
This virus is AIRBORNE and it can last in the air for up to 3 hours. It can travel 60 feet, not 6 foot..China blowing "stuff" in the air from trucks. Our social distancing isn't enough....thats why Euro countries are literally locking people China did
Listen and follow the people that will save your life!
@LinseyMarr would be a good start! Over here John Campbell on Youtube daily is far more accurate than our "government " updates
Useful to know, thanks H. Might well explain the concentration in London, too?
I'm guessing here, but I'm surmising the 2 metres is how far it's propelled by a cough or a sneeze.
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This virus is AIRBORNE and it can last in the air for up to 3 hours. It can travel 60 feet, not 6 foot..China blowing "stuff" in the air from trucks. Our social distancing isn't enough....thats why Euro countries are literally locking people China did

No one has claimed that the 6ft rule will prevent infection; it will just reduce transmission, and although those in Europe in China might have been 'locked in' they have not been told, as far as I'm aware, to keep their windows closed or not sit in their gardens/yards/balconies. As the vast majority of folk dwell within 60ft of their neighbours, being in lockdown at home might somewhat further reduce the risk of transmission but perhaps not significantly enough to warrant risking the other physical and mental health problems likely to be caused by periods of lengthy incarceration

'Fresh' air is chocker with potential pathogens - fungi, bacteria, viruses, dust; and the majority of these are dealt with symptomless by the immune system; the most obvious response to them being the production of snot and phlegm

So, unless one is prepared to sit in a sealed room wearing a gas mask for the foreseeable future, the 6ft rule seems to be an adequate procedure and furthermore one that is easy to obey

Try and pass folk upwind of them :)
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Yes, condolences Simmo

A friend of mine died the other day, from cancer. He'd had his latest round of radiotherapy postponed due to the demands of coronavirus on the NHS. This was probably no more than a tragic coincidence as he was a goner sooner than later anyway; but it does nevertheless bring home the fact that those with existing serious illnesses are likely to suffer as treatment veers away from them to those with coronavirus
Sorry to here about all these simmo and drone condolensces,although there will be a lot that couldv'e been avoided hopefully justice will be done at some point,:ninja: just hope myself,mum or son don't get it..all compromised..

And for future reference

Average time between infection and death from COVID-19 is 23 days. The 563 people who died today were most likely infected on the day Patrick Vallance said this...

Chief Scientific Adviser: contradicts WHO to say no need to avoid pubs or churches, (unless you've got coronavirus of course). But we may advise the elderly to do this later
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No one has claimed that the 6ft rule will prevent infection; it will just reduce transmission, and although those in Europe in China might have been 'locked in' they have not been told, as far as I'm aware, to keep their windows closed or not sit in their gardens/yards/balconies. As the vast majority of folk dwell within 60ft of their neighbours, being in lockdown at home might somewhat further reduce the risk of transmission but perhaps not significantly enough to warrant risking the other physical and mental health problems likely to be caused by periods of lengthy incarceration

'Fresh' air is chocker with potential pathogens - fungi, bacteria, viruses, dust; and the majority of these are dealt with symptomless by the immune system; the most obvious response to them being the production of snot and phlegm

So, unless one is prepared to sit in a sealed room wearing a gas mask for the foreseeable future, the 6ft rule seems to be an adequate procedure and furthermore one that is easy to obey

Try and pass folk upwind of them :)

The point is, WHO and most western societies were advising people to keep 2m apart and not to wear masks. Today, according to reports, WHO are looking at this with a view to changing it. Nothing about sitting in a sealed room, just different advice learned from new data from USA and Hong Kong in a constantly adapting situation. Austria have changed guidance overnight. This virus can linger for 3 hours in the air and travel a lot further than previously thought. Im sure all will come out soon enough!
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Doing my walk round the local park last night...4 youfs sitting on bench not even 20cm apart, one with a bike, one with a dog, clearly not from same family.... they were there for a good hour, as they then went to leave one of them put a facemask on...……….. as leaving the park, there is an outdoor gym with signs everywhere saying not to be used...again 3 teenagers sitting on top of each other...….but it won't be them who will be affected will it?
Sorry to here about all these simmo and drone condolensces,although there will be a lot that couldv'e been avoided hopefully justice will be done at some point,:ninja: just hope myself,mum or son don't get it..all compromised..

And for future reference

Average time between infection and death from COVID-19 is 23 days. The 563 people who died today were most likely infected on the day Patrick Vallance said this...

Chief Scientific Adviser: contradicts WHO to say no need to avoid pubs or churches, (unless you've got coronavirus of course). But we may advise the elderly to do this later

I go onto Dr John Campbells utube blog each day. He's been doing this blog since January. He doesn't hold back from how serious the situation is but is incredibly informative and, in many ways, reassuring, empowering. Finding him a bit of a lifeline at the moment. He really can't understand why we're not testing testing testing....
Mrs O has ordered me into quarantine.

I had a temperature earlier today and that was enough to set her alarm bells hammering.

I'm pretty sure what I have is no more than a chill from underestimating how cold the breezes were yesterday but there's no point in taking any chances. I don't have any sore throat, I haven't coughed once and I've sneezed twice all day, which would be pretty normal for me. All I have is the temperature and an unpleasant feeling in the middle third of my torso, which I get every couple of years and it lasts a couple of days. My temperature peaked at 37.7 earlier but is coming down again, 37.3.

Fortunately, the house can accommodate such an emergency situation.

I've brought just about everything I need into quarantine with me.
Look after yourself Dessie.

Given the awful figures coming out of Spain I contacted sunybay earlier, he's doing OK.
I go onto Dr John Campbells utube blog each day. He's been doing this blog since January. He doesn't hold back from how serious the situation is but is incredibly informative and, in many ways, reassuring, empowering. Finding him a bit of a lifeline at the moment. He really can't understand why we're not testing testing testing....

John Campbell has been on this since day 1. He's literally the person that should be doing the 5pm Downing St brief rather than the daily Punch & Judy puppet show we have now.
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I found it interesting that he said not to take paracetamol because the fever is there to kill the virus; something that I had thought about myself, but it was good that he confirmed it.
Just watched John Campbell's 'Reducing Fever Good or Bad' videos. Excellent stuff and the best 'introduction to immunology for dummies' I've seen

The old adage regarding fever of 'sweat it out' would appear correct
That's interesting advice on not taking paracetamol, is it on the NHS or WHO websites?[/You'd have to watch the blog really, as I wouldn't want to say something that was out of context. However Dr Campbell is the only person I'm prepared to listen to at this moment in time. He did work in A&E for a long time and refers back to medical reports constantly so they can always be checked out.
That's interesting advice on not taking paracetamol, is it on the NHS or WHO websites?[/You'd have to watch the blog really, as I wouldn't want to say something that was out of context. However Dr Campbell is the only person I'm prepared to listen to at this moment in time. He did work in A&E for a long time and refers back to medical reports constantly so they can always be checked out.

In his earlier daily updates, Jan/Feb he was getting terrible info from Iran and other countries via many of his contacts working in the front line healthcare. Everything he said was happening over there and warned against is now here. He called it a pandemic way before the WHO. Tragic.
I go onto Dr John Campbells utube blog each day. He's been doing this blog since January. He doesn't hold back from how serious the situation is but is incredibly informative and, in many ways, reassuring, empowering. Finding him a bit of a lifeline at the moment. He really can't understand why we're not testing testing testing....

Another 684 deaths today in the UK today over 4,000 cases,as mentioned previously the window was4- 5 weeks ago was missed it's blayantly obvious they are treating deaths as collateral damage now,this no rushing for testing or NHS staff no PPE and testing was offered to the government three weks ago as well refused not need,letters being sent out from various authorities actually asking people to except DNR can you believe this sh1t..They have sh1t their pants,realized the mess they have caused and have now accepted the deaths as inevitable thus no urgency,who could possibly know these lot would be so useless?
I hope families take them to the cleaners,already four doctirs deaths and two nurses and on QT which i never watched the nurse said when talking to Hancock they are not even including their deaths,on top of this the figures are manipulated god knows what the real figures are..we refused ventilators from the EU,through some crazy brexit mentality and help from Germany.I just can't believe what i'm seeing johnson and Trump have caused through ingnorance and ideology the biggest tragedy in 70 years.
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Just read that Ben Aitkens wife is on the mend; I must admit to have forgotten how seriously ill she has been with the virus, so that's good to hear.
In his earlier daily updates, Jan/Feb he was getting terrible info from Iran and other countries via many of his contacts working in the front line healthcare. Everything he said was happening over there and warned against is now here. He called it a pandemic way before the WHO. Tragic.

The people he was in touch with were taking risks by informing him of what was happening so it's annoying [to put it mildly] that their warning were not heeded. I do think the WHO should have officially declared it a pandemic before it technically was one because all the signs were there that that was where we were heading. I think one problem was that, many people [me included] didn't want to think about the possibility of a pandemic because it was to frightening; I only watched the BBC4 programme 'Contagion' recently; it's been repeated many times but, even though I watch BBC4 all the time I always switched off when it was on. And, of course, Cheltenham should have been cancelled but it just goes to show how difficult it is to make a rational decision when you're emotionally involved so, even though I didn't go this year I was still pleased [at the time] that it did.
An observation not a comment.
i may be wrong but the majority, if not all, of the NHS staff that have died in the frontline against the virus seem to have names that would suggest that their family origins are not Anglo-Saxon. Is that just coincidence?
I'm glad you mentioned that because it had crossed my mind. I know someone told me many years ago that Asian people were very prone to diabetes and of course people of African origin can have sickle cell anaemia, which would put them in the high risk category. Also the coloured lady that used to be on gogglebox has lost several family members to the virus. It's difficult to raise the question without sounding racist in some way [which I most definitely am not]. I just wish that more data was being collated. Perhaps it is and we aren't being told.