Departures 2009

Only got to know Party Politics had passed away while updating my video library nice of RUK to show his national win in full as a tribute. I always followed the gentle giant throughout his carear loved him to bits, hes the only horse that would have made those old style national fences look like they do today. The Peter Crouch of the equine world but much more talented thats how I will remember him. RIP old boy.
Damn - don't tell me the 'Search' facility is another section hived off on a pay-per-view service? I thought I'd look the horse up on there, and all it does is bounce and up and down. Doesn't tell me I have to pay - just goes boing-boing.
The name of Jim Bolger's horse is l'impresario - with the right spelling the search function works well ;-)
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Thanks, KK - yes, much better with the correct spelling! If I've used the incorrect spelling before, it's pertly announced "No Match Found", so I wasn't expecting the Zebedee-like sproinging about. Yup, 'died as a 3 y.o.' - after winning his debut in heavy ground, too, bless him. How very sad to get your horse out at 3, win first time out, then lose him to whatever.
What - the RP has already got COVER DRIVE listed as dead in today's racing? That's got to be an all-time record in speed!
Yes, I didn't see the fall but walked past the tv just as they were going past him & he was rearing up, looked like one of his forelegs/fetlock but could be wrong
Such a good horse for Elite - came last in May, I see, so wonder if he picked up a prob then, as was eased? Great shame, as he earned them a nice packet, and they tend to get very fond of their old-timers.
Sad news. I was in the Club when he won at Royal Ascot and at RA when it was run at York. I remember him hanging on that day from a horse of L. Cumani's. He was a great lad alway's sticking his neck out and trying his best.
He was at Greatwood and they did report that the surgery was no success, however I was not aware that it was that bad. Sad to hear. Always a shame when old favs arent able to enjoy a decent retirement.
PURE MAGIC confirmed dead. Any news on the aftermath of STATELY HOME's injury in the G3 at Leopardstown, please? Heard he was PU and reports are from 'injured' to 'badly injured'.