
I've been reading that apparently the EU scheme to produce ventilators hasn't produced fk all yet and won't for some time.

The EUs most senior scientist resigned yesterday due to their failures.

Honestly though, we're the ones getting it all wrong and are way out of kilter with everyone else.
Honestly though, we're the ones getting it all wrong and are way out of kilter with everyone else.

Where is the evidence for that? The graphs wheeled out on a daily basis indicate that the epidemic is progressing in a strikingly similar manner throughout the UK, EU and USA

I think a fair summary is that all these nations have got it equally wrong despite nuanced differences in control measures and medical adequacy. Who knows what the 'right' measures would be: authoritarian clampdowns akin to China perhaps, though data coming out of there must be taken with a hefty pinch of salt

I'm the last one to refrain from giving the current government a good virtual kicking when they deserve it; but if choosing to do so now the same treatment is due governments hither and yon too
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Where is the evidence for that? The graphs wheeled out on a daily basis indicate that the epidemic is progressing in a strikingly similar manner throughout the UK, EU and USA

I think a fair summary is that all these nations have got it equally wrong despite nuanced differences in control measures and medical adequacy. Who knows what the 'right' measures would be: authoritarian clampdowns akin to China perhaps, though data coming out of there must be taken with a hefty pinch of salt

I'm the last one to refrain from giving the current government a good virtual kicking when they deserve it; but if choosing to do so now the same treatment is due governments hither and yon too

Sarcasm is hard to portray online sometimes!

I agree with your post. It's impossible to tell what's right and wrong until we can look back at this with the benefit of hindsight, at the minute everything is pretty much identical across all major Western countries.
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Current IHME modelling. The UK figure is devastating in comparison to the rest of Europe.

3 days until projected peak in daily deaths
60,415 COVID -19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Ireland -
3 days since projected peak in daily deaths
401 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

UK -
8 days until projected peak in daily deaths
66,314 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Italy -
13 days since projected peak in daily deaths
20,300 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Germany -
10 days until projected peak in daily deaths
8,802 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

France -
4 days since projected peak in daily deaths
15,058 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Spain -
8 days since projected peak in daily death
19,209 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Sweden -
18 days until projected peak in daily deaths
4,182 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020
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Huge numbers the current measures don't apply to still.

Wrong again nearly all schools and colleges were open and there were plenty still at work all these appliee to my kids and partner,it was noting like a wasn't even an attempt.
As i said the 16th was not a lockdown all schools were open,probably bar a few private ones what a surprise! and lots were in work that aren't now..
Schools are still open.

How many are going to school compared to the week of the 16th,the % is minimal there were millions that week plus all teachers,assistants etc and other numerous workers connected,no comparison and there are no colleges open at all or lockdown nothing like one,no comparison.
I can't begin to imagine how many people will die because the lockdown didn't happen until 23rd. There are pictures of seaside resorts, Matlock Bath etc being absolutely packed out on 22nd. It will be interesting to see how many people will be dying 3/4 weeks from that weekend. I'll never understand why the lockdown wasn't imposed on 20th. It wasn't as if the government couldn't see what was happening in other countries.
How many are going to school compared to the week of the 16th,the % is minimal there were millions that week plus all teachers,assistants etc and other numerous workers connected,no comparison and there are no colleges open at all or lockdown nothing like one,no comparison.

Do you know what impact closing schools has on the spread of the virus?
Quite astonishing that a government with the easiest 5 year mandate of all time could so blow it so spectacularly.
And Ireland, after turfing out the government and waiting for a new one to form, are, to date, seemingly happy to have a Doctor as Taoiseach.
Do you know what impact closing schools has on the spread of the virus?

Do you obfuscate on every single thing,now the amounts of students etc do't count yet and your imaginery lockdown it's something else

over 12 million pupils were in school
over a million teachers were working plus other staff connected with schools...
Do you obfuscate on every single thing,now the amounts of students etc do't count yet and your imaginery lockdown it's something else

over 12 million pupils were in school
over a million teachers were working plus other staff connected with schools...

No, I just don't come to conclusions when I can't possibly know the answer.

I guess you don't know the answer either then, which is the correct way to go about things. I wouldn't be so keen to jump to conclusions about the timings of the Government's actions without knowing the right answers to the right questions, though.
  1. They were going to die anyway.
  2. The public refused to listen to the clear government messaging.
  3. Lockdown was on the 16th not the 23rd
  4. CHINA

We were'nt going for herd immnuity,although they will never get that back as the reason was they were so shocked the plebs wouldn't except it did a turnaround,we were heading for 200,000 deaths then just per chance managed to avoid it with the biggest turaround in history..
You can argue for ever on whether the government has handled this well or badly. We will only know after the inevitable inquiry once the pandemic is over. But surely what is beyond dispute (except, perhaps, by Ali!) is how badly prepared the government and country was to deal with it. Years of the NHS being underfunded, criminal levels of staff shortages (including 43,000 nursing shortages), and a social care sector which the country should be ashamed of. And we hear that the "trial run" for a pandemic in 2016 was an absolute shambles and disaster. Yet nothing seems to have been learnt or done! Neglect on a criminal scale.

And who have we got to get us out of this? A second-rate music hall act who has got where he is by buffoonery, lies, and incompetence. Arguably, the worst Foreign Secretary in living memory. And he`s purged his party of all serious politicians who disagree with him, leaving some of the most over-promoted people I can remember, including a Home Secretary who, it seems, is not allowed out in public on her own. And she holds one of the top jobs!! With the exception of Sunak, at least so far, not one of them inspires any degree of confidence. We need serious politicians, not slogans!! We`re doomed, I tell ya!!!
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When people say that many people would have died anyway are they choosing to ignore the numbers of frontline workers [nurses, doctors, bus drivers etc] that have died since the outbreak. I very much doubt that they would have died anyway. Interestingly Porton Down have tested 800 people and the results should be through in a few days [a bit like a pandemic mori pole]. Hopefully will find out how many people have had the virus but without showing symptoms etc.
You can argue for ever on whether the government has handled this well or badly. We will only know after the inevitable inquiry once the pandemic is over. But surely what is beyond dispute (except, perhaps, by Ali!) is how badly prepared the government and country was to deal with it. Years of the NHS being underfunded, criminal levels of staff shortages (including 43,000 nursing shortages), and a social care sector which the country should be ashamed of. And we hear that the "trial run" for a pandemic in 2016 was an absolute shambles and disaster. Yet nothing seems to have been learnt or done! Neglect on a criminal scale.

And who have we got to get us out of this? A second-rate music hall act who has got where he is by buffoonery, lies, and incompetence. Arguably, the worst Foreign Secretary in living memory. And he`s purged his party of all serious politicians who disagree with him, leaving some of the most over-promoted people I can remember, including a Home Secretary who, it seems, is not allowed out in public on her own. And she holds one of the top jobs!! With the exception of Sunak, at least so far, not one of them inspires any degree of confidence. We need serious politicians, not slogans!! We`re doomed, I tell ya!!!

So which countries, especially western ones, were well prepared for a pandemic?

Do you honestly think worzel, bomber and the inept tw&ts like abbott that he surrounded himself with would have planned for or handled this better? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Would you like to buy London bridge off me??
For all his and his party’s failings I’d still vote Boris over those cnts every single time and will continue to do so.

In the end there’s only so much money you can throw at the black hole of cost that is the NHS if we’re not to just become a nuclear armed healthcare system.

Bottom line is people want a grade A health system for grade D money and someone else should somehow be the ones paying for it, and the particularly numb cnts then think it should be then free to use by anyone pitching up from elsewhere that have paid nothing towards it.
And even after this I doubt that will change any great deal seen as a significant % in this country take out more than they ever pay in.

Re the stats from different countries, unless each country collects & collates them in the same way etc etc and aren’t basically lying such as china, then comparisons are fairly meaningless.
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So which countries, especially western ones, were well prepared for a pandemic?

Do you honestly think worzel, bomber and the inept tw&ts like abbott that he surrounded himself with would have planned for or handled this better? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Would you like to buy London bridge off me??
For all his and his party’s failings I’d still vote Boris over those cnts every single time and will continue to do so.

In the end there’s only so much money you can throw at black hole of cost that is the NHS if we’re not to just become a nuclear armed healthcare system.

Bottom line is people want a grade A health system for grade D money and someone else should somehow be the ones paying for it, and the particularly numb cnts then think it should be then free to use by anyone pitching up from elsewhere that have paid nothing towards it.
And even after this I doubt that will change any great deal seen as a significant % in this country take out more than they ever pay in.

Re the stats from different countries, unless each country collects & collates them in the same way etc etc and aren’t basically lying such as china, then comparisons are fairly meaningless.
So that`s alright, then:D....carry on Boris:D
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So that`s alright, then:D....carry on Boris:D

For those riven by foaming ideological hatred of anyone/thing remotely right wing and see the morning star/momentum type standpoint as the middle ground, Boris could be going around hospitals laying on hands providing miracle cures and they'd still be on here going "tory vermin cnts blah blah blah why didn't he start sooner"
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I hope and pray that the UK stat is completely overexaggerated. I fear it may not be.

I'm keeping an eye to see when they update the model.

The Irish numbers are very encouraging. I think Leo will announce a further two week lockdown with a suspended sentence of another two week in the pipeline. How the countries ahead us deal with the easing social distance will dictate from there.