Suggesting National Service for 18 year olds shortly after the opposing team has suggested voting for 16-17 year olds is today's daily gaff, and probably the best one so far
'Who do you think you are kidding Mr Sunak'
However, while the idea of re-introducing National Service in its original form of Military Conscription seems particularly retrograde I do believe there would be something in the idea of a part-time Civil Conscription. Mandatory much-needed largely menial work for the common good:
Work refurbishing our ageing housing stock
Work in the care sector maintaining our ageing population stock
Fruit and vegetable harvesting
Fixing the potholes
Digging new sewers
Maintaining amenities - parks, woodlands, sports grounds...
Rather more productive than a bunch of unwilling 18 year-olds being forced to square-bash, dash around the countryside carrying heavy back packs and a machine gun, and competing in the shiniest big black boot competition
France introduced a sort-of civil conscription in 2021, though it does seem to still be a bit regimented, reveille, spit 'n' polish, you 'orrible little man