..
It was obviously all a mistake by the previous week to most people bar football fans and racing fans who were i denial,now we are seeing why..

You're mixing up weeks here.

16th March was when we started the social distancing and lockdown process. Major sporting events had stopped before then.
There was plenty of evidence around before cheltenham to have those events shutdown,we weren't locked down on the 16th it was the 23rd i remember at the time thinking it was utter madness cheltenham was going ahead as even the goers on here were not sure,it took us a month after lombardy on the 21st february and italy admitted thyey had a disaster as well and were warning us on numerous occasions.. Arrogance and we knew better took over..
Johnson wanted to announce his baby/engagement on the weekend of the 21st. By the time of the official lockdown we had already been enabling vulnerable people in our area to self isolate by arranging food deliveries etc. Thank goodness Johnson wouldn't allow Sadiq Khan to go to the first COBRA meeting because that's where the current spate of sick MP's seems to have originated from. Oh and Johnson is being treated by an Italian specialist; one of those furriners that his leave lot have been made to feel unwelcome for the past few years. Retired Windrush nurses are being persuaded to come out of retirement. And in America they're now calling on medically trained asylum seekers to help out. Glad I haven't got a cat; I can see them being attacked soon along with5G masts...We live in strange times...
On Wednesday 11th, Ireland asked people not to gather outdoors in populations of more than 500, and that every second cinema seat should be left empty? Was that part of the Irish lockdown or are you taking the established lockdown date as the Taoiseach's address on the 17th? I cant find a link in media where it states that the UK started its lockdown on the 16th. Can you?