Deal Or No Deal

She was in a position where she won at least £75k whichever way she went. She was offered 5/2 to £50k for an Even Money chance. She did right in my book.
Anyone who wouldn't have gambled there should never ever have another bet as long as they live.
Spot on Diver. Value is value - the stakes might have been uncomfortably high, but that just makes it even more of an unmissable opportunity.
Just installed the USA game version, and its ok to pass the time or for when your've had a few... Like i have tonight

Heres some screenies.....

Well today's show bordered on bad taste I felt. Whilst appreciating any contestant goes into this with their eyes open, for NE to labour the point she had made a major incorrect decision with the poor woman in tears seemed indecent. If you didnt see it with eight boxes left and the £250,000 in play the contestant lost her nerve and dealt at £15,000. Two blues and a small red later the offer became £30,000 and she was treated unsympathetically I felt. Ultimately with two boxes left, the £1 and the £250,000 the offer would have been £65,000.

Opened her box and she had the £250,000 on the table. I suspect NE loved it.
I caught the last half of this and of course it was in bad taste, DG - that's what sells these TV progs!

As you point out, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. It's like anything - people basically want something for doing nothing and feal 'cheated' if it they then cock it up themselves and lose out.

Can't say I felt one whit sorry for her, silly tart. If you choose to appear on a TV prog like this, you need to be aware that you lose any control over what happens and what is edited for public consumption.
I didn't have the slightest bit of sympathy for her. She must've watched the show countless times, she knew the risks and she should've been a bit more grateful of 15k. Even if she'd held out a bit longer I doubt she would've had the bottle to go all the way and win 250k.
Probably the worst "deal" in the history of the game. Took £21,000, last two boxes where £100,000 and £250,000. was ofered £170,000.

she had the £250,000 as well :what:
I think the banker was 'cheating' when he claimed he would have offered £170,000 when the two boxes were £100k and £250k. I've followed his actual offers very carefully and he always goes for about about one third of the difference, offering the gambler 2/1 for an even money chance. One or two have taken the chance recently and won, just as two out of three should. I think his offer would have been no more than £150k. His pretend offer made the contestant feel that bit worse along the way, of course. The banker was risking SFA and could afford to look generous.
As a student of the show, DIVER, why don't you take a pop at it? It'd be great to have a member of TH actually showing off their prowess for playing the odds... Brian? Or are you rich enough already? ;)
I thought the woman was pathetic, she accepted £21K then turned on the tears when with hindsight, she could have won more, she even tried to blame her boyfriend for her accepting the £21K.
Originally posted by krizon@Dec 12 2006, 07:37 PM
As a student of the show, DIVER, why don't you take a pop at it? It'd be great to have a member of TH actually showing off their prowess for playing the odds... Brian? Or are you rich enough already? ;)
Nah..... I'd nominate Shadow Leader as the forumite most likely to provide the best entertainment and chin Noel Edmonds if he started pushing his luck
I've noticed an ageist thing going on a lot of the time. Brian would go out in the semi because the other two would tactically vote him off for fear of facing him in the final. It happens all the time.
I've thought about it but I would look such a stupid prat as soon as a pop question came in my direction (unless it was 60's pop of course). I assume the 'rich enough' was aimed at his lordsHip.
You are absolutely right Lee. I've also got Alt..... what was I saying? I switch over from DOND to WL most days ( when the racing has finished these winter evenings). Please tell me it's winter and not someone closing the curtains in here.
Always watch the repeat on More4, can`t wait for Joey`s game, Total fox.

EDIT: Just watched the last ten minutes of Donna`s game on Youtube. Awesome.
Excellent game today, the perfect player - she said she was there for the experience and the money was just a bonus.

All red with 5 left - 44k offer. Way too low with the 250 still in play.

10 and 250 left at the end. 107K - deal. A no-brainer, but she had the 250. Third time recently.
I saw that. She had a great attitude when NE asks if she as going to go away thinking of the 250 she turned round and said she was thinking of what she was going to spend the money on. Much more deserving than the one that blamed her boyfriend.
Four shows over Christmas and Boxing day, all with 500K as the top box.

I predict that Wrighty and the delectable Joey will both be up.
Today confirmed my earlier comment about the banker's offers. Today was a live game to the end and the two boxes were £10 and £10k and the offer was £3000 as per his normal. I am e-mailing them about it right now.
When the salesman took the 10K yesterday the dealer said he`d have offered any other player double that. Complete bollocks - 100K and five blues does not equal an offer like that.

About today`s game, i liked Karen but the dealer was correct in stuffing her, Karen`s boyfriend was an oaf and i`d have knocked money off every deal if i`d been the banker.
"£250 or £100k real game and the wanker offers £25k. The player chickens out on a 3/1 bet on an even money shot. £100k in his box. Sickening.
Yeah, i`d have dealt at £20K when 5 boxes were left knowing that unless the 35 and 100 were left at the end the banker was gonna rape me.

For me that sort of decision is the worst case scenario, i`d sooner have no luck at all and squeeze out 9K like Joey did.