
I'm glad you mentioned that because it had crossed my mind. I know someone told me many years ago that Asian people were very prone to diabetes and of course people of African origin can have sickle cell anaemia, which would put them in the high risk category. Also the coloured lady that used to be on gogglebox has lost several family members to the virus. It's difficult to raise the question without sounding racist in some way [which I most definitely am not]. I just wish that more data was being collated. Perhaps it is and we aren't being told.

Have seen nothing about ethnicity related to deaths bar underlying health conditions,if you look at Iran they have fewer deaths there than us, asia the deaths are lower as well i those countries it's all about lack of PPE regardless..
The 13 year old boy who died was of Indian/Pakistani heritage

As I understand matters, the pandemic has only really got going recently in those countries so it will be interesting (not really an appropriate word I know) to see if it proves to be more deadly there
The 13 year old boy who died was of Indian/Pakistani heritage

As I understand matters, the pandemic has only really got going recently in those countries so it will be interesting (not really an appropriate word I know) to see if it proves to be more deadly there

You would expect figures there to be far worse than anywhere as virtually no medical help,Palestnians have 60 ventliators their figures should be 100x worse off the scale and african countries,so won't be able to read anything into their figures at all indian could be 100s millions..
I'm sure the right would love to have another take on ethnicities being more vulnerable over here and thus less of them even though they hold the health service tigether.
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I agree about lack of PPE. There is also the theory of viral overloading regarding front line NHS workers; something that hasn't been proven but is worrying many of them. A phlebotomist friend of mine has only just received proper PPE but still isn't given enough time between patients to totally disinfect the area. I really worry about supermarket staff. And it was interesting what Dr Campbell said about air circulation in shops etc.
I agree about lack of PPE. There is also the theory of viral overloading regarding front line NHS workers; something that hasn't been proven but is worrying many of them. A phlebotomist friend of mine has only just received proper PPE but still isn't given enough time between patients to totally disinfect the area. I really worry about supermarket staff. And it was interesting what Dr Campbell said about air circulation in shops etc.

Supermarket staff look in a dire situation,someone should be looking into the numbers there daily my partners brither is a manager with tescos,he's on the floor cnostantly moving stock and getting loads of abuse up close from customers,doing 12 hour shifts i think it will be a miracle of he doesn't get it,young wife and two young girls..Supermarkets should let people dribble in apparently Aldi are letting in 5 at a time and seems to be working out perfect,bar that the russian system of rationing would seem the safest option of all trolleys already loaded with basics..That would stop the hoardong b'stards
The 13 year old boy who died was of Indian/Pakistani heritage

As I understand matters, the pandemic has only really got going recently in those countries so it will be interesting (not really an appropriate word I know) to see if it proves to be more deadly there

I really fear for those countries. Not only are they seriously overpopulated in places, but much of their health care and sanitation is woefully short. I just pray that heat might be a contributory factor in slowing the pace.
The number could, of course, simply reflect the numbers and importance of such individuals in the NHS.
The number could, of course, simply reflect the numbers and importance of such individuals in the NHS.

Just a pity that it takes something like this to make some people appreciate the contribution made to this country by 'furriners'...[along with key workers etc]

The fcuking morons in Dudley on sunday,am not a bit surprised though and where i live queues round the block at tescos ruining it for NHS staff and now over 10 deats i shrewsbury hospital,havn't heard a peep but this and i'm 5 mins away in the car..only 104 reported cases taking total deaths in shropshire to at least 24 at least thats 25% of all cases..
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Have seen nothing about ethnicity related to deaths bar underlying health conditions,if you look at Iran they have fewer deaths there than us, asia the deaths are lower as well i those countries it's all about lack of PPE regardless..

I wouldn't be putting money on Iran's figures to be accurate. Lots more if John Campbell's (very) early desperate reports are to be believed from there. They were the first to go through this badly after China.

China's figures are fantasy! Videos and reports coming out of China (Wuhan) before they all stopped mentioned 50 (fifty) mobile incinerators working 24 hours a day...doing something?
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Some of the comments on my local facebook page are frightening; people are so misinformed. A country park in Leicester is open for visitors tomorrow [it isn't within walking distance for most people]. I dread to think how people will behave on Sunday when the weathers good...I'm just about keeping a lid on it but peoples stupidity is really getting to me....especially when I see how hard our local police force is working and what they're having to deal with.
This is what annoys and worries me is the fact you cant visit relatives or close friends but my brother has to go to work with over 30 'strangers' making non essential sheds.firms like this should be forced to close.
These things are subjective but personally I don't see the bbc in line with Corbyn's momentum brownshirt dobbins but very much establishment centre left.

They have a pro eu slant and 70% of tory voters and members are very much not that which feeds into their anti bbc sentiment. The majority of Tory MPs were very much at odds with their voters and members on that subject but that has since changed.

Anyway re Corona it looks like Sweden is taking different approach to others

The right wing talking point approach loved by those who defended Boris Johnson initial herd immunity tactic is crumbling. Guess you can only kill so many before science eventually gets you.

Suppose he must be commended for abandoning it before the Dutch and the Swedes, but certainly makes those who supported the plan like the good Tories they are hanging out in the wind.
The right wing talking point approach loved by those who defended Boris Johnson initial herd immunity tactic is crumbling. Guess you can only kill so many before science eventually gets you.

Suppose he must be commended for abandoning it before the Dutch and the Swedes, but certainly makes those who supported the plan like the good Tories they are hanging out in the wind.

Personally I never had view on what the best approach is other than basically stocking up & going into lockdown weeks ago while I watch the chaos ensue.
But again could you have seen worzel & bomber mcdonnell being more decisive given that after 3 years they couldn't even come up with a coherent brexit position??? Lol useless old cnts

Of course as this develops everyone has 20:20 hindsight, especially those on the left seen they basically don't count for sh&t at the moment.

Oh yeah almost forgot...CCHHII-NNAAHH!
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Anyone who seems to know with certainty whether the Government's position is right or wrong is a ******* idiot, at this stage.

I view it like receiving medical advice from a doctor/surgeon. You a free to go down an unconventional route if you wish, but you need to be very certain if want go against medical advice and do this, especially when a life is at stake. That they were willing to do this with perhaps hundreds of thousands of peoples lives suggests that it was coming from an ideological position, rather than one of protection of the population.

Claiming that no one knows what's the best route to take is a weasel excuse when worldwide medical advice was crystal clear on what was unfortunately needed to slow down the virus from spreading.

Like the person who claims after the aromatherapy didn't cure a loved one's cancer throwing their hands in the air saying 'no one was sure of what what the best course of action was'.
What I don't understand is why the government were happy to go with the herd immunity approach which was unproven but are reluctant to advise people that loss of smell can be an early indication of the virus, especially when someone is asymptomatic but infectious. Because they haven't got hard evidence to back it up. Then again there are a lot of things I don't understand at the moment.
Lineker & Rooney coming to defence of footballers, immediately followed by Kyle Walker breaking lockdown rules after being found out for hosting a party involving sex workers.

But it’s okay. He made a swift apology.
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Yes. You were careful not to give one. But happy to suggest that there were other viable approaches in keeping with the herd immunity strategy out there.

I haven't suggested fk all, the closest I got was pointing out what Sweden are doing, with no personal position attached, in reply to the likes you foaming at the mouth re what this government are doing.

From what I've read here and there people have changed their minds a bit re approach to this from January to now e.g. that editor of Lancet and WHO. None of them fill me any great confidence that they know what the fk is going on or what to do about it.
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