Departures 2010

Ardross, I've learned elsewhere from one of our august forumites that your dear favourite, KENNEL HILL, is dead. Don't know how/why - he was PU at Chelt of course and perhaps it's something connected to him losing his action then.
Ardross, I've learned elsewhere from one of our august forumites that your dear favourite, KENNEL HILL, is dead. Don't know how/why - he was PU at Chelt of course and perhaps it's something connected to him losing his action then.

He was reported to have suffered a minor fracture there but I was told it was treatable and not life-threatening so I'm disappointed to hear that.
What rotten luck for the Goldsworthy yard, first Hold Em, now Kennel Hill. I really liked the latter, despite his bad reputation.
I'm told by the forum member that it was noted in yesterday's piece in the RP following up on a win for the Goldsworthy yard.

Good news is that NEVSKY BRIDGE survived her horrible semi-rotational at the last hurdle, when challenging well, at Hexham yesterday. She's fine. (The RP online stat is just 'fell heavily' which leaves everything open to interpretation.)
That's good news, but poor old Graham Lee misses his ride on Kalahari King at Punchestown today because of that fall. Luckily will be back soon.

If many of the close-up reporters are now working via television or internet rather than from the course, there will probably be a lot more of such incomplete reports.
Good news is that NEVSKY BRIDGE survived her horrible semi-rotational at the last hurdle, when challenging well, at Hexham yesterday. She's fine. (The RP online stat is just 'fell heavily' which leaves everything open to interpretation.)

The RP analysis states:

Nevsky Bridge took a crashing fall in the last when holding place prospects and, although she got safely to her feet, this is unlikely to have done much for her confidence. She has always needed kid-glove treatment.
The RP analysis ONLINE, O Great Pedant. As stated very clearly above. That's overridden later in the print version, where they've managed to bother to follow up on the bare bones of their computerised report. If I'd bought the paper, which I can't afford to do, I wouldn't have been so stupid as to have put up an inaccurate quote, Gareth.
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What? I was simply adding the subscriber-only info available on the RP site to your info. Get off your high horse.
Your post made it sound as if I should know better - no, I don't subscribe because I can't afford it. No, I don't take the paper for the same reason. Good on you for having the money to take out the sub, but you could've just added your comment without sounding so sarcastic. 'The RP analysis states' - yes, the RP analysis did state. It stated it ONLINE, as I said. You could've added 'via subscriber-only info' but you chose not to.
Surely it's a difference not between two versions of analysis but between the Racing Post's In-Running Comments and Analysis, which are compiled by different people. I was at Cheltenham last week where Steve Taylor and Walter Buick were presumably on PA duty, re-running the races on the Press Room VCR and analysing the head on replays for anything missed by the standard racetech camera, then phoning whichever colleague(s) was on duty with that information. This was done immediately after each race and if Kennel Hill (for example) had been put down at the track, then that information wouldn't have been available by the time the IRC was compiled, so while it is undeniably an issue that fatalities are not reported as they should be, blaming the Formbook compilers is unfair.
I'm not blaming anyone, Rory - this time! It seems that the horse was destroyed some time post-race. But as Shadow Leader and I have both agreed before, the RP online analysis is shite at reporting injuries and deaths. 'Lame' or 'fell heavily' don't often tell the story - it's about as far as they've seen, and I'm sure Shadz said that these guys aren't even compiling their reports from on-course now, due to budgetary cuts. If you have to buy a sub or the paper in order to find out if their online 'information' is correct, it's pretty poor reportage. How can you believe any of the analysis if a follow-up says something different?
Your post made it sound as if I should know better - no, I don't subscribe because I can't afford it. No, I don't take the paper for the same reason. Good on you for having the money to take out the sub, but you could've just added your comment without sounding so sarcastic. 'The RP analysis states' - yes, the RP analysis did state. It stated it ONLINE, as I said. You could've added 'via subscriber-only info' but you chose not to.

Why the fuck are you reading an ulterior motive into my post?
I'm not blaming anyone, Rory - this time! It seems that the horse was destroyed some time post-race. But as Shadow Leader and I have both agreed before, the RP online analysis is shite at reporting injuries and deaths. 'Lame' or 'fell heavily' don't often tell the story - it's about as far as they've seen, and I'm sure Shadz said that these guys aren't even compiling their reports from on-course now, due to budgetary cuts. If you have to buy a sub or the paper in order to find out if their online 'information' is correct, it's pretty poor reportage. How can you believe any of the analysis if a follow-up says something different?
I was only using Kennel Hill as an example as he was the only horse injured on the Friday, Kri. My point is that the IRC reportage does exactly what it's meant to do - provide in running comments quickly and efficiently for the purpose of form analysis. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT their role to make comments about the wellbeing of the runners and riders for a wider audience. That responsibility exists without doubt, but it is someone else's job and you're barking up the wrong tree by criticising the compilers of the official form book.
RHYL ACCORD, very nice 8 y.o. from Willie Mullins's yard, in the 4.55 hurdle won by the adorable RIGOUR BACK BOB. Seems to have broken his near-hind - didn't actually fall.

Rory - I'm giving up on this one, if that's all right with you. I'm not talking about 'in running' comments. I'm talking about something that calls itself an A-N-A-L-Y-S-I-S, which, if my understanding of the word is correct, is a brief summation of something that has occurred. It's like the minutes of a meeting (of which I've taken a fair few in my time), where you sum up what's been said and, while you leave out the waffle, you do make sure the salient points are covered. Call me strange, but if my horse'd been killed in action, I'd have thought that would be included in an analysis of what had occurred. Not left as just a heavy fall or a PU. That's me done with the issue.
Damn shame about Rhyl Accord. So far at Punchestown this week some of the falls taken have been horrendous to see and I'm amazed that he is the first fatality there judging by what we have seen. Fingers double crossed it stays that way.
Think there may have been one or two others today as well...nasty fall at the 2nd last in that race and a few others pulled up early
I'd been thinking how well Punchestown was going, considering the size of the fields and the fair old speed most of them set. I realise that it's not likely we can get away without fallers, but Ireland's always seemed to me to have a pretty low fatality rate - the majority seemed to come in Bumpers, particularly, I think, because by the end of the day, most courses' going is like potholes and traps. I hope no-one's been lost, as we've already had a couple that I know of - RHYL ACCORD (hindleg) and BALLALINE at Southwell.
121 to post, so a big turn-out. I suppose, without wanting to sound callous or flippant, if you then multiply that number by the number of obstacles actually jumped, it's not the worst possible toll, regrettable as any fatality is. Not that I'd sound that sanguine if one of mine were in that number.
He looked to be going well, too, at the time of the incident. Bonny-looking horse.

After my brief mud-wrestle with Gareth, I wonder if I dare may ask that those who subscribe to the RP would give those of us who don't the benefit of its updates on the fallers, please? :)
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He looked to be going well, too, at the time of the incident. Bonny-looking horse.

After my brief mud-wrestle with Gareth, I wonder if I dare may ask that those who subscribe to the RP would give those of us who don't the benefit of its updates on the fallers, please? :)

Can't find anything additional on Openide, Krizon ("pulled up quickly, injured" but you already know that). All horses and jockeys in the novice chase were reported to be ok, but as we heard later, Barry Geraghty is out for at least a week.