Diary Of A Racehorse Owner

You've every right to be pleased Chris..As you said, 3 furlongs out it looked very promising indeed..The mile could suit just..a race to be won for sure..
when your horse is tipped up by only one of the newspaper tipsters and to your horror you see it's the Independent , then you know you're in trouble .......

i'm still going to drive 4 hours to see him though.
Chris's Stargazy couldn't quite get to hot Fav Charlotte Grey in the race just gone at Wolves -
Much improved run tho, he's showing a better attitude, hope he can continue to show that...
massive gamble, so hope some of you were on e/w Chris! :brows:
Cheers Heads and Jack;

Got a nice few quid on at 20s, 16s, 14s, 12s, 10s and then decided to sit back and watch him run, won enough off him to cover his price tag and we can look forward to him winning shortly unless the handicapper decides to punish us for running a good race having plummeted us so quickly.

At least there is light at the end of the tunnel, the clues were there last time and I hope some of you have a few quid on.
Well done, Simon with Will He Wish (great price) and Chris, Stargazy did you proud. :clap: I didn't get a bet on either as I have been away for a few days!

Well done.
Yes, with two foals (God willing) due in February, I have had to cut back this year! Anyone want to buy Bay Hawk before his run at Folkestone on Tuesday? :D
Good Luck Ian, Fingers Crossed.

Stargazy goes out to defy a 6lb penalty at Kempton on Friday Night with Matthew Davies aboard once more.

Should be another £1300 in the bag, before he steps up in class. :)
Great news Chris, I hope he can run up a nice little sequence for you. I would have come along to support you but I am in Wales this weekend. Fingers crossed and I will do my best to remember to back him. :shy:
Well done Ian, big run there despite hanging right handed, you must be pleased with that, The first and 3rd had solid form.