
For me nobody really knows all the numbers and it will be a long time if ever before we know for sure. Rather than rely on Joe Soap on twitter or some rag of a paper I try and do my own reading and research. I am finding the information about vitamin D very compelling especially with the racial breakdown of UK deaths. Also while on the site this morning I thought I would add up the total deaths so far this year (April 3rd) and compare it to the last 5years average over the same period.

Y20 - ----------------------- 166444 total deaths
Average last 5 years-------- 164173 total deaths

difference --- 2271

total covid-19 deaths in hospital at 3rd April ---4313 This figure does not include care homes.

You could conclude that the covid figure is artificially high even before the care homes are taken into consideration.
Chris whitty has said 90+ nursing homes were infected in last 24 hours,i put the graph up france had 4600 cases from nursing homes upto yeterday and we're a 1000 deaths behind,we had non recorded the main care provider who runs 2/3 of the homes has said they are infected..There must be deaths in all of them,they are not tested not treated and dying in agony,there's no disputing this how anyone could say the figures could be too high,i havn't heard one person putting forward that crazy arguement even people in the tory party..The ONS figures are on a two week time lag as well we should be seeing huge numbers and going up,simple fact is deaths are not getting recorded as virus doesn't matter how you try and spin it,no tests are being done,a national disgrace.
A tory baroness, yes a tory says they are being left like lambs to the slaughter,no testing,patients sent back from hospial with obvious virus disgusting and staff no ppe there's no disputing it,it's a fact.I have no doubt things will be dragged out by this government and we know why,thats a 1.01 shot,it will be months before the government goive out the real figures of that we can be sure.
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Around 300,000 people die annually in the UK, around half of them, as would be expected, aged over 80, so the Covid deaths are, as yet, statistically fairly insignificant

And, while the refusal to add Care Home deaths to the daily tally is very questionable, it is perhaps worth pointing out that the annual Winter Flu sees off masses of the elderly or infirm living in care homes; the stark difference being that care home workers have access to the flu jab so will be less likely to either catch it at work or bring it into work
For me nobody really knows all the numbers and it will be a long time if ever before we know for sure. Rather than rely on Joe Soap on twitter or some rag of a paper I try and do my own reading and research. I am finding the information about vitamin D very compelling especially with the racial breakdown of UK deaths. Also while on the site this morning I thought I would add up the total deaths so far this year (April 3rd) and compare it to the last 5years average over the same period.

Y20 - ----------------------- 166444 total deaths
Average last 5 years-------- 164173 total deaths

difference --- 2271

total covid-19 deaths in hospital at 3rd April ---4313 This figure does not include care homes.

You could conclude that the covid figure is artificially high even before the care homes are taken into consideration.

This methodology makes sense, but not in the short term. This is because what the statistics record are the number of death certificates issued on a given date, not the number of deaths on that date. There is a typical time lag of around five days, and sometimes longer, before ONS receives the certificates.

Analysis of the Irish website, where notices of almost all deaths in the country are placed, shows deaths so far this year in Ireland are around 500 more than expected. Official data indicate 365 virus deaths.

These anomalies can occur for innocent and valid reasons, we’ll just have to wait longer for the true situation to emerge.
The general point is that its very difficult to put a number on the people who where in hospital or nursing homes who were sadly dying anyway and caught the virus while there..Don't forget you don't even show symptoms for up to 14 days but you will still test positive.. I know the ONS are on a 2 week delay if you would take the time to read the post that would be clear with the date of the 3rd April .. The patients getting sent back to care homes from hospital is a disaster but where else do we send them.. Probably the best thing is to have converted building or hotels for such patients but bearing in mind their complex medical needs (dementia etc) this will be extremely difficult.. Its all very sad and depressing but listening to shitsters like you really does **** me off..
At the end of the day, no matter how people interpret the figures regarding how many people have died from the virus the fact is that those who die die horribly, die with no loved ones with them, don't even have a proper funeral and often leave behind bereaved partners who are having to self isolate at home without the comfort of friends or relatives. I think I read that the number of homeless people dying in New York has gone up eight fold which is a pretty good indication of what this virus is doing [I need to double check that figure, however...].
The general point is that its very difficult to put a number on the people who where in hospital or nursing homes who were sadly dying anyway and caught the virus while there..Don't forget you don't even show symptoms for up to 14 days but you will still test positive.. I know the ONS are on a 2 week delay if you would take the time to read the post that would be clear with the date of the 3rd April .. The patients getting sent back to care homes from hospital is a disaster but where else do we send them.. Probably the best thing is to have converted building or hotels for such patients but bearing in mind their complex medical needs (dementia etc) this will be extremely difficult.. Its all very sad and depressing but listening to shitsters like you really does **** me off..

I can say the same for the exact same reasons,you are trying to stop people from presenting figures being hidden you've started already people that were ''dying anyway that old rightwing take again'' do you not think i see through the way you present thingd are so transparent..Your other take where do we send them,we don't we test them as priority people like you **** me off because its always a rightwig take to take incopmpotency away from government all the time..Always ******* excuses to not intervene or it's no ines fault its just inevitable what a load of fcking ****.
At the end of the day, no matter how people interpret the figures regarding how many people have died from the virus the fact is that those who die die horribly, die with no loved ones with them, don't even have a proper funeral and often leave behind bereaved partners who are having to self isolate at home without the comfort of friends or relatives. I think I read that the number of homeless people dying in New York has gone up eight fold which is a pretty good indication of what this virus is doing [I need to double check that figure, however...].

The government don't give a **** if they did,they would give the staff ppe and test these people,every single thing they have done has been an abortion bar monetary stuff,the point is the old are collateral damage,they know they fcuked up and there's no way back now the old are sacrificed and obviously it's too late..We don't even have the right ppe,won't admit the old send them back what could possibly go wrong,then people defend this,it's insanity,strange how some on here use these wierd obviously transparent subterfuge takes attitude,can'y imagine what they would be like like if it was happening to their relatives..My dads just been admitted for pancreatitus yesteray,suffering trauma as well,while my mum sits at home with terminal liung cancer,lets hope he doesn't contract this virus and take it home to my mum and they can both be counted as statistics,makes me ******* sick.
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You mean rightwing takes you prefer,don't question,except,they aredoing the best they could,mistakes will be seen at a later date,things were inevitable blah blah blah,thank fcuk everyone doesn't think like that we would just accept everything,hateful tirades eh i would call them anger against lies and deceit and appeasing for people like you..
Must be a slow day on the canary and momentum pages elsewhere.

Let see, yep the usual
Tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts, tory cnts….

I’m a bit disappointed you don’t just round it off with saying that glorious socialist revolution and/or reapplying for foreign rule by the eu will solve all.

Yes there’s been failings in the gov approach,as with every governments, not just any vaguely right leaning ones, especially as they don't have a crystal ball and people swallowed the nonsense, i.e. lies, chhiii--nnaaah told the WHO earlier in the year. I see Sweden are still not doing lock down plus Italy and Spain are on about easing there’s where as France is extending for another month. Who's right? Fk knows.

Worzel and bomber couldn’t come up with a coherent brexit policy in over 3 years yet you seem to think they’d have acted with more decisiveness and foresight than the current lot, obviously cos in all instances left good , right bad end of story, sigh…
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I find the ignore facility on here excellent for removing those type of posts. I sometimes think if he were a racehorse, he’d have serious ulcer issues!
It could be argued that the UK has more highly densely populated areas than Ireland, making the spread of the virus 'easier.' No one knows how many people have had the virus and recovered. No one knows how many have been infected but not become ill.
Cheltenham being mentioned again...Ireland didn't ban it's horses and people travelling.

It will take a very long time for the coulda/shoulda/woulda true statistics to come out after this is deemed to be actually over, and there will always be people who will argue coulda/shoulda/woulda and the number of deaths would not have been as many as there will be, but I would think it would be impossible to actually give a finite explanation of why what happened, happened. In the light of the vast majority of people trying to do their best by themselves and their loved ones, and everyone else, people should , I believe, be a little forgiving. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but this is a dynamic situation and it will be argued be everyone could have been wiser after the event.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but the fact is we saw what was happening in Italy and Spain and did nothing.
We're weren't the only ones. Like I said coulda /woulda/shoulda but they are already talking about 'sending' people back to work in manufacturing when they have only one day of deaths numbering under 500.
Factually incorrect, but I think you know that.

Sorry; why is it incorrect. Did we not see what was happening in other countries? Or do you mean we didn't do 'nothing' we did 'something'; however that 'something' was nowhere near enough. I'm actually getting sick and tired of people defending this government. Do you not think we should have done more. More testing, more tracing. Are you happy with what is happening now and how the government have handled it? NHS staff without the correct clothing; people dying in care homes?
Factually incorrect, but I think you know that.

Sorry; why is it incorrect. Did we not see what was happening in other countries? Or do you mean we didn't do 'nothing' we did 'something'; however that 'something' was nowhere near enough. I'm actually getting sick and tired of people defending this government. Do you not think we should have done more. More testing, more tracing. Are you happy with what is happening now and how the government have handled it? NHS staff without the correct clothing; people dying in care homes?