
On Wednesday 11th, Ireland asked people not to gather outdoors in populations of more than 500, and that every second cinema seat should be left empty? Was that part of the Irish lockdown or are you taking the established lockdown date as the Taoiseach's address on the 17th? I cant find a link in media where it states that the UK started its lockdown on the 16th. Can you?

I've no idea about Ireland, sounds like they started social distancing and a lockdown process on the 11th. I won't just go on your word though, but they aren't really a comparable case.
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This thread provides a timeline of sorts too. Started on the 17th, then by the 18th I'm moaning about a lack of lager as the panic buying started.
Italy locked down - 10th March (631 deaths, 1st death Feb 21st)
France locked down - 17th March (175 deaths, 1st death Feb 15th)
Spain locked down - 14th March (196 deaths, 1st death March 3rd)
Germany social distancing (not locked down) - 22nd March (94 deaths, 1st death March 9th)

UK started encouraging hygiene measures early March (0 deaths, 1st death March 5th), advised social distancing 16th March (55 deaths) and continued lockdown measures that week. People look at the lockdown of 23rd March as the date, but it began a week earlier, similar to the amazing Germany in that regard.

Info from here:

You quote March 16th when you say the lockdown process began (55 deaths). This was your evidence that the UK acted quicker than all other European countries. This is not the commonly viewed UK "lockdown" date of March 23rd (335 death) used in the media. You compare the beginning of the "lockdown proces" dates for the UK with the end of the "lockdown process" dates for Spain, Italy and France.

Your claim is bogus.
You quote March 16th when you say the lockdown process began (55 deaths). This was your evidence that the UK acted quicker than all other European countries. This is not the commonly viewed UK "lockdown" date of March 23rd (335 death) used in the media. You compare the beginning of the "lockdown proces" dates for the UK with the end of the "lockdown process" dates for Spain, Italy and France.

Your claim is bogus.

Find me evidence that the other countries did a lockdown process like ours, please.
On Wednesday 11th, Ireland asked people not to gather outdoors in populations of more than 500, and that every second cinema seat should be left empty? Was that part of the Irish lockdown or are you taking the established lockdown date as the Taoiseach's address on the 17th?

Italy on March 8th, closed schools and banned sporting events. March 10th banned essential travel, permission needed for work travel etc. (A full lockdown??).

I guess why the question should be asked why the week's delay in the lockddown process, why a lockdown process? Especially given the experience the UK had from examining european countries.
Italy on March 8th, closed schools and banned sporting events. March 10th banned essential travel, permission needed for work travel etc. (A full lockdown??).

I guess why the question should be asked why the week's delay in the lockddown process, why a lockdown process? Especially given the experience the UK had from examining european countries.

10th March seems to be the date that Italy locked down as I previously said. I could change it to 8th although that would make no difference to my point.

I'm not sure as to the week long process, I think it was because people weren't listening. As I've said I think they took the measures on 23rd March a bit early, personally.
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Looks like lockdown to me. It's only not lockdown for passive aggressive internet warriors.

Well, we are just trying to define lockdown now, in the interests of clarity. I certainly wouldn't call it a lockdown if pubs, gyms, clubs and restaurants are open.
We were being advised by the government not to do those things though, in a very British sort of way, before the more Draconian measures had to be put in place.

So it's the difference between being advised and being told for my money.

Much as I dislike the Tories, I really can't call them out on the lockdown - they made what I perceive to be proportionate and timely decisions on it imo.
Well, we are just trying to define lockdown now, in the interests of clarity. I certainly wouldn't call it a lockdown if pubs, gyms, clubs and restaurants are open.

It wasn't a lockdown,the lockdown was the 23rd..and Italy advised us from numerous sources as well plus numerous science it was obvious before cnam thats why everyone was in uproar(bar racing forums).
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They politely asked people to not go to pubs even though they wouldn't close them down. At which the PM's father announced that if he wanted to go to the pub he would. So many mixed messages.
They politely asked people to not go to pubs even though they wouldn't close them down. At which the PM's father announced that if he wanted to go to the pub he would. So many mixed messages.

It wasn't a lockdown huge numbers it never applied to..
Ali, is your definition of the lockdown in the UK the day it was decreed that 'we are keeping the pubs and threatres open, but would really prefer if you didn't attend?' If that is so then you are probably in the ball park.

For the record, the PM visited a plague ward on March 3rd and stated that all was under control and he was continuing to shake hands with all andf sundry. When I watched his press conference on the Tuesday of Cheltenham, in my hotel in Bristol, when he was flanked by Dr Chitty etc, I decided to go home. Thatw as the day Ireland closed the schools and creches etc. In my opinion with hindsight, far too late, but at least it was unambiguous.
Ali, is your definition of the lockdown in the UK the day it was decreed that 'we are keeping the pubs and threatres open, but would really prefer if you didn't attend?' If that is so then you are probably in the ball park.

For the record, the PM visited a plague ward on March 3rd and stated that all was under control and he was continuing to shake hands with all andf sundry. When I watched his press conference on the Tuesday of Cheltenham, in my hotel in Bristol, when he was flanked by Dr Chitty etc, I decided to go home. Thatw as the day Ireland closed the schools and creches etc. In my opinion with hindsight, far too late, but at least it was unambiguous.

What was the mood like at Cheltenham compared to other years? I saw Johnny Ward tweet the Monday night was like a ghost town. How big s decision was it to leave? I believe you were not alone.
What was the mood like at Cheltenham compared to other years? I saw Johnny Ward tweet the Monday night was like a ghost town. How big s decision was it to leave? I believe you were not alone.

Ghost town it certainly wasn't Slimbo, but there was a noticable tension/lethargy when compared to previous years. I left Dublin, slightly anxious on Monday early, but at that point neither government was recommending 'no travel.' That day and the day after things began to move quickly and on Tuesday, by the time I got to the racecourse, I wished I hadn't travelled, given the escalation in Ireland. The supplemental discourse that those who had travelled were unpatriotic traitors, didn't help my inner calmness either.

I was mentally uncomfortable at the course, stands were jammers, social distancing nil, and then watched the PM Pressie and decided to bolt. I care for aged parents and preschool grandchildren and took the safest option as I saw it. My honestly held view was that if the Irish authorities saw the PM press conference, the sheer ambiguity and confusions, that they might immediately close all traffic to GB and I might be marooned.
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I've been reading that apparently the EU scheme to produce ventilators hasn't produced fk all yet and won't for some time.